

单词 daunt
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFICULT〕Climbing Everest is a daunting challenge for any mountaineer. 攀登珠穆朗玛峰对任何一位登山者来说都是一个令人望而生畏的挑战。朗文写作活用〔DIFFICULT〕I was faced with the daunting task of learning the whole script in 24 hours. 我面临着一项艰巨的任务,就是要在24小时内把整部脚本记熟。朗文写作活用〔before〕The task before us is a daunting one.我们所面临的任务令人胆怯。牛津高阶〔challenge〕The army faced the daunting challenge of fighting a war on two fronts.军队面临要在两条战线作战的严峻挑战。牛津搭配〔challenge〕The new government faces the daunting challenge of completing the building on time.面临挑战麦克米伦高阶〔daunted〕I'm somewhat daunted by the size of the task.我有点儿被这项任务的规模吓着了。柯林斯高阶〔daunted〕It is hard to pick up such a book and not to feel a little daunted.捧起这样一本书难免会让人有些畏惧情绪。柯林斯高阶〔daunted〕It is hard to pick up such a book and not to feel a little daunted.读到这本书很难不感到畏难。外研社新世纪〔dauntingly〕Occasionally I find the commitment and responsibility daunting.偶尔我会觉得这一承诺和责任让人望而却步。柯林斯高阶〔dauntingly〕The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop.对于主教来说,要迁往布拉格有点儿令人发憷。柯林斯高阶〔dauntingly〕They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.他们面临着修复房子的艰巨任务。柯林斯高阶〔daunting〕Few things are more daunting than having to speak in front of a large crowd.几乎没有什么比要在一大群人面前演讲更让人恐惧的了。韦氏高阶〔daunting〕He's got the daunting task of following in Ferguson's footsteps.他面临继承弗格森事业的艰巨任务。朗文当代〔daunting〕I find the responsibility daunting.我觉得责任重大而艰巨。外研社新世纪〔daunting〕Shakespeare's plays can be daunting for a young reader.莎士比亚的剧作可能会让年轻的读者望而却步。韦氏高阶〔daunting〕The country was faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.国家仍然面临着弥合40年的分裂这一难题。剑桥高阶〔daunting〕The move to Prague was a daunting prospect for the bishop.对于主教来说, 要迁往布拉格有点儿让他发憷。外研社新世纪〔daunting〕The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl.这次旅行对一个年轻姑娘来说有点吓人。朗文当代〔daunting〕They were faced with the daunting task of restoring the house.他们面临着重新整修房屋的艰巨任务。外研社新世纪〔daunting〕We are left with the daunting task of cleaning up this mess.我们被分派了收拾这一烂摊子的可怕任务。麦克米伦高阶〔daunt〕As Keith was a trained cabinetmaker, the practical side of renovating the house didn't daunt him.作为一名训练有素的细工木匠, 基思不会为真正动手翻修这座房屋而吓倒。外研社新世纪〔daunt〕Don't be daunted by all the technology.不要被这么些技术给吓住。朗文当代〔daunt〕Don't be daunted by the amount of work still to be done.不要因那大量待做的工作而失去信心。21世纪英汉〔daunt〕He felt utterly daunted by the prospect of moving to another country.他一想到要移居他国就感到十分害怕。朗文当代〔daunt〕He was daunted by the high quality of work they expected.他们对工作质量的高期望值令他感到畏惧。外研社新世纪〔daunt〕I admit I'm daunted by the job, but I'm going to try my best.我承认这项工作把我吓住了,但我打算竭尽全力。麦克米伦高阶〔daunt〕I was daunted by the size of the task.这件任务艰巨得叫我气馁。牛津同义词〔daunt〕It was a difficult situation, but nothing daunted, she refused to quit.形势艰难,但她无所畏惧,毫不退却。韦氏高阶〔daunt〕It was steep but, nothing daunted, he started climbing.山很陡峭,但他毫不畏惧,开始向上攀登。朗文当代〔daunt〕Not daunted by his first failure, he tried again.第一次失败并没有使他灰心丧气,他再试一次。英汉大词典〔daunt〕Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.人们毫不气馁,又开始重建家园。牛津高阶〔daunt〕She has the daunting task of cooking for 20 people every day.她每天得做 20 个人的饭,这是一项可怕的任务。牛津高阶〔daunt〕She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。牛津高阶〔daunt〕She was not daunted by the difficult task.那个艰难的任务并没有使她气馁。韦氏高阶〔daunt〕She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.她丝毫也没有被问题的严重性吓住。剑桥高阶〔daunt〕Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect.开始一项新工作有时会让人望而却步。牛津高阶〔daunt〕The fire had almost completely destroyed the village, but, nothing daunted, the people began building again.大火几乎把村庄全毁了,但人们毫无惧色,着手重建家园。英汉大词典〔daunt〕They were daunted by the amount of work still to be done.他们被 那大量待做的工作吓倒了。21世纪英汉〔formality〕She found the formality of the occasion rather daunting.她觉得这个场合庄重得令人生畏。剑桥高阶〔go〕Harbury was young and ambitious and went at things with a daunting eagerness.哈布瑞年轻有抱负,干起事情来冲劲十足。麦克米伦高阶〔immensity〕The immensity of the task is daunting.工作量之大令人生畏。剑桥高阶〔margin〕She was not daunted by this substantial margin of defeat.她没有因为这场大比分的落败而畏惧。牛津搭配〔nothing daunted〕She was rejected the first time she applied to the university, but, nothing daunted, reapplied the following year and was accepted.她第一次向那所大学递交入学申请虽然遭到了拒绝,但没有气馁,第二年再次递交就被接收了。剑桥高阶〔nothing〕He had two letters of refusal but, nothing daunted (= not discouraged), he tried again.他收到两封拒绝信后并没有气馁,而是再接再厉。剑桥高阶〔prospect〕Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect.想像着只身走遍世界颇令人心悸。牛津高阶〔task〕The government now faces the daunting task of restructuring the entire health service.政府现在面临着重新改组整个医疗卫生体系的艰巨任务。剑桥高阶He had two letters of refusal but, nothing daunted (= not discouraged), he tried again.他收到两封拒绝的信,但是他毫不气馁,再次尝试。剑桥国际In spite of unification the country was still faced with the daunting prospect of overcoming four decades of division.尽管统一了,国家仍面临着克服四十年的分歧这一问题,前景令人生畏。剑桥国际Mack was not daunted by his failure. 马克并不因失败而气馁。译典通She found the formality (=serious and not relaxed behaviour) of the occasion rather daunting.她感到那个场合的隆重和严肃,颇令人生畏。剑桥国际She was not at all daunted by the size of the problem.她一点也不为问题的严重性所吓倒。剑桥国际The government now faces the daunting task of restructuring the entire health service.政府正面临着改组整个医疗保健业的艰难任务。剑桥国际The immensity (=great size) of the task is daunting.工作量的巨大令人吃惊。剑桥国际




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