

单词 debase
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alloy〕To debase by the addition of an inferior element.降低成色:通过掺加较劣成分使…降低成色美国传统〔bastardize〕To lower in quality or character; debase.使变得低劣:降低质量或品格;贬低美国传统〔debased〕He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased.他说议会和民主程序已遭贬值。柯林斯高阶〔debased〕Politicians have debased the meaning of the word 'freedom'.政客们贬低了“自由”一词的意义。柯林斯高阶〔debase〕He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased.他说议会和民主进程的价值都遭到了亵渎。外研社新世纪〔debase〕He wouldn't debase himself by quarreling with his son.他不想与其儿子争吵而降低身份。21世纪英汉〔debase〕It's absurd for journalists to debase themselves in this way.记者们竟然用这种方式进行自贬, 实在荒唐。外研社新世纪〔debase〕Our world view has become debased. We no longer have a sense of the sacred.我们的世界观堕落了,我们不再具有神圣感。剑桥高阶〔debase〕Politicians have debased the meaning of the word 'freedom'.政客们贬低了“自由”这个词的含义。外研社新世纪〔debase〕Some argue that money has debased football.有人说金钱腐蚀了足球运动。剑桥高阶〔debase〕Sport is being debased by commercial sponsorship.体育运动因受商业赞助而降低了声誉。牛津高阶〔debase〕The governor debased himself by lying to the public.州长因对公众撒谎而败坏了自己的名誉。韦氏高阶〔debase〕The holiday has been debased by commercialism.这个节日因商业气息过重而声誉受损。韦氏高阶〔debase〕The medical profession has been debased by these revelations.这些事被披露后,医生这门职业的声望受到损害。朗文当代〔debase〕They debased that lovely music by using it in an advert.他们用那首可爱的乐曲做广告,太糟塌了。牛津同义词〔debase〕They debased the value of the dollar.他们使美元贬值。21世纪英汉〔degrade〕To lower in moral or intellectual character; debase.降低…品格:降低…的道德水准,或降低…的身份;有损…的人格美国传统〔demoralize〕To debase the morals of; corrupt.使腐化:使道德败化;使腐化美国传统〔dust〕A debased or despised condition.卑微或受鄙视的状态美国传统〔pervert〕To bring to a bad or worse condition; debase.贬低,败坏:带入一个坏的或更坏的状况;贬低美国传统〔provincialism〕His language is frequently debased with certain provincialisms.他的语言常因夹杂某些土话而变得粗俗。英汉大词典〔sell out〕The young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be debased by the compromises of politics.年轻人更是把他看作一位坚持原则、不会为了政治上的妥协而卑躬屈膝的人。柯林斯高阶〔sink〕To debase the nature of; degrade.贬低;使降低美国传统〔stoop〕To lower or debase oneself.自贬:贬低自己或降低身份美国传统〔superstition〕Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.算命是一种非常低级的把戏, 充满了迷信色彩。外研社新世纪〔superstition〕Fortune-telling is a very much debased art surrounded by superstition.算命是一种非常低级的把戏,充满了迷信色彩。柯林斯高阶〔vitiate〕To corrupt morally; debase.道德败坏;使堕落美国传统Greed had debased his character. 贪婪降低了他的品格。译典通Our world view has become debased. We no longer have a sense of the sacred.我们的世界观堕落了。我们不再有神圣感了。剑桥国际The kebab and hamburger have become debased fast-food versions of their original selves.烤肉串和汉堡包已由原来的含义降指为蹩脚的快餐。剑桥国际The word “sale” has been debased by shops who hold sales at all times of the year.减价一词因那些一年到头都在减价的商店而被贬低了含义。剑桥国际




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