

单词 danced
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-ed〕He danced well.他舞跳得好。柯林斯高阶〔DANCE〕Everyone got up and danced. 人人都站起来跳舞。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕People at the wedding laughed and danced with joy. 人们在婚礼上开怀欢笑,尽情跳舞。朗文写作活用〔JEALOUS〕He watched jealously as Rose danced with his brother. 他醋意浓浓地看着罗丝跟他弟弟在跳舞。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕A beautiful fairy danced near him, and he reached out to catch her, but caught only her handkerchief. 一个美丽的仙子在他身旁跳舞,他伸出手去抓她,但是只抓到她的手绢。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕After scoring the winning goal he almost danced along the road in his satisfaction and conceit. 攻进致胜一球后,他带着满足而自负的神情几乎沿着马路跳舞。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕We danced with wild abandon.我们纵情舞蹈。剑桥高阶〔along〕She skipped and danced along.她蹦蹦跳跳地往前走。外研社新世纪〔along〕She skipped and danced along.她蹦蹦跳跳地往前走着。柯林斯高阶〔applause〕They danced well together and won themselves a round of applause.他们在一起跳得很好, 赢得了一阵掌声。外研社新世纪〔around〕The children danced around their teacher.孩子们围着老师跳舞。英汉大词典〔around〕They danced around the bonfire.他们围着篝火跳舞。朗文当代〔aswirl〕The girls danced with skirts aswirl.姑娘们跳着舞,裙子旋转着。英汉大词典〔as〕She danced as only she could.她以独特的风格跳舞。英汉大词典〔away〕They danced the night away(= all night).他们跳舞跳了一个通宵。牛津高阶〔away〕We danced the night away (= until the night was over).我们跳舞跳了个通宵。剑桥高阶〔ball〕Cinderella went to the ball and danced with the prince.灰姑娘去了舞会,并和王子跳了舞。韦氏高阶〔ball〕We danced all night at the ball.我们在舞会上跳了个通宵。英汉大词典〔barefoot〕He danced barefoot on the carpet.他赤脚在地毯上跳舞。牛津搭配〔beat ... out〕The drummers beat out their tropical music,and the women danced.鼓手们敲奏出热带地区风格的曲调,妇女们跳起舞来。21世纪英汉〔beat〕They danced to the beat of the drums.他们踩着鼓点跳舞。韦氏高阶〔beat〕They danced to the rhythmic beat of the music.他们跟着音乐的节奏跳舞。牛津搭配〔blur〕The writing blurred and danced before his eyes.字迹变得一片模糊,在他眼前晃动。牛津高阶〔bolero〕They danced a romantic bolero together.他们一起跳了一支浪漫的波莱罗舞。外研社新世纪〔bolero〕They danced a romantic bolero together.他们一起跳了一支浪漫的波莱罗舞。柯林斯高阶〔both〕We applauded both when the man sang and when the wife danced.丈夫唱歌和妻子跳舞的时候我们都分别鼓掌叫好。英汉大词典〔buoy〕In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory.5月里,他们在大街上载歌载舞,欢庆胜利。柯林斯高阶〔buoy〕In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory.五月, 他们受到胜利的鼓舞而在大街上跳舞。外研社新世纪〔caper〕He cut a little celebratory caper(= jumped or danced a few steps)in the middle of the road.他高兴得在路中央又蹦又跳的。牛津高阶〔chap〕The chap she danced with was a very good friend of mine.和她跳舞的小伙子是我非常要好的朋友。外研社新世纪〔choreograph〕She has danced, choreographed, lectured and taught all over the world.她在世界各地跳过舞、编过舞、讲过学、也教过书。柯林斯高阶〔choreograph〕She has danced, choreographed, lectured and taught all over the world.她在世界各地跳过舞、编过舞蹈、作过报告, 还讲过课。外研社新世纪〔clap〕The men danced and the women clapped.男人们跳舞, 女人们拍手。外研社新世纪〔clap〕The men danced and the women clapped.男人们跳舞,女人们拍手。柯林斯高阶〔clench〕She danced alone, with a rose clenched in her teeth.她嘴里叼着一支玫瑰独自跳舞。韦氏高阶〔communicate〕We danced in communicating silence.我们跳舞时默默无言,但却心心相印。英汉大词典〔cut ... in〕I had only danced with Mary about three minutes when someone cut in.我和玛丽刚刚跳了大约三分钟的舞,就有人来截舞。21世纪英汉〔dance about〕Amy danced about out of his reach.埃米闪开了, 让他够不到。外研社新世纪〔dance about〕They flung their arms above their heads and danced about ecstatically.他们把胳膊甩过头顶, 心醉神迷地舞动。外研社新世纪〔dance at〕They danced at the good news.他们一听到这好消息就欢呼雀跃起来。21世纪英汉〔dance away〕She was reaching out for the boy when he danced away from her.正当她伸手去抓那男孩时,男孩跳跳蹦蹦地跑开了。21世纪英汉〔dance off〕He danced off down the road.他沿着马路跑走了。外研社新世纪〔dance off〕The samba players danced off to Fort Park.桑巴舞蹈演员离开此地去了福特公园。外研社新世纪〔dance〕A series of wild thoughts danced through his brain.他的脑中闪过一连串不着边际的幻想。英汉大词典〔dance〕Allen danced her off to another part of the floor.艾伦引她舞向舞池的另一部分。英汉大词典〔dance〕Amy went and kissed him, and then danced out of his reach.埃米走过去亲了他一下, 随即闪开, 让他够不到。外研社新世纪〔dance〕Amy went and kissed him, and then danced out of his reach.埃米过去吻了他一下,接着就从他怀里跳开了。柯林斯高阶〔dance〕Exasperation danced in the corners of his eyes.他的眼角闪烁着恼怒的神情。英汉大词典〔dance〕Flames danced in the fireplace.火苗在壁炉里跳跃。麦克米伦高阶〔dance〕He danced her across the floor.他带着她滑过舞池。韦氏高阶〔dance〕He danced her to exhaustion.他与她同舞使她跳得疲乏不堪。英汉大词典〔dance〕He danced off down the road.他蹦蹦跳跳地沿着马路走了。柯林斯高阶〔dance〕He danced the part of Romeo.他跳罗密欧的角色。英汉大词典〔dance〕He danced the waltz with me.他同我跳华尔兹舞。21世纪英汉〔dance〕He danced with the Boston Repertory Ballet.他在波士顿保留剧目轮演芭蕾舞团跳舞。朗文当代〔dance〕I danced for joy.我高兴得直跳。牛津同义词〔dance〕I danced the shoes off my feet with a young officer.我与一位青年军官跳舞跳得连鞋子也掉了。英汉大词典〔dance〕Jack danced Marry around the ballroom.杰克带玛丽绕着舞厅跳舞。21世纪英汉〔dance〕Light danced on the surface of the water.水面上波光潋滟。外研社新世纪〔dance〕Light danced on the surface of the water.灯光在水面上摇曳。柯林斯高阶〔dance〕My partner danced me to exhaustion.我的舞伴使我精疲力尽美国传统〔dance〕Pink and white balloons danced in the wind.粉红色和白色的气球随风飞舞。朗文当代〔dance〕Ruth danced all evening with Richard.整个晚上鲁思都和理查德跳舞。牛津高阶〔dance〕Ruth and Richard danced together all evening.鲁思和理查德整晚都在一起跳舞。牛津高阶〔dance〕She danced attendance on princesses, countesses, and duchesses.她讨得了那些公主王妃、伯爵夫人和公爵夫人的欢心。外研社新世纪〔dance〕She danced her thanks.她跳了个舞表示感谢。英汉大词典〔dance〕She danced her way to stardom.她跳舞跳成了明星。21世纪英汉〔dance〕She danced the baby on her lap.她把宝宝放在腿上颠着玩。外研社新世纪〔dance〕She danced the principal role in the ballet.她在这个芭蕾舞中担任主角。21世纪英汉〔dance〕She tried to read it carefully, but the words danced and dissolved before her eyes.她努力想要仔细读一读, 可是这些字却在她眼前跳动渐至消失了。外研社新世纪〔dance〕She tried to read it more slowly and carefully, but the words danced and dissolved before her eyes.她试图读得更慢更仔细一些,但那些字却在她眼前跳动而变得模糊起来。柯林斯高阶〔dance〕The boxer danced around his opponent.拳击手在他的对手周边快速来回移动脚步。韦氏高阶〔dance〕The boys and girls danced to the disco music.少男少女们跟着迪斯科音乐跳舞。21世纪英汉〔dance〕The bride danced with her father.新娘和她爸爸一起跳舞。朗文当代〔dance〕The child danced up and down in rage.那孩子因狂怒而暴跳。英汉大词典〔dance〕The children danced around her.孩子们在她周围蹦蹦跳跳。牛津高阶〔dance〕The couple danced a polka.那一对跳了个波尔卡舞。英汉大词典〔dance〕The dancers danced the story of their motherland.舞蹈者以舞蹈语言表演其祖国的传说。21世纪英汉〔dance〕The sun shone on the sea and the waves danced and sparkled.太阳照在海面上,碧浪翻滚,波光粼粼。牛津高阶〔dance〕The toy sailboat danced on the pond.玩具帆船在池塘上荡漾。21世纪英汉〔dance〕The words danced before her tired eyes.这些字在她疲乏的眼前晃动。牛津高阶〔dance〕Then we put the music on, and we all danced the Charleston.接着我们打开音乐,一起跳起查尔斯顿舞来。柯林斯高阶〔dance〕They danced to Ruby Newman's orchestra (=the orchestra was playing).他们随着鲁比‧纽曼的乐队的演奏跳起舞来。朗文当代〔dance〕They danced to the music of a 14-piece band.他们跟着14人乐队演奏的乐曲跳舞。麦克米伦高阶〔dance〕They danced to the music of a string quartet.他们随着弦乐四重奏乐曲跳舞。牛津高阶〔dance〕They danced wildly down the street.他们沿街疯狂地跳舞。牛津搭配〔dance〕Thick smoke danced and billowed into the air.浓烟翻滚着升向天空。英汉大词典〔dance〕We danced all night.我们整夜跳舞。牛津同义词〔dance〕We danced all night.我们跳了一夜的舞。剑桥高阶〔dance〕We danced for joy when we heard the news.听到那个消息,我们高兴地跳了起来。韦氏高阶〔dance〕We danced to the music.我们随着音乐起舞。牛津搭配〔dance〕We all danced the Charleston.我们都跳起了查尔斯顿舞。外研社新世纪〔dance〕We played our music and danced the night away.我们放上音乐,跳了一晚上的舞。剑桥高阶〔dawn〕We danced till dawn.我们一直跳舞到天亮。韦氏高阶〔delight〕We danced around with childish delight.我们像孩子一样高兴地满屋子跳舞。牛津搭配〔dos-à-dos〕They danced dos-à-dos.他们背对背跳舞。英汉大词典〔drum〕They danced to the beat of the drums (= sound of the drums being hit).他们随着鼓点翩翩起舞。剑桥高阶〔eye〕Her eyes danced with amusement.她的眼睛里闪烁着饶有兴味的神情。牛津搭配〔fate〕The Casino, where she had often danced, had suffered a similar fate.她经常跳舞的赌场遭遇了相似的命运。柯林斯高阶〔first-class〕She danced first-class.她舞跳得很好。文馨英汉〔flame〕Flames danced in the gas lantern.火苗在煤气灯里跳动。牛津搭配〔flow〕The wine flowed and we danced the night away.我们喝了很多酒,跳了一个晚上的舞。柯林斯高阶〔fluidity〕She danced with great fluidity of movement.她跳舞的动作十分流畅优美。牛津高阶〔form〕Bob was in great form at the party; he danced all the time.在社交会上鲍勃兴高采烈,一直在跳舞。英汉大词典〔give sth a whirl〕I've never danced salsa before but I'll give it a whirl.我以前从未跳过萨尔萨舞,但我要尝试一下。剑桥高阶〔glow〕Her cheeks glowed as she danced.她跳舞跳得双颊发红。英汉大词典〔gogo〕They danced all night at the Mistral à Gogo.他们整夜在“北风劲吹”舞厅跳舞。英汉大词典〔hand〕The children all joined hands and danced in a circle.孩子们手拉手围成一圈跳舞。外研社新世纪〔hand〕They took hands and danced in a circle.他们手拉手围成一圈跳舞。英汉大词典〔have two left feet〕When we danced together, I discovered he had two left feet.我们一起跳舞的时候,我发现他手脚很不协调。剑桥高阶〔imitation〕She acted, she danced, she did imitations .她模仿着边演边跳。朗文当代〔in step〕We danced in step with the music.我们跟着音乐的节拍跳舞。韦氏高阶〔jig about〕You didn't just jig about by yourself, you danced properly.你并不是自己在瞎蹦跶, 你跳得很好。外研社新世纪〔jig〕She danced an Irish jig.她跳了一支爱尔兰吉格舞。外研社新世纪〔jig〕She danced an Irish jig.她跳了一曲爱尔兰吉格舞。朗文当代〔jig〕She danced an Irish jig.她跳起了爱尔兰吉格舞。柯林斯高阶〔jig〕You didn't just jig about by yourself, I mean you danced properly.你可不是一个人在那儿瞎蹦,我的意思是你跳得很不错。柯林斯高阶〔join〕They joined hands and danced round and round.他们手拉手,舞跳了一圈又一圈。朗文当代〔lecture〕She has danced, choreographed, lectured and taught all over the world.她到过世界各地跳舞、编舞、演讲和教学。柯林斯高阶〔lightness〕She danced with lightness and grace.她轻盈优美地跳着舞。外研社新世纪〔light〕She danced, (as) light as a feather.她的舞姿轻盈袅娜。英汉大词典〔lovely〕A chorus line of young lovelies danced on the stage.一排年轻漂亮的美女演员在舞台上翩翩起舞。韦氏高阶〔mad〕I went mad with joy and danced a little jig.我欣喜若狂,跳了几步吉格舞。牛津搭配〔make-believe〕In the video, Michael Jackson danced down a make-believe street protesting that 'the kid is not my son'.录像里,迈克尔·杰克逊沿着虚设的街道一边跳舞一边抗议说:“那孩子不是我的儿子”。柯林斯高阶〔make-believe〕In the video, he danced down a make-believe street.在录像中, 他沿着一条虚拟的街道跳舞。外研社新世纪〔mistress〕The huge wolfhound danced in circles around his mistress.这条大狼犬围着女主人蹦蹦跳跳地绕圈子。柯林斯高阶〔mistress〕The huge wolfhound danced in circles around his mistress.这条大猎狼犬围着女主人蹦蹦跳跳地绕圈子。外研社新世纪〔moonlight〕The pale moonlight danced across his skin.朦胧的月光从他皮肤上晃过。牛津搭配〔nonstop〕They danced nonstop until the club closed.他们一直跳到夜总会关门。韦氏高阶〔notice〕The critics first noticed her when she danced Giselle at Sadler's Wells.评论家最开始关注她, 是她在沙德勒之井剧院跳《吉赛尔》的时候。外研社新世纪〔parade around〕They danced and paraded around.他们跳着舞, 四处招摇。外研社新世纪〔parade〕They danced and paraded around.他们跳着舞,四下招摇。柯林斯高阶〔pointes〕The prima ballerina danced forward on her pointes.首席芭蕾舞女演员踩着足尖舞步向前舞动。剑桥高阶〔polka〕We danced a polka.我们跳了一支波尔卡舞。韦氏高阶〔prettily〕She danced prettily.她舞姿优美。剑桥高阶〔pulsate〕People danced to the pulsating sounds of hip-hop.人们随着嘻哈舞曲的脉动节奏起舞。韦氏高阶〔rapt〕The children sat rapt as the puppets danced.木偶跳舞时,孩子们全神贯注地坐在那里看。韦氏高阶〔relieve〕They often danced to relieve the dull evening.他们晚上无聊时常常以跳舞来调剂。21世纪英汉〔ring〕The elves danced in a ring.小矮人们排成圆圈跳舞。英汉大词典〔riotous〕We went to a riotous party and danced all night.我们去参加了一个热闹非凡的聚会,跳了一晚上的舞。剑桥高阶〔rumba〕They danced a/the rumba.他们跳了一曲伦巴舞/跳伦巴舞。韦氏高阶〔rustic〕They danced rather clumsily, like rustics dancing in a barn.他们的舞跳得相当笨拙, 像乡巴佬在谷仓里跳舞。外研社新世纪〔salsa〕A band played salsa, and spectators danced wildly.乐队演奏萨尔萨舞曲,观众们纵情跳舞。柯林斯高阶〔samba〕They danced the samba.他们跳桑巴舞。韦氏高阶〔sing〕The children danced and sang.孩子们载歌载舞。韦氏高阶〔skirt〕Her full skirt billowed around her as she danced.她跳舞时裙子的宽摆高高扬起。牛津搭配〔socialize〕She danced and socialized at the party.她在聚会上跳舞、应酬。韦氏高阶〔sway〕They danced rhythmically, swaying their hips to the music.他们伴着音乐扭动屁股,有节奏地跳舞。牛津高阶〔t.o〕She danced to the music.她合着音乐跳舞。21世纪英汉〔tango〕We danced a/the tango.我们跳了一支探戈舞;韦氏高阶〔to〕They danced cheek to cheek.他们脸贴着脸跳舞。朗文当代〔to〕They danced to the music.他们跟著音乐跳舞。文馨英汉〔twirl〕She danced and twirled across the room.她在房间里转着圈跳舞。剑桥高阶〔undaunted〕Undaunted by the cold and the rain, people danced until 2 a.m.人们不顾寒冷和下雨,坚持跳舞跳到凌晨两点。剑桥高阶〔undulate〕They danced not with their legs or arms, but with their entire bodies, undulating their abdomens.他们跳舞不是用腿和臂,而是用整个身子,腹部一起一伏地扭动着。21世纪英汉〔unstructured〕We danced in completely unstructured groupings.我们完全随意地结对跳舞。英汉大词典〔until〕We danced until dawn.我们跳舞一直跳到天亮美国传统〔upraised〕He danced with his arms upraised.他高举双臂跳起舞来。韦氏高阶〔waltz〕They danced a waltz together.他们一起跳了一支华尔兹舞。韦氏高阶〔while〕They danced and sang the while.他们一面跳舞一面唱歌。英汉大词典〔youth〕I haven't danced since my youth! 从年轻时起我就未曾跳过舞!牛津搭配Angela danced with great briskness at the ball. 在舞会上安琪拉非常轻快地跳舞。译典通Flags danced in the wind. 旗帜在风中飘舞著。译典通He danced ridiculously (= in a foolish and amusing way) around the room, waving his arms in the air.他在房间内可笑地跳着舞,两只胳膊在空中挥舞着。剑桥国际He grabbed her arm and danced (= moved to music with) her around the room.他挽起她的手,在屋子里跳起舞来。剑桥国际I thought him terribly ungainly when he danced. 我觉得他跳舞时显得极其笨拙。译典通It was a lulu of a party -- we danced 'till three o'clock in the morning.晚会棒极了----我们一直跳舞至凌晨三点。剑桥国际She danced and twirled across the room.她跳跃着、旋转着穿过了房间。剑桥国际She danced the part of Giselle very expressively.她极有感情地跳了《吉塞尔》这一段。剑桥国际The Royal ballet received a thunderous/ecstatic ovation when they danced here two months ago.皇家芭蕾舞团两个月前在这里表演时受到了雷鸣般的/如醉如痴的欢呼喝彩。剑桥国际The ballerina danced supplely to the music. 芭蕾舞演员跟著音乐柔软地跳舞。译典通The children danced (= moved lightly with small jumping steps) along the street.孩子们蹦蹦跳跳地沿街走着。剑桥国际The girls chose their flowers, wreathed themselves, and danced in the twilight. 女孩子们挑选了花朵,用花环打扮自己,然后在黄昏时跳舞。译典通The partners all joined hands and danced in a big circle. 舞伴们全都手拉手绕成一个大圈子跳舞。译典通The villagers danced in the open. 村民们在露天跳舞。译典通They danced (= performed the particular series of movements that form) a calypso.他们跳起了卡力骚舞。剑桥国际They danced all night at the ball.他们在舞会上跳了个通宵。剑桥国际They danced till midnight. 他们跳舞跳到半夜。译典通They sang and danced all night. 他们通宵唱歌跳舞。译典通They were entertainers who sang, danced and told jokes for a living.他们是以唱歌、跳舞、讲笑话为生的表演者。剑桥国际Undaunted by the cold and the rain, people danced until 2 am.不顾寒冷和下雨, 人们跳舞一直到凌晨两点钟。剑桥国际We danced on the green, dined at the hermitage, and wandered in the woods by moonlight. 我们在绿茵上跳舞,在僻静的住所晚餐,在月光下漫步于森林中。译典通We danced the night away (=until the night was over).我们跳舞跳了一整夜。剑桥国际We danced with (gay / wild) abandon (= lack of control and care).我们纵情地跳舞。剑桥国际We went to a riotous (= full of loud fun) party and danced all night.我们去参加了一个极热闹的聚会并跳了整夜的舞。剑桥国际




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