单词 | 古罗马 |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DESTROY〕The tour will visit ancient monasteries and Roman ruins in Merida. 这次旅程将游览梅里达的古修道院和古罗马遗址。朗文写作活用〔Juvenal〕Roman satirist whose works denounced the corruption and extravagance of the privileged classes in Rome.尤维纳利斯:古罗马讽刺作家,其作品谴责了古罗马特权阶级的腐化和奢侈美国传统〔Lusitania〕An ancient region and Roman province of the Iberian Peninsula. It corresponded roughly to modern-day Portugal.卢西塔尼亚:古代一个地区,是古罗马帝国在伊伯利亚半岛的一个省份,大致相当于今天的葡萄牙美国传统〔Pliny〕Roman consul and writer, the nephew of Pliny the Elder. His letters provide valuable information about Roman life.普林尼:古罗马执政官和作家,是老普林尼的外甥。他的书信提供了有关古罗马人生活的珍贵信息美国传统〔Roman law〕The legal system of ancient Rome which serves as the basis for modern civil law.罗马法:作为现代罗马法律基础的古罗马的法制体系美国传统〔Roman〕Abbr. Rom.One belonging to the Roman Catholic Church.缩写 Rom.古罗马天主教会教徒美国传统〔Roman〕Britain during the Roman period 古罗马人统治时期的不列颠英汉大词典〔Roman〕Roman simplicity (fortitude, virtue) 古罗马人的质朴(刚毅,美德)英汉大词典〔Roman〕When they conquered Britain, the Romans brought this custom with them.古罗马人征服英国的时候也带来了这个风俗。柯林斯高阶〔Serapis〕An ancient Egyptian god of the lower world, also worshiped in ancient Greece and Rome.塞拉皮斯:古埃及冥界的神,也在古希腊和古罗马受到崇拜美国传统〔TIME〕This is the last game in a four-day stretch here at the Forum. 这是在古罗马广场为期四天的赛事中最后一场比赛。朗文写作活用〔aedile〕An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply.市政官:古罗马民选的行政官,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应美国传统〔ancient〕They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.他们认为古希腊和古罗马是知识的重要发源地。外研社新世纪〔as〕An ancient Roman unit of weight equal to about one troy pound.阿斯:古罗马一种重量单位,约金衡制一磅美国传统〔auspex〕An augur of ancient Rome, especially one who interpreted omens derived from the observation of birds.预言者:古罗马的预言者,尤指解释来自对鸟类的观察而得到的预兆的人美国传统〔authentic〕We saw authentic examples of ancient Roman sculpture.我们见到了真正的古罗马雕塑。韦氏高阶〔bank〕The Greek slaves manned the banks in the Roman galleys.古罗马有桨帆船两边的桨是由希腊奴隶划的。英汉大词典〔beginning〕The city had its beginnings in Roman times.这座城市起源于古罗马时代。剑桥高阶〔censor〕One of two officials in ancient Rome responsible for taking the public census and supervising public behavior and morals.监察官:古罗马负责人口调查、监察人民行为和社会风尚的两名官员之一美国传统〔census〕In ancient Rome, a count of the citizens and an evaluation of their property for taxation purposes.人口财产调查:古罗马公民的财产统计及评估,以此作为征税依据美国传统〔centesimate〕The ancient Roman army was centesimated on account of mutiny tendencies.该古罗马军团每百名士兵被抽出一名受罚以镇压其叛乱的趋势。21世纪英汉〔cestus〕A covering for the hand made of leather straps weighted with iron or lead and worn by boxers in ancient Rome.古罗马拳击手套:古罗马拳击手戴的用皮条编制、常装有铁或铅块的手套美国传统〔classical〕Of or relating to the ancient Greeks and Romans, especially their art, architecture, and literature.古希腊罗马的:古希腊和古罗马的,或与其有关的,尤指其艺术、建筑和文学美国传统〔classic〕Abbr. class.Of or characteristic of the literature, art, and culture of ancient Greece and Rome; classical.缩写 class.经典的:有古希腊和古罗马的文学、艺术和文化特征的;经典的美国传统〔coinage〕Roman coinage 古罗马时期的硬币牛津高阶〔comitia〕A popular assembly in ancient Rome having legislative or electoral duties.古罗马公民议会:古罗马的群众集会,有立法或选举的任务美国传统〔consul〕Either of the two chief magistrates of the Roman Republic, elected for a term of one year.(古罗马)执政官:罗马共和国的两名主要执政官中的一名,由选举产生,任期一年美国传统〔costume〕The waiters were all in ancient Roman costume.服务生都穿着古罗马时代的服装。韦氏高阶〔curia〕One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes.库里亚:一个古罗马部族的十个分区之一,由十个氏族组成美国传统〔day〕The practice dates back to the days of ancient Rome.这种习俗可以追溯到古罗马时代。韦氏高阶〔declaim〕Mark Antony declaimed over the body of Caesar.(古罗马统帅)马克安东尼就(被行刺的)恺撒的尸体慷慨陈词。21世纪英汉〔decurion〕A member of a municipal senate in ancient Rome who ran local government.元老院议员统:在古罗马时代的自治元老院的成员,管理地方政府美国传统〔decurion〕An officer in command of ten men in the army of ancient Rome.十人队队长:在古罗马军队中,对十个人发号施令的军官美国传统〔dig〕An old Roman vase was dug up here last month.上个月在此地出土了一个古罗马花瓶。牛津高阶〔dig〕The dig revealed the site of a Roman villa.这次发掘发现了一座古罗马别墅的遗址。牛津搭配〔donative〕The Roman Emperor's custom was at certain solemn times to bestow on his soldiers a donative.古罗马皇帝的惯例是在某些庄严的场合向士兵发放赠品。英汉大词典〔emperor〕Roman emperors 古罗马皇帝韦氏高阶〔exedra〕An often semicircular portico with seats that was used in ancient Greece and Rome as a place for discussions.有座椅前廊:带有座位的半圆性门廊,在古希腊和古罗马通常用作谈话的地方美国传统〔flamen〕A priest, especially of an ancient Roman deity.祭司:尤指服侍古罗马神的祭司美国传统〔follow〕Tom followed the track that leads to the old Roman road.汤姆沿着通往古罗马大路的小道走。朗文当代〔forum〕The public square or marketplace of an ancient Roman city that was the assembly place for judicial activity and public business.古罗马广场:古罗马城镇用于审判活动和公众事务的广场或市场美国传统〔gens〕A patrilineal clan of ancient Rome composed of several families of the same name claiming a common ancestor and belonging to a common religious cult.古罗马氏族:古罗马的一个父系氏族,由有着共同姓氏、共同祖先和共同宗教信仰的几个家庭组成美国传统〔georgic〕The Georgics 《农事诗集》(古罗马诗人Virgil作的4部田园诗)英汉大词典〔give〕He's giving a talk on early Roman pottery.他要作一个关于古罗马早期陶器的报告。朗文当代〔go〕The building goes back to Roman times.这个建筑物可以追溯到古罗马时代。朗文当代〔humanity〕The languages and literatures of ancient Greece and Rome; the classics.古典文学:古希腊、古罗马的语言和文学;古典文学美国传统〔hypocaust〕A space under the floor of an ancient Roman building where heat from a furnace was accumulated to heat a room or a bath.炕:古罗马建筑地面以下的空间,在那儿火炉的热聚集给房子或沐浴供暖美国传统〔imagination〕It requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death.要理解古罗马人对死亡的态度需要非常努力地去发挥一番历史想象力。牛津搭配〔invade〕The Romans invaded Britain 2000 years ago.2000 年前古罗马人入侵英国。朗文当代〔lictor〕A Roman functionary who carried fasces when attending a magistrate in public appearances.古罗马侍从官:持捆有斧头的束棒的古罗马侍从官,常随从执政官在公开场合露面美国传统〔lustrum〕A ceremonial purification of the entire ancient Roman population after the census every five years.驱邪仪式:古罗马每五年普查人口后对全体国民进行的净化仪式美国传统〔manipular〕Of or relating to an ancient Roman maniple.步兵中队的:古罗马步兵支队的或与之有关的美国传统〔odeum〕A small building of ancient Greece and Rome used for public performances of music and poetry.圆形剧场:古希腊和古罗马的小剧场,用来表演音乐和诗歌节目美国传统〔oil〕Athletes in Roman times used to oil their bodies before wrestling.古罗马时期的运动员常在摔跤前往身上抹油。外研社新世纪〔orgy〕It was reminiscent of a scene from a Roman orgy.这令人想起古罗马荒淫的狂欢场景。外研社新世纪〔ovation〕An ancient Roman victory ceremony of somewhat less importance than a triumph.小凯旋式:古罗马欢迎将士凯旋归来的仪式,隆重程度稍次于凯旋式美国传统〔patron〕A slave owner in ancient Rome who freed a slave without relinquishing all legal claim to him.(古罗马)旧奴隶主:恢复奴隶自由但保留一定法律控制权的古罗马奴隶主美国传统〔pigment〕The Romans used natural pigments on their fabrics and walls.古罗马人在织物和墙壁上使用天然颜料。柯林斯高阶〔pileus〕A brimless, round skullcap worn by ancient Romans.无边毡便帽:古罗马人戴的一种圆形无檐便帽美国传统〔ploughing〕In Roman times November was a month of hard work in ploughing and sowing.在古罗马时期,11月是辛勤耕耘和播种的月份。柯林斯高阶〔praetorian〕Praetorian A member of the Praetorian Guard. Praetorian 古罗马禁卫军成员美国传统〔praetor〕An annually elected magistrate of the ancient Roman Republic, ranking below but having approximately the same functions as a consul.行政长官,司法官:古罗马共和国一年选举一次的司法官,位列执政官之下,但具有与执政官几乎相同的职权美国传统〔prefecture〕The office or authority of a prefect.古罗马或法国高级官员的职位或职权美国传统〔prefecture〕The residence or housing of a prefect.古罗马或法国高级官员的住宅或房屋美国传统〔prefect〕Any of several high military or civil officials in ancient Rome.古罗马的高级文武官员美国传统〔probable〕This is the probable site of an ancient Roman temple.这很可能是一个古罗马神殿的遗址。麦克米伦高阶〔proletariat〕The propertyless class of ancient Rome, constituting the lowest class of citizens.(古罗马社会中的)最下层阶级:古代罗马没有财产的阶级,组成公民中最低层的阶级美国传统〔propraetor〕An ancient Roman official, appointed to be the chief administrator of a province after serving his term of office as praetor.行政长官:担任执政官后被任命为一省的行政长官的古罗马官员美国传统〔protasis〕The first part of an ancient Greek or Roman drama, in which the characters and subject are introduced.开场白:古希腊和古罗马戏剧中的第一部份,介绍人物和主题美国传统〔publican〕A collector of public taxes or tolls in the ancient Roman Empire.税吏:古罗马帝国收取公共税或通行税的人美国传统〔quaestor〕Any of various public officials in ancient Rome responsible for finance and administration in various areas of government and the military.古罗马的财务官:在古罗马,负责各个地区政府和军队的财政和行政管理的政府官员美国传统〔rogation〕The formal proposal of a law in ancient Rome by a tribune or consul to the people for acceptance or rejection.法案的提出:古罗马的保民官或执政官正式提出法案以征求人们的同意或反对美国传统〔roman〕Roman Britain 古罗马统治下的不列颠牛津高阶〔root〕The city of Tours can trace its roots back to Roman times.图尔城的历史可以追溯到古罗马时代。剑桥高阶〔rostrum〕The speaker's platform in an ancient Roman forum, which was decorated with the prows of captured enemy ships.古罗马演讲台:古罗马广场上用作公开演讲并装饰有从被俘战船上取下的喙形船首的高台美国传统〔sesterce〕A silver or bronze coin of ancient Rome equivalent to one fourth of a denarius.塞斯特斯:古罗马银币或铜币,等于四分之一第纳流斯美国传统〔settlement〕The Romans established a settlement on the south shore.古罗马人在南部海岸建立了定居点。牛津搭配〔strew〕Italy was strewn thick with the remains of Roman buildings.意大利到处有古罗马建筑的遗迹。英汉大词典〔tetrarch〕A governor of one of four divisions of a country or province, especially in the ancient Roman Empire.小领主,小君主:尤指古罗马帝国一国或一省四个分区之一的统治者美国传统〔toga〕A loose one-piece outer garment worn in public by male citizens in ancient Rome.托加袍:古罗马男性公民在公共场合穿的宽松的由一块布制成的外衣美国传统〔triumvir〕One of three men sharing public administration or civil authority in ancient Rome.三执政之一:在古罗马共同管理公共事务或分享民政权威的三个人中的一个美国传统〔vestal〕Roman Mythology A priest who tended the sacred fire of Vesta in ancient Rome.【罗马神话】 在古罗马照料维斯塔圣火的神父美国传统Each legion contained between 3000 and 6000 soldiers. 每个古罗马军团有三千至六千名步兵。译典通He's a lecturer in the classics faculty.他是古希腊和古罗马语言文学系的一名讲师。剑桥国际In classical Rome, wheeled traffic was banned from the city streets during the day.在古罗马,白天是不允许车辆在城里的街道上行驶的。剑桥国际It was a custom of the ancient Romans to gorge and then make themselves vomit.塞饱之后再吐出来是古罗马人的风俗。剑桥国际Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 许多被征服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡。译典通Renaissance architects and artists had a passion for classical architecture.文艺复兴时代的建筑师和艺术家对于古希腊和古罗马的建筑有种狂热的爱好。剑桥国际She studied/read classics at Cambridge.她在剑桥大学学古希腊和古罗马文学。剑桥国际She's a classics scholar.她是个古希腊和古罗马文学的学者。剑桥国际The Roman Empire once extended over most of Europe.古罗马帝国曾扩展到欧洲大部分地区。剑桥国际The Romans built a network of over 80 000 km of usually straight roads radiating (out) from ancient Rome.罗马人建造了八万多公里的道路网,这些路通常都是直道,以古罗马为中心向四周扩展。剑桥国际The castle dates back to the ancient Roman days. 此城堡建于古罗马时代。译典通The city of Tours can trace its roots back to Roman times.图尔市的根源可追溯至古罗马时代。剑桥国际The museum houses some impressive Roman antiquities.这个博物馆中收藏着一些令人惊叹的古罗马文物。剑桥国际The remains of the Roman fort are well preserved.古罗马城堡的遗址被精心地保护起来。剑桥国际These buildings have an ancestry which can be traced back to Greece and Rome.这些建筑物历史悠久,可上溯至古希腊和古罗马时代。剑桥国际They are the evil actions of a latter-day Caligula.这是当今的卡利古拉(古罗马暴君)的暴行。剑桥国际We visited a Roman ruin.我们参观了一处古罗马遗址。剑桥国际We went to an interesting talk on Roman architecture (=the style in which buildings were made by the Romans).我们谈起了关于古罗马建筑的有趣话题。剑桥国际 |
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