

单词 damage
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DAMAGE〕damage to the environment 对环境的破坏朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕to damage something deliberately 故意损坏某物朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕to damage something so badly it cannot be repaired 把某物损坏得很严重以至不能修复朗文写作活用〔DAMAGE〕when weather/water/chemicals etc slowly damage something 天气、水、化学物等逐渐破坏某物朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕damage to a part of the body 身体某部位受到的损坏朗文写作活用〔PAY〕to pay money to someone because they have suffered an injury, loss, damage etc 付钱给某人,因为其承受了伤害、损失、破坏等朗文写作活用〔affair〕the damage caused to the CIA and FBI in the aftermath of the Watergate affair.水门事件发生后给美国中央情报局和联邦调查局造成的不良影响柯林斯高阶〔brain〕damage to the brain 脑部损伤牛津高阶〔collateral〕collateral target damage from a bombing run.在轰炸航程中的从属目标美国传统〔compensation〕pay compensation for war damage 支付战争赔偿费英汉大词典〔contain〕contain the damage done by the oil spill 阻止溢油造成的损害继续扩大英汉大词典〔cover〕cover against accidental damage 意外损害保险牛津高阶〔damage〕damage fruit trees 损害果树英汉大词典〔damage〕damage sb.(sb.'s interests) 损害某人(某人的利益) 英汉大词典〔damage〕damage to a person's reputation 对个人名誉的损害牛津高阶〔damage〕a new drug to treat nerve damage 治疗神经损伤的一种新药麦克米伦高阶〔damage〕brain/liver etc. damage 脑、肝等损伤牛津高阶〔damage〕cause (suffer) damage 造成(遭受)破坏英汉大词典〔damage〕do damage to sb. (sb.'s reputation) 损害某人(某人的名誉) 英汉大词典〔damage〕insects that damage crops 破坏庄稼的昆虫朗文当代〔damage〕lasting damage to the environment 对环境的持久破坏牛津搭配〔damage〕rules that inflict serious damage on motor racing使赛车运动蒙受巨大损失的规则外研社新世纪〔damage〕the damage to relations with the community对与社区之间的关系造成的负面影响外研社新世纪〔damage〕the attempts at political damage control during the scandal 丑闻期间控制政治上不良影响的努力朗文当代〔damage〕water/sun/frost damage = damage caused by water/sun/frost 水浸/日晒/霜冻造成的损失韦氏高阶〔dreadful〕do dreadful damage 造成极大的破坏英汉大词典〔environment〕farming methods that minimize damage to the environment 把对环境的破坏减至最低的耕作方法牛津搭配〔environment〕industries which damage the environment 破坏环境的产业牛津搭配〔expansion〕damage caused to buildings through the expansion and contraction of timbers 木料的热胀冷缩对建筑物造成的破坏麦克米伦高阶〔flood〕flood damage 洪涝灾害牛津高阶〔force〕damage caused by a force 9 gale *9级大风造成的损失韦氏高阶〔frightful〕frightful damage 惊人的损害英汉大词典〔frost〕frost damage 霜冻害牛津高阶〔frost〕the frost season; frost damage to crops.冰冻季节;霜冻死了庄稼美国传统〔frost〕the risk of frost damage to crops 庄稼霜冻害的危险朗文当代〔hate〕a hate campaign(= cruel comments made about sb over a period of time in order to damage their reputation) 对某人名誉的诋毁牛津高阶〔inapparent〕inapparent damage 不明显的损失英汉大词典〔incalculable〕an incalculably large amount of damage 无法估量的巨大损失韦氏高阶〔infliction〕the damage being inflicted on Britain's industries by the recession.经济衰退使英国工业遭受的损失柯林斯高阶〔irreversible〕irreversible damage 不可挽回的损失英汉大词典〔limitation〕an exercise in damage limitation 控制损害的行动牛津搭配〔main〕water damage from broken mains 主水管破裂造成的水渍损害牛津搭配〔mob〕the destruction and damage caused by the mobs 暴民造成的破坏和损失英汉大词典〔nerve〕nerve damage 神经损伤剑桥高阶〔neurological〕neurological damage 神经损伤牛津高阶〔organ〕damage to the muscles and internal organs肌肉和内脏损伤外研社新世纪〔overblown〕overblown reports of earthquake damage 过分夸大地震损失的报道麦克米伦高阶〔put〕to put damage right.把损坏补好。牛津同义词〔reckon〕reckon up the cost of repairing the damage to the car 结算汽车损坏修复的费用英汉大词典〔repair〕repair the damage done 补救造成的损失英汉大词典〔reparable〕reparable damage 可补救的损害英汉大词典〔sensation〕nerve damage which can lead to loss of sensation in the limbs.会导致四肢麻木的神经损伤柯林斯高阶〔slam-dunk〕to slam-dunk the damage request断然拒绝损坏索赔21世纪英汉〔smoothly〕airlines believed regulations requiring identification of all unaccompanied hold baggage would damage the smoothness of their operations.航空公司认为,要求确认所有非随行行李的规定会阻碍公司营运的顺利进行。柯林斯高阶〔structural〕structural damage 结构损伤麦克米伦高阶〔superficial〕superficial damage 表面的损坏朗文当代〔urban〕damage to both urban and rural environments 对城乡环境的破坏牛津高阶〔warranty〕a warranty against storm damage 对风暴造成的损坏的保修牛津搭配〔wreak〕the terrible damage wreaked by heavy bombardment 狂轰滥炸所造成的严重破坏英汉大词典damage to a person's reputation 对个人名誉的伤害牛津商务




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