

单词 discuss
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AMOUNT〕a meeting of OPEC countries to discuss production quotas 石油输出国组织成员国之间商讨石油生产配额问题的会议朗文写作活用〔DISCUSS〕a meeting where people discuss something 讨论某事的会议朗文写作活用〔MEET〕a meeting in order to discuss something 为讨论某事而开会朗文写作活用〔appropriation〕a meeting to discuss the appropriation of funds 讨论拨款的会议牛津高阶〔brain trust〕brains trust Chiefly British A group of experts gathered to discuss issues informally in public, especially on radio or television. brains trust 【多用于英国】 专家小组:聚集在公众场合中非正式地讨论问题的专家小组,尤指在广播或电视中美国传统〔connected〕a meeting to discuss issues connected with genetic engineering 讨论与基因工程相关问题的会议麦克米伦高阶〔depth〕discuss in depth the problem 深入讨论问题英汉大词典〔discuss〕discuss how to proceed 讨论如何进行英汉大词典〔discuss〕discuss with sb.与某人讨论英汉大词典〔discuss〕to discuss a problem.讨论问题。牛津同义词〔discuss〕to discuss one's white wine有滋有味地品尝白葡萄酒21世纪英汉〔discuss〕to convene a conference to discuss the country's political future 召集会议讨论国家的政治前途牛津搭配〔emissary〕send a special emissary to discuss peace terms 派遣特使商谈媾和条件英汉大词典〔environmental〕an international meeting to discuss environmental issues 探讨环境问题的国际会议朗文当代〔ground〕a neutral ground in which different groups will feel able to discuss the issues openly会使不同团体觉得能够坦率讨论问题的中间立场外研社新世纪〔homosexuality〕a place where gays could openly discuss homosexuality.男同性恋者可以公开讨论同性恋问题的地方柯林斯高阶〔industrialist〕a meeting of industrialists to discuss environmental issues 商讨环境问题的实业家大会韦氏高阶〔insistence〕his insistence that they discuss the problem 他坚持要他们讨论这个问题朗文当代〔newsgroup〕read messages posted to newsgroups that discuss pet cats.阅读登载在新闻群组里关于宠物猫的讯息美国传统〔nonproliferation〕a conference to discuss nuclear nonproliferation 讨论防止核武器扩散的会议韦氏高阶〔over〕discuss a matter over dinner 一边吃饭一边讨论问题英汉大词典〔point-blank〕a point-blank refusal to discuss the matter 断然的拒绝讨论那件事文馨英汉〔question〕discuss (solve) the energy question 讨论(解决)能源问题英汉大词典〔space〕take too much space to discuss in detail 花费太多篇幅作详尽讨论英汉大词典〔thereon〕a meeting to discuss the annual accounts and the auditors' report thereon 讨论年度账目及其审计报告的会议牛津高阶〔unemployed〕discuss the problem of the unemployed 讨论失业者面临的问题 英汉大词典〔union〕a summit to discuss economic and monetary union 商讨经济和金融合作的高峰会议牛津高阶a meeting to discuss the appropriation of funds 讨论拨款的会议牛津商务




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