

单词 alexandria
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alexandrian〕Alexandrian scholars; an Alexandrian preference for the explication of earlier works.亚历山大学派的学者,用亚历山大学派阐释早期作品的偏好美国传统〔Alexandrian〕Of or relating to Alexandria, Egypt.亚历山大城的:埃及的亚历山大城的,与埃及的亚历山大城有关的美国传统〔Athanasius〕Greek patriarch of Alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against Arianism.达修:亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者美国传统〔Canopus〕An ancient city of northern Egypt east of Alexandria. It was the site of a great temple honoring Serapis.坎努帕斯:埃及北部一座古老城市,位于亚历山大东部。是一座纪念地狱之神塞拉皮斯的宏伟神殿的所在地美国传统〔Clement of Alexandria〕Greek Christian theologian who is considered the founder of the Alexandrian school of theology.亚历山大的克雷芒:希腊基督神学家,被认为是亚历山大神学校的创立者美国传统〔Eastern Church〕The church of the Byzantine Empire, including the patriarchates of Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem.东派教会:拜占庭帝国教会,包括君斯坦丁堡、安提阿、亚历山大和耶路撒冷的教会组织美国传统〔GET ON OR OFF A BUS, PLANE ETC〕Passengers leaving the ship at Alexandria should proceed to the immigration office. 在亚历山大下船的旅客必须去移民局接受检查。朗文写作活用〔Hero〕Alexandrian scientist who invented many water-driven and steam-driven machines and devised a formula for determining the area of a triangle.希罗:亚历山大时期的科学家,发明了许多水动力机和蒸汽动力机并想出了测定三角形面积的公式美国传统〔Melkite〕A member of a Christian church using the Byzantine rite and belonging to the patriarchates of Alexandria, Antioch, or Jerusalem, especially a Uniat Christian.东仪天主教徒:采用拜占庭式仪式的基督教派之教徒,这些教派属亚历山大主教府、安提阿主教府或耶路撒冷主教府管辖,尤指合并教派之基督教徒美国传统〔Philo Judaeus〕Alexandrian Jewish philosopher known for his attempts to reconcile religious faith and philosophical reason.斐洛·尤迪厄斯:亚历山大时期犹太哲学家,以其试图调和宗教信仰和哲学推理的矛盾而闻名美国传统〔Ptolemy〕Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer who based his astronomy on the belief that all heavenly bodies revolve around the earth.托勒密:亚历山大天文学家,数学家和地理学家,他把他的天文学建立在所有的天体都绕地球运转这样一种信仰之上美国传统〔afield〕They were exporting as far afield as Alexandria.他们出口货物远至亚历山德里亚。朗文当代〔below〕The car was on its way to an inn ten miles below Alexandria.汽车正驶往亚历山大以南10英里的一个客栈。英汉大词典〔patriarch〕Eastern Orthodox Church Any one of the bishops of the sees of Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, Moscow, and Jerusalem who has authority over other bishops.【东正教】 (东正教中)总主教,教长:君士坦丁堡、安提阿克、亚历山大、莫斯科和耶路撒冷的东正教的精神领袖,对其他主教具有管辖权美国传统〔patriarch〕Used formerly as a title for the bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Jerusalem, Antioch, and Alexandria.宗主教:以前用作罗马、君士坦丁堡、安提阿克、耶路撒冷和亚历山大的主教称号美国传统〔pattern〕She's fitting into the pattern of life in Alexandria.她对亚历山大城的生活方式开始适应了。英汉大词典〔pope〕Eastern Orthodox Church The patriarch of Alexandria.【东正教】 亚历山大的总教主美国传统〔pope〕The Coptic patriarch of Alexandria.科普特亚历山大总教主美国传统〔raise〕Cleomenes failed to raise a revolt in Alexandria.克莱奥梅尼未能在亚历山大德里亚挑起叛乱。外研社新世纪〔southward〕Instead of her normal southward course towards Alexandria and home, she headed west.她没有像往常一样选择前往亚历山大和回家的南行线路,而是向西走了。柯林斯高阶〔within〕At last our little boat came within sight of Alexandria Bay.在看得见的地方;在听得见的地方麦克米伦高阶The River Nile flows into the sea near Alexandria.尼罗河在亚历山大附近注入海洋。剑桥国际




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