

单词 to be held
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DANCE〕Dances used to be held in the church hall at least once a month. 以前一个月至少在教堂大厅举行一次舞会。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕When I asked her about where she wanted the meeting to be held she didn't express any particular preference. 当我问她她希望会议在哪里召开时,她并未表示出特别的偏好。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕Government officials need to be held to their promises. 必须确保政府官员遵守诺言。朗文写作活用〔accountable〕Someone has to be held ultimately accountable for the accident.必须有人对这起事故负最终责任。牛津搭配〔age〕The company was to be held in trust for Eddie until he came of age.在埃迪达到法定年龄之前,该公司将委托他人代为经营。柯林斯高阶〔around〕He expects the elections to be held around November.他预计选举在11月左右举行。柯林斯高阶〔championship〕The championships are to be held in Rome.锦标赛将在罗马举行。牛津搭配〔clinch〕To be held together securely.敲弯,钉牢:牢牢地固定在一起美国传统〔due〕The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time.下次会议预计将在3个月后召开。剑桥高阶〔fate〕A meeting to decide the fate of the factory is to be held today.决定工厂命运的会议将在今天举行。朗文当代〔hall〕A coffee morning is to be held in the village hall.咖啡早会将在村礼堂举行。朗文当代〔handle〕A part that is designed to be held or operated with the hand.把手:设计用来由手握住或操纵的部位美国传统〔hold〕An election for the president of the society is to be held tomorrow.明天要选会长。文馨英汉〔hold〕Negotiations are likely to be held up by differences between them.由于他们间的意见分歧,谈判可能陷于停顿。英汉大词典〔hold〕Some people just don't like to be held.有些人不喜欢被拥抱。韦氏高阶〔inquiry〕An inquiry into the incident is to be held next month.下个月将对这一事件进行调查。外研社新世纪〔main〕She had to be held back by main force.必须竭尽全力阻止她。外研社新世纪〔neutral〕The peace conference would have to be held in a neutral country.和平会议必须在一个中立国举行。剑桥高阶〔pause〕Music A sign indicating that a note or rest is to be held.【音乐】 延长号:表示音阶或停顿的符号,休止符美国传统〔perpetuity〕This property is to be held by the trust in perpetuity.这份财产将由受托人永久拥有。麦克米伦高阶〔pistol〕A firearm designed to be held and fired with one hand.手枪:一种用一只手持握并射击的武器美国传统〔put back〕News conferences due to be held by both men have been put back.原定两个人共同举行的新闻发布会被推迟。柯林斯高阶〔ransom〕The company refused to be held to ransom by the union. () 这家公司拒绝了工会的要挟。牛津搭配〔revolve〕To be held in the mind and considered in turn.反复思考:保留在心中并回来考虑美国传统〔surprise〕It wouldn't surprise me if there was such chaos after this election that another had to be held.如果你告诉我这次大选后局面会出现混乱,以致不得不重新举行选举,我一点也不会惊讶。柯林斯高阶〔tenuto〕So as to be held for the full time value; sustained. Used chiefly as a direction.持续地(的):保持整个时间值;维持。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔territory〕This meeting is to be held on neutral territory.本次会议将在中立国举行。英汉大词典〔time〕Presidential elections are due to be held in ten days' time.总统竞选将在10天后如期举行。柯林斯高阶〔trial〕The Olympic trials are to be held next week.奥运会选拔赛将于下周进行。麦克米伦高阶〔united〕They are the first elections to be held in a united Germany for fifty eight years.这是58年来首次在统一的德国举行的选举。外研社新世纪〔waiting〕He told waiting journalists that he did not expect a referendum to be held for several months.他告诉守候着的记者,他认为几个月内不会举行全民公决。柯林斯高阶A book fair is to be held next month. 下个月将举行书展。译典通He claimed that the referendum, to be held tomorrow, is legally invalid.他声称明天举行的公民投票在法律上是无效的。剑桥国际The conference used to be held annually but now it takes place every other/second year.以前会议每年召开一次,但现在每两年召开一次。剑桥国际The dinner is to be held in the banqueting hall/suite.晚宴将在宴会厅举行。剑桥国际The event was going to be held in some park or other.这个活动将在某个公园举行。剑桥国际The school athletic meet is to be held next Tuesday. 校运动会定于下星期二举行。译典通The summit meeting is to be held on May 3. 高峰会议定于五月三日举行。译典通We have a hung jury, so a new trial will have to be held.我们有个对半开的陪审团,因此必须举行新的审判。剑桥国际




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