

单词 dice
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕It's an old set, but you'll find it's all there -- the dice, cards, everything. 这套东西旧了,但一样都不少——骰子、纸牌等所有东西。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Dice the potatoes and cook them in salted water. 将马铃薯切成丁,放在盐水里煮。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Melt three tablespoons of butter in a saucepan and add the diced vegetables. 把三匙黄油放在平底锅里溶化,然后加入蔬菜丁。朗文写作活用〔GAMBLING〕He claims that he lost the money on a dice game. 他说他是玩掷骰游戏输了钱的。朗文写作活用〔SCORE〕When you get a total of 5 points it's your turn to throw the dice. 你总分达到五分时就轮到你扔骰子了。朗文写作活用〔Waldorf salad〕A salad of diced raw apples, celery, and walnuts mixed with mayonnaise.沃尔多夫色拉:用生苹果丁、芹菜丝、碎核桃肉、蛋黄酱拌成的色拉美国传统〔a roll of the dice〕It's a roll of the dice whether we succeed or fail.我们的成败只能靠运气了。韦氏高阶〔a roll of the dice〕Opening a new restaurant is always a roll of the dice.开新餐馆总是有风险的。韦氏高阶〔backgammon〕A board game for two persons, played with pieces whose moves are determined by throws of dice.十五子棋戏:供两个人玩的木板游戏,通过掷骰子来决定棋子移动的步数美国传统〔board game〕A game of strategy, such as chess or backgammon, played by moving pieces on a board and sometimes involving dice.棋盘游戏:需用棋盘进行的游戏,如国际象棋,西洋跳棋等,在棋盘上移动棋子,有时是掷骰子美国传统〔carcass〕Prepare the chicken stock using the carcases, the diced vegetables and herbs.做鸡汤的用料有鸡肉、切成块的蔬菜和香料。柯林斯高阶〔cast〕A throw of dice.掷骰子美国传统〔cast〕You cannot decide your future on the cast of a dice.你不能用掷骰子决定自己的未来。外研社新世纪〔chuck-a-luck〕A gambling game in which players bet on the possible combinations of three thrown dice.掷骰赌博,碰运气赌博:一种赌博游戏,玩者对三个骰子的可能性组合进行押注美国传统〔cinque〕The number five in cards or dice.五点:纸牌或骰子中的数字五美国传统〔cog〕To cheat, especially at dice.作弊,尤指对骰子美国传统〔court bouillon〕A poaching liquid for fish whose ingredients usually include water, vinegar or wine, diced vegetables, and seasonings.煮鱼汤料:煮鱼用的热的液体,通常成分包括水、醋或酒、碎的蔬菜和调味品美国传统〔cube〕To form or cut into cubes; dice.使…形成立方体;将…切成方块美国传统〔deuce〕A cast of dice totaling two.掷骰子得到两点美国传统〔dice into〕They diced themselves into debt.他们因掷骰赌博而负债。21世纪英汉〔dice out of〕His son diced himself out of a large fortune.他儿子掷骰子赌输了万贯家财。21世纪英汉〔dice〕Dice the onion.把洋葱切成丁。柯林斯高阶〔dice〕Dice the potatoes and add them to the soup.把土豆切成丁后放进汤里。韦氏高阶〔dice〕Dice the potatoes.把土豆切成丁。外研社新世纪〔dice〕Dice the vegetables.把蔬菜切成小方块。21世纪英汉〔dice〕According to Einstein, God does not play dice with the universe.据爱因斯坦所说, 上帝不掷骰子。外研社新世纪〔dice〕Add the crushed garlic and remaining diced vegetables.加入捣碎的大蒜和剩余的蔬菜丁。柯林斯高阶〔dice〕Chop the onions into ¹/₄-inch dice.把洋葱切成1/4英寸大小的方丁。韦氏高阶〔dice〕Cut the potatoes into small dice.把土豆切成丁。剑桥高阶〔dice〕Everything depends on a throw of the dice.一切都靠掷骰子决定。外研社新世纪〔dice〕Games To win or lose (money) by gambling with dice.【游戏】 掷骰子赌输赢:掷骰子赌博来赢或输美国传统〔dice〕He diced himself into debt.他因参加骰子赌博而负债。英汉大词典〔dice〕He diced himself out of a large fortune.他掷骰子赌掉万贯家财。英汉大词典〔dice〕He diced his fortune away.他掷骰子把财产赌光了。英汉大词典〔dice〕He asked for more money but she said no dice to him.他要求多给点钱,她对他说不行。英汉大词典〔dice〕He came out on top after a last-lap dice with the Ferrari.他与那辆法拉利在最后一圈进行了近距离追逐, 最终胜出。外研社新世纪〔dice〕He was caught using a pair of loaded dice. [=dice used for cheating] 他用一对灌铅骰子耍诈时被人逮住了。韦氏高阶〔dice〕I didn't like the name, so I diced it.我不喜欢这个名字,所以把它改掉了。英汉大词典〔dice〕In this game, each player rolls the dice to see who plays first.在这个游戏中,每位参加者都要掷色子来决定谁先玩。韦氏高阶〔dice〕It's your turn to roll the dice.轮到你掷骰子了。朗文当代〔dice〕Jane shook the dice vigorously and blew on them before she threw them.简使劲摇了摇骰子, 掷之前还先对着它们吹了一口气。外研社新世纪〔dice〕Let's play dice.我们来玩掷骰子吧。剑桥高阶〔dice〕Peel and dice the carrots.把胡萝卜削皮并切成丁。21世纪英汉〔dice〕Peel and dice the potatoes.把土豆去皮并切成丁。剑桥高阶〔dice〕She was diced by her sweetheart.她被情人抛弃了。英汉大词典〔dice〕The dice were loaded against them but they still managed to win.形势对他们不利,但是他们仍然努力取得了胜利。韦氏高阶〔dice〕The dice were loaded against them from the beginning.从一开始他们就被人做了手脚必败无疑。英汉大词典〔dice〕The glass will dice when it implodes.这种玻璃每当向内破裂时会成细粒。英汉大词典〔dice〕The meat should be finely diced.肉应切成细丁。英汉大词典〔dice〕The roll of the dice went against them.掷出的骰子对他们不利。牛津搭配〔dice〕They diced (me) for drinks.他们(同我)掷骰子赌酒。英汉大词典〔dice〕They diced away all their money.他们掷骰子把钱都输光了。21世纪英汉〔dice〕They decided to roll the dice and start their own business.他们决定碰碰运气,开始自己创业。韦氏高阶〔dice〕They were shooting dice in one of the bar's back rooms.他们在酒吧的一间密室里掷色子赌博。韦氏高阶〔dice〕Throw the dice.掷骰子。韦氏高阶〔dice〕To play or gamble with dice.玩骰子:用骰子玩或赌博美国传统〔dice〕We hoped that tickets would still be available, but no dice, they were all sold.我们希望还有票,但是没用,票都卖完了。韦氏高阶〔dice〕We need two dice to play the game.玩这个游戏我们需要两个骰子。剑桥高阶〔dice〕We played dice all night.我们掷了一夜的骰子。牛津高阶〔dice〕We received information that would load the dice in favor of our arguments.我们得到了有利于我们观点的信息。韦氏高阶〔dice〕We tried phoning, but it was no dice.我们试着打过电话,但是打不通。英汉大词典〔dice〕You decide who's going to start by throwing the dice.通过掷骰子来决定谁先开始。牛津搭配〔dice〕You move forward according to the number on the dice.根据骰子上的数字往前走。牛津搭配〔dice〕You roll/throw the dice and whoever gets the highest score goes first.你们掷骰子吧,谁的点数最大谁就先开始。剑桥高阶〔die〕The dice were loaded against the defendant before the trial.在审判前已做了手脚以使对被告不利美国传统〔fade〕Games To meet the bet of (an opposing player) in dice.【游戏】 与…对赌:接受(反方)提供的赌注美国传统〔gamble away〕He gambled away his family estate on a single throw of the dice.他一把就输掉了家族地产。外研社新世纪〔gamble〕He gambled away his family estate on a single throw of the dice.他掷了一次骰子便把家产输得精光。柯林斯高阶〔game of chance〕A game, usually played for money or stakes, in which the winner is determined by a chance event, as by drawing numbers or throwing dice.靠运气定胜负的比赛:一种常为钱或赌注而进行的比赛,比赛中获胜者全靠机会决定,一般采用抽签或掷骰子的方式美国传统〔haunch〕They squatted on their haunches playing dice.他们蹲坐着玩掷骰子。朗文当代〔hazard〕Games A dice game similar to craps.【游戏】 双骰子游戏:类似于双骰子游戏的一种投骰游戏美国传统〔ivory〕Games Dice.【游戏】 骰子美国传统〔jardinière〕Diced, cooked vegetables served as a garnish with meat.有肉配的菜:菜肴中用于配肉的被切成丁的烹调过的蔬菜美国传统〔loaded〕If the dice come up sixes it doesn't mean they are loaded.就算骰子扔出6来也不见得它们就灌了铅。外研社新世纪〔loaded〕The dice are loaded against black people.对黑人不公平。外研社新世纪〔loaded〕The dice are loaded against them.形势对他们不利。外研社新世纪〔loaded〕The dice are loaded in their favour.形势对他们有利。外研社新世纪〔load〕Capping costs serves only to load the dice even further against the injury victim.给费用定上限等于给伤者伤口上撒盐。外研社新世纪〔load〕He has always felt that the dice were loaded against him in life.他总觉得自己一辈子都背运。牛津高阶〔mango〕Peel, stone and dice the mango.将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。柯林斯高阶〔mango〕Peel, stone and dice the mango.把杧果去皮、去核, 然后切丁。外研社新世纪〔mirepoix〕A seasoning composed of finely diced sautéed vegetables and herbs and sometimes diced ham, bacon, or salt pork.植物性调味香料:一种由切成小块的嫩炒蔬菜、香料,有时加上切成小块的火腿、香肠或腌肉组成的调味品美国传统〔natural〕Games A combination in certain card and dice games that wins immediately.【游戏】 骰子牌戏:纸牌和骰子赌博的结合,可以快速决胜美国传统〔no dice〕I asked if we could go to the party, but Mom said no dice.我问我们可不可以参加聚会,妈妈说不行。剑桥高阶〔out of turn〕She rolled the dice out of turn. [=when it was not her turn] 还没轮到她时她就掷了色子。韦氏高阶〔palm〕To conceal (something) in the palm of the hand, as in cheating at dice or cards or in a sleight-of-hand trick.将东西藏在手中:在手掌上隐藏一些东西,如在赌搏掷骰子或玩牌或变戏法中的戏法欺骗行为美国传统〔pass〕A winning throw of the dice in craps.赢掷:掷骰子赌博时获胜的一掷美国传统〔peel〕Peel and dice the potatoes.把土豆去皮并切成丁。朗文当代〔pip〕A dot indicating a unit of numerical value on dice or dominoes.点:表示骰子或骨牌上数值的点美国传统〔remainder〕She grated half of the carrots and diced the remainder.她把一半胡萝卜刨成丝,另一半切成丁。英汉大词典〔risk〕She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice.她准备不惜牺牲一切,作最后的一搏。剑桥高阶〔roll〕He was willing to bet his entire fortune on a roll of the dice.他愿意将全部家产押在掷一次骰子上。麦克米伦高阶〔roll〕It's your turn to roll the dice.该你掷骰子了。外研社新世纪〔roll〕The order of play is decided by the roll of a dice.比赛顺序是通过掷骰子决定的。牛津高阶〔roll〕To cast dice, especially in craps.掷骰子:尤指在掷双骰子的游戏中掷骰子美国传统〔roll〕You decide who will go first by the roll of the dice.你们通过掷骰子决定谁先出。外研社新世纪〔scoop〕He scooped the dice off the table and rolled again.他快速从桌上捡起骰子又掷了出去。韦氏高阶〔seeded〕Garnish with peeled, seeded, and diced tomatoes.用去皮、去籽的西红柿丁装饰菜肴。剑桥高阶〔shake〕Give the dice a shake.摇一下骰子。韦氏高阶〔shake〕He gave a shake of the dice.他把骰子摇了摇。外研社新世纪〔shoot〕Games To throw dice.【游戏】 掷骰子美国传统〔shoot〕To play (a game involving projectiles or dice, such as golf, craps, or pool).投掷:从事(一项用投射物或骰子的运动,比如高尔夫球,骰子游戏,或台球)美国传统〔shoot〕To throw (the dice or a given score) in craps.掷骰子:在扔骰子游戏中扔(骰子或扔出一个特定的点数)美国传统〔slice and dice〕You can slice and dice the data any way you want.你可以随意分解这些数据。韦氏高阶〔slice〕The software lets you slice and dice the data and display it in different formats.这软件使你能够对数据进行切割,以不同的格式显示出来。牛津高阶〔snake eyes〕A throw of two dice that turns up one spot on each.两点:掷骰子时,两个骰子每个各是一点美国传统〔solid〕A dice is a solid.骰子是立方体。英汉大词典〔table〕Games A piece of furniture serving as a playing surface, as for faro, roulette, or dice. Often used in the plural.【游戏】 赌桌:供玩游戏用的一件家具,如法罗赌博、轮盘赌或掷骰游戏时所用的桌子。常用作复数美国传统〔throwing〕A throw of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.掷一次骰子,玩家可相应向前移动。柯林斯高阶〔throw〕A roll or cast of dice.掷骰子美国传统〔throw〕Each player throws the dice in turn.每个玩家轮流掷骰子。外研社新世纪〔throw〕To roll (a particular combination) with dice.用骰子掷(某种特定组合)美国传统〔turn〕It's your turn . Roll the dice.轮到你了。掷骰子吧。朗文当代〔western omelet〕An omelet cooked with diced ham, chopped green pepper, and onion.三丁煎蛋:用火腿块、青椒丁和洋葱做的煎蛋美国传统Add the diced potatoes to the pan.往平底锅中加入马铃薯丁。剑桥国际Garnish with peeled, seeded (= with the seeds removed) and diced tomatoes.用去皮的、除籽的并且切成丁的番茄来装饰菜肴。剑桥国际He diced away all his money. 他掷骰子把钱都赌光了。译典通He asked for more money but she said no dice to him. 他要求多给点钱,她对他说不行。译典通He shook both dice and then threw a double six (= a six on both DICE).他摇了两个骰子,扔了两个6。剑桥国际I shook the dice and threw two fours.我摇了摇骰子,掷出两个四点。剑桥国际If you throw a six on the dice, you can move the counter six squares.要是你把骰子扔到六,你就能把筹码移动六格。剑桥国际Kevin has some of those awful furry dice hanging in the front window of his car.凯文将一些难看的毛乎乎的小方玩意儿挂在他车子的前窗上。剑桥国际Let's play dice.我们玩掷骰子游戏吧。剑桥国际Peel and dice the carrots.给胡萝卜削皮并切成丁。剑桥国际She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice.她准备好孤注一掷。剑桥国际We tried phoning, but it was no dice. 我们试著打过电话,但是打不通。译典通You can't go without shaking the dice.掷了骰子才能移动。剑桥国际You need a dice/two dice to play the game.玩这个游戏,你需要一个/两个骰子。剑桥国际




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