

单词 lonely
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕The first line of the poem is ‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’. What comes after that? 这首诗的第一句是“独自漫游似浮云”,后面是什么?朗文写作活用〔ALONE〕Our neighbor George is a very lonely man. 我们的邻居乔治是个非常孤独的人。朗文写作活用〔ALONE〕Tammy felt very lonely when she first arrived in New York. 塔米初到纽约时感到非常寂寞。朗文写作活用〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕Ben's parents’ divorce left him lonely and insecure. 本的父母离婚了,让他孤独、没有自信。朗文写作活用〔DESCRIBE〕In this new biography she is depicted as a lonely and unhappy woman. 在这本新的传记里,她被描写为一位孤独的、不快乐的女子。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕He was lonely and looking for companionship. 他很孤独,在寻找友谊。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Robberies were common on the lonely roads, so people usually travelled in groups. 偏僻的道路上抢劫事件很多,所以人们一般都结伴出行。朗文写作活用〔LIFE〕Elena faced a lonely existence in the big city. 埃琳娜在大城市里生活很寂寞。朗文写作活用〔MORE〕As the years passed, Celia became increasingly lonely and withdrawn. 随着时间的推移,西莉亚变得越来越孤单和离群索居。朗文写作活用〔PLACE〕I was lonely and broke with no place to go. 我孤单一人而且不名一文,没有地方可去。朗文写作活用〔SAD〕The photograph of her sitting on her own made her look lonely and downcast. 她一个人单独坐着的那张照片显得她很孤独和落寞。朗文写作活用〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕She was glamorous and sophisticated, but seemed a little lonely. 她光彩照人,优雅成熟,但是看上去有点孤独。朗文写作活用〔URL〕The URL for the Lonely Planet travel centre is http://www.lonelyplanet.com.“孤独星球旅游中心”的网址是 http://www.lonelyplanet.com。柯林斯高阶〔ache for sth〕He was lonely and aching for love.孤独的他渴盼着爱的甘露。剑桥高阶〔adrift〕Da Silva plays a bright, lonely student from New York, adrift in small-town Arizona.达席尔瓦饰演的角色是一个才华横溢的学生,离开纽约孤身漂泊在偏僻的亚利桑那州。剑桥高阶〔ad〕She replied to a lonely hearts ad.她回应了一则征友广告。柯林斯高阶〔ad〕She replied to a lonely hearts ad.她答复了一条征友广告。外研社新世纪〔ahead〕He couldn't bear to think of the lonely year ahead.今后一年要一个人孤零零地度过,他一想到这个就受不了。剑桥高阶〔alone〕Sam was very lonely when he first moved to New York.萨姆刚搬到纽约时非常寂寞。牛津高阶〔alone〕She was an outsider, alone and lonely.她是个孤单寂寞的局外人。外研社新世纪〔alone〕The few people on the streets were alone and seemed lonely.街上那几个人孤零零的,显得冷清寂寞。英汉大词典〔charm〕He figured out that you're lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm.他看出你和大多数寡妇一样很寂寞,所以就拿出他的魅力来了。柯林斯高阶〔charm〕He figured out that you're lonely, like most widows, and he turned on the charm.他看出你和大部分寡妇一样感觉孤单, 于是就对你施展魅力。外研社新世纪〔child〕I was an only child and very lonely growing up.独生子麦克米伦高阶〔child〕It was a little lonely being an only child.独生子女有点儿孤单。牛津搭配〔condemn〕They were condemned to spend a fortnight of idleness at that lonely island.他们被迫在那个荒岛上闲了两个星期。英汉大词典〔conquest〕Despite his conquests, he remains lonely and isolated.尽管他俘获过很多女人的芳心,却依然孤单寂寞。柯林斯高阶〔conquest〕Despite his conquests, he remains lonely and isolated.尽管他曾多次俘获异性欢心, 但是仍旧落了个寂寞孤独。外研社新世纪〔cripple〕I'm not perfect but I'm also not emotionally crippled or lonely.我并不完美,但我也没有什么心结,也不孤独。柯林斯高阶〔deprecatingly〕He speaks deprecatingly of his father as a lonely man.他不以为然地说到他父亲是一个孤独的人。外研社新世纪〔deprecatingly〕He speaks deprecatingly of his father as a lonely man.他语带机锋,说父亲是一个孤独的人。柯林斯高阶〔depressed〕She felt lonely and depressed .她感到孤独和沮丧。朗文当代〔depressed〕The rainy weather had her feeling lonely and depressed.阴雨天气使她感到寂寞和沮丧。韦氏高阶〔descend〕The robbers descended on the lonely house.强盗袭击那间孤零零的房子。英汉大词典〔desolate〕To make lonely, forlorn, or wretched.使孤独,使凄凉,使忧郁美国传统〔desperately〕I was desperately lonely.我非常孤独。麦克米伦高阶〔die〕One day, you're going to die a lonely and bitter old man.有一天,你会变成一个老头,孤独痛苦地离开人世。韦氏高阶〔dreadfully〕He was dreadfully lonely.他非常孤独。韦氏高阶〔effort〕I don't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people.我现在不觉得孤独了, 因为我尝试着去与人交往。外研社新世纪〔effort〕I don't get lonely now because I make the effort to see people.我现在不觉得孤独了,因为我尝试着与人交往。柯林斯高阶〔enthuse〕I would enthuse them to befriend these lonely neglected people.我将使他们乐于与这些孤独而被忽视的人们交朋友。英汉大词典〔far〕He felt lonely and far from home.他觉得自己孤独寂寞,远离家乡。剑桥高阶〔fated〕He was fated to live a lonely life.他注定要过孤单的生活。文馨英汉〔feel for sb〕I know what it's like to be lonely, so I do feel for her.我知道孤独是什么感觉,所以我真的很同情她。剑桥高阶〔feel〕I feel a bit lonely.我感觉有点孤单。外研社新世纪〔figure〕Today she cuts a lonely figure.今天她看起来十分孤独。柯林斯高阶〔figure〕Today she cuts a lonely figure.她今天看起来有些孤单。外研社新世纪〔forlorn〕Appearing sad or lonely because deserted or abandoned.孤独凄凉的:由于被遗弃或抛弃而呈伤心或孤独状的美国传统〔grim〕The house was lonely and rather grim.房子孤零零的,而且很简陋。麦克米伦高阶〔grouchy〕Your grandmother has nothing to stop her from being bored, grouchy and lonely.你奶奶既无聊又孤独,总是没完没了地发牢骚。柯林斯高阶〔grouchy〕Your grandmother has nothing to stop her from being bored, grouchy, and lonely.你奶奶非常无聊和孤独, 总是没完没了地发牢骚。外研社新世纪〔hopeless〕I began to feel lonely and hopeless.我开始感到寂寞绝望。朗文当代〔hopeless〕She felt lonely and completely hopeless.她觉得孤寂、绝望。牛津搭配〔hopeless〕She felt lonely and hopeless.她感到孤独绝望。牛津高阶〔hurt〕I am lonely and I am hurting.我孤独而痛苦。外研社新世纪〔hurt〕I am lonely and I am hurting.我很孤单,很难过。柯林斯高阶〔independence〕I didn't appreciate my new-found independence, but instead felt lonely.对于新获得的独立我没觉得享受,反而感觉孤独。牛津搭配〔infernally〕I hate this infernally lonely place.我讨厌这个极度孤寂的地方。文馨英汉〔insecure〕She felt lonely and insecure away from her family.远离家人使她觉得孤独,没有安全感。朗文当代〔interlude〕He'd had two romantic interludes in a rather lonely life.他颇为孤独的一生中有过两段短暂的恋爱。牛津搭配〔introverted〕Machen was a lonely, introverted child.梅琴是一个孤单、内向的孩子。外研社新世纪〔introverted〕Machen was a lonely, introverted child.梅琴是个孤僻内向的孩子。柯林斯高阶〔keep from〕He kept her from being lonely.他使她不再孤独。外研社新世纪〔keep〕He kept her from being lonely.他不让她感到孤独。柯林斯高阶〔know〕You know what? I think he's lonely.你知道吗,我觉得他很孤单。朗文当代〔let〕He trudged home feeling lonely and let down.他步履艰难地往家走,感到孤独而沮丧。牛津高阶〔like〕She knows what it's like to be lonely. = She knows what it feels like to be lonely.她知道孤独的滋味。韦氏高阶〔live on〕He lives on a lonely island.他住在一座孤岛上。21世纪英汉〔lonely hearts〕He placed a lonely hearts ad in a magazine.他在一份杂志上刊登了征友广告。牛津高阶〔lonely〕Don't you get lonely being on your own all day? 你整天独自一人不感到寂寞吗?朗文当代〔lonely〕He led a lonely life with few friends.他生活孤独,朋友很少。朗文当代〔lonely〕He looks for the lonely, the lost, the unloved.他找的是孤独的人、失落的人和缺少爱的人。外研社新世纪〔lonely〕He looks for the lonely, the lost, the unloved.他找的是孤独的人、失落的人和缺少爱的人。柯林斯高阶〔lonely〕He was/felt lonely without his wife and children.妻子和孩子不在身边,他感到寂寞。韦氏高阶〔lonely〕I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights.在那一个个漫长、孤单的夜晚,我极需找点事做。柯林斯高阶〔lonely〕I was lonely while my friends were away.朋友走了, 我感到孤寂。牛津同义词〔lonely〕It gets pretty lonely here in winter.这里的冬天很孤寂。牛津搭配〔lonely〕It was lonely living out in the country.在外地乡间生活让人感到孤独。韦氏高阶〔lonely〕It was a lonely time.那是一段孤独的时光。外研社新世纪〔lonely〕She feels a bit lonely.她感到有点孤单。外研社新世纪〔lonely〕She gets lonely now that all the kids have left home.现在孩子们都离开了家,她感到有些孤独。剑桥高阶〔lonely〕She had a lonely childhood.她的童年很孤独。韦氏高阶〔lonely〕She lives alone and often feels lonely.她孑然一身,常感到寂寞。牛津高阶〔lonely〕She must feel desperately lonely with all her family in Scotland.她的家人全都在苏格兰,她一定感到十分孤独。麦克米伦高阶〔lonely〕She spent too many lonely nights at home.她在家中度过了很多个孤寂的夜晚。韦氏高阶〔lonely〕She was a lonely child with few friends.她是个孤独的孩子,没有几个朋友。韦氏高阶〔lonely〕She was desperately lonely at school.她在学校里极其孤独。牛津搭配〔lonely〕The car broke down on a lonely stretch of country road.汽车在一段人迹罕至的乡间小路上抛锚。麦克米伦高阶〔lonely〕The downstairs bathroom is utterly bare except for one lonely hand towel.楼下的浴室里除了一条孤零零的毛巾外空无一物。外研社新世纪〔lone〕Without companionship; isolated or lonely.孤立的:没有伙伴的;孤立的或孤单的美国传统〔lost〕I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone.在陌生的城镇里只身一人,我感到不知所措、孤单寂寞。柯林斯高阶〔lost〕I feel lost and lonely in a strange town alone.独自待在一个陌生的小镇, 我感到茫然无措, 很是孤单。外研社新世纪〔lost〕She looked rather lost and lonely, standing in a corner by herself.她独自站在角落里,看上去茫然而孤独。牛津搭配〔love〕He was just a lonely man looking for love.他只是一个在寻找爱情的孤独男人。韦氏高阶〔meditation〕In his lonely meditations Antony had been forced to the conclusion that there had been rumours.独自静心想来, 安东尼断定曾有流言蜚语。外研社新世纪〔meditation〕In his lonely meditations Antony had been forced to the conclusion that there had been rumours.独自静心想来,安东尼断定曾有流言蜚语。柯林斯高阶〔midweek〕It's a lonely place in midweek.在一周的中段, 这个地方很冷清。外研社新世纪〔miserable〕He felt lonely and miserable after his divorce.他离婚后感到孤独和痛苦。韦氏高阶〔neglected〕The fact that she is not coming today makes her grandmother feel lonely and neglected.她今天不来,这让她奶奶感到孤独,觉得受了冷落。柯林斯高阶〔night〕He spent another lonely night in front of the television.他又孤独地在电视机前度过了一个晚上。牛津搭配〔own〕It's a lonely life for him, living there all on his own.他单独一个人住,过着寂寞的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔patience〕The lonely old lady often plays patience.那孤独的老妇人常玩单人纸牌戏。英汉大词典〔pitch〕The lonely golf ace made a pitch for telly girl Jane Lewis yesterday.这位寂寞空虚的王牌高尔夫球手昨天企图引诱电视女郎简•刘易斯。外研社新世纪〔plenty〕You can be married and still be plenty lonely.结了婚也可能非常孤寂。牛津高阶〔predestined〕He wished that he could be like other children instead of pursuing his lonely predestined path.他希望他能够像其他孩子一样,而不是走一条早已注定的孤独之路。柯林斯高阶〔predestined〕He wished that he could be like other children instead of pursuing his lonely predestined path.他希望自己能像其他孩子一样, 而不是走命定的孤独之路。外研社新世纪〔push on〕Although the journey was a long and lonely one, Tumalo pushed on.虽然旅途漫长孤独,图马罗还是继续前行。柯林斯高阶〔recur〕Thoughts of home and family recurred to the lonely traveller.对家和亲人的思念重新浮上孤寂旅人的心头。英汉大词典〔relegate〕Anyone who offended against the King used to be relegated to a distant lonely island.从前,凡触犯国王者往往被流放到遥远的孤岛。英汉大词典〔remote〕We felt very remote and lonely living out in the country.在乡下生活我们感到非常孤独寂寞。麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕The sick and lonely are most at risk.患病又无人陪护的人风险最大。外研社新世纪〔road〕They have travelled / traveled the long, lonely road of exclusion.他们走过了漫长孤寂的受人排挤之路。牛津搭配〔search〕Miserable, and unexpectedly lonely, she went in search of Jean-Paul.内心痛苦、突感寂寞的她去寻找琼-保罗。柯林斯高阶〔see〕I could see she was lonely.我看得出她很孤独。外研社新世纪〔sentinel〕The tree stood by itself, a lonely sentinel in the darkness.这棵树孤零零屹立,像黑暗中一个孤单的哨兵。英汉大词典〔sharply〕A solitary viola plucks a lonely, soft F sharp.一把中提琴独自奏出了一个寂寞柔和的升F 调。柯林斯高阶〔silent〕The large house was silent and lonely.这幢大房子寂静而荒凉。朗文当代〔solitary〕Having no companions; lonesome or lonely.寂寞的:没有陪伴的;单独的或孤寂的美国传统〔solitary〕They often have a lonely and solitary life to lead.他们常常过一种独居的孤独生活。柯林斯高阶〔solitude〕A lonely or secluded place.偏僻处,隐居处美国传统〔sorry〕Tina was sorry for her. She seemed so lonely.蒂娜为她感到难过,她看起来是那么孤独。朗文当代〔stardom〕He set out on the lonely road to stardom early in life.他很早就踏上了孤独的明星之路。牛津搭配〔start〕I was terribly lonely at the start.开始时我非常孤单。外研社新世纪〔start〕I was terribly lonely at the start.我开始时觉得非常孤独。英汉大词典〔such〕He was said to have written such books as The Day of Locusts and Miss Lonely Hearts.据说他曾经写过《蝗虫之日》和《寂寞芳心小姐》之类的小说。柯林斯高阶〔take sb under your wing〕I was a little bit lonely at the time and she took me under her wing.那时我有点孤独和厌倦,她给了我很多关照。剑桥高阶〔thing〕He came by on Saturday to see if she was lonely. One thing led to another and he stayed the night.他星期六过来看看她是不是感到孤独。自然而然地,他就留下来过夜了。柯林斯高阶〔thing〕He came by to see if she was lonely. One thing led to another and he stayed the night.他过来看看她是不是感到孤独。顺其自然地, 他就留下来过夜了。外研社新世纪〔trek〕It was a lonely trek back to my flat.回公寓的那段路又漫长又孤独。麦克米伦高阶〔unloved〕He was a lonely, unloved child.他是个孤独的、无人疼爱的孩子。外研社新世纪〔unwanted〕She felt lonely and unwanted.她感到孤独, 而且觉得自己很多余。外研社新世纪〔vigil〕For three nights he maintained his lonely vigil.他孤零零地连续看守了 3 个晚上。牛津搭配〔wake〕The lonely child woke our pity.那个孤苦伶仃的孩子唤起了我们的同情。英汉大词典〔when〕You can't complain about being lonely when you don't make any effort to meet people.你自己不主动去认识别人,又怎么能抱怨孤独呢?剑桥高阶〔who〕Who on earth would live in such a lonely place? 谁愿意住在这么偏僻的地方?朗文当代〔without〕Won't you be lonely without her? 没有她你不会寂寞吗?朗文当代〔would〕I would imagine she's quite lonely living on her own.我猜想她一个人过肯定很孤独。柯林斯高阶〔wretch〕He was a lonely, miserable wretch.他是一个孤独的可怜虫。朗文当代〔young〕He seemed to me very young and very lonely.我觉得他似乎非常年轻, 非常孤独。外研社新世纪〔young〕He seemed to me very young and very lonely.我觉得他似乎非常年轻,非常孤独。柯林斯高阶After five years of imprisonment in appalling conditions he still had no idea when his lonely torment would end.在骇人的条件下被监禁了五年后,他仍然不知道什么时候才能不再遭受孤独的折磨。剑桥国际After his wife died he resigned himself to a lonely old age.他妻子死后,他顺应天命安于孤独的老年。剑桥国际Beneath his glitzy surface, he's really a very lonely person.他表面生活浮华,实际上是个非常孤独的人。剑桥国际Books are her resort when she is lonely. 当她寂寞的时候就看书解闷。译典通He couldn't bear to think of the lonely year ahead.他无法忍受想象将来孤独的日子。剑桥国际He felt almost intolerably lonely. 他感到几乎难以忍受的寂寞。译典通He lives in an isolated cottage in the lonely valley of Miterdale.他住在荒凉的密特谷中一座与世隔绝的草舍里。剑桥国际Her dad answered a lonely hearts ad and met a supermarket supervisor.她爸爸给一个征友俱乐部的广告写了回信,结识了一个超市的监督员。剑桥国际I know what it's like to be lonely, so I do feel for her.我知道孤独是什么样,所以我确实同情她。剑桥国际I try to show a little charity because I know he's lonely, but it's hard because he's so boring.我想显得宽容一点,因为我知道他很孤独。可是这很难,因为他实在惹人厌烦。剑桥国际I was a bit lonely and fed up at the time and she took me under her wing.那时我有点孤独和厌倦,她给了我很大的照顾。剑桥国际It can be very lonely living (all) by oneself (= alone).一个人独自生活会很孤独。剑桥国际It's good he enjoys his own company (=he likes being alone) because he has a very lonely job.他能喜欢独处生活也好,因为他的工作是非常寂寞的。剑桥国际Long and lonely he paced the dreary beach beneath a wintry sky. 在冬天的天空下,他久久而孤独地在阴沉的沙滩上走了很久。译典通Many people forget how lonely the task of a judge is.许多人忘了法官的任务是多么寂寞。剑桥国际She could image what a lonely life her widowed sister was living. 她想像得出她守寡的姐姐过著怎样孤寂的生活。译典通She felt lonely and miserable after they all left.他们都走后她感到寂寞和凄凉。剑桥国际She was lonely at the very start. 她开始时感到孤独。译典通Sometimes on lonely mountain meres, I find a magic bark. 偶而在孤寂荒凉的山间小湖,我觅得一只神奇的小帆船。译典通The house was very remote and I felt lonely all the time.房子很偏僻,我一直感到孤单。剑桥国际The results were a fitting reward for many lonely hours of study.这项成果是对长时间独自埋头苦心研究的恰当回报。剑桥国际The same elegiac and lonely tone continues to haunt the later poems.在以后的诗里还继续保留着同样的挽歌和孤独的基调。剑桥国际They were ploughing a lonely furrow. 他们孤立无援。译典通Unable to leave their own homes, the women are lonely and isolated.由于无法离开自己的家,那些妇女们感到寂寞、孤立。剑桥国际When his wife died, he was very lonely. 太太死后他非常孤独。译典通You can't complain of being lonely when you don't make any effort to meet people.你没有努力去认识他人,不能抱怨说孤独。剑桥国际




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