

单词 ceremonies
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brahmana〕Any of several ancient Hindu religious prose texts that explain the relationship of the Vedas to the sacrificial ceremonies.梵书:几部古印度宗教散文体文章中任一部,针对祭礼阐释吠陀经义美国传统〔Judaism〕Conformity to the traditional ceremonies and rites of the Jewish religion.对犹太教的遵奉:对犹太教传统典礼和宗教仪式的恪守美国传统〔MC〕A master of ceremonies.司仪,礼宾官美国传统〔Manu〕The primordial father of the human race and sovereign of the earth who first instituted religious ceremonies and devised a code of laws.摩奴:人类的始祖及世界的主宰,他率先创立了宗教仪式和法典美国传统〔ablution〕Ablution is part of some religious ceremonies.洗礼是一些宗教仪式的一部分。剑桥高阶〔altar〕An elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.圣坛;祭坛:架高的地点或结构,在其前面举行宗教仪式或在其上面摆放祭品美国传统〔anthem〕The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies.欧洲颂歌在开幕礼和闭幕礼上演奏。牛津高阶〔barge〕A large, open pleasure boat used for parties, pageants, or formal ceremonies.大游艇:大型、敞篷的游船,用于聚会、露天表演或正式仪式美国传统〔black〕He was also alleged to have conducted black magic ceremonies.据称他还做了法。柯林斯高阶〔ceremonial〕A set of ceremonies prescribed for an occasion; a ritual.仪式:为某种场合而设定的一套礼仪;仪式美国传统〔compere〕The master of ceremonies, as of a television entertainment program or a variety show.主持人:主持人,尤指电视娱乐节目或各种表演的主持人美国传统〔compere〕To serve as master of ceremonies for.指挥:当…仪式的主持人美国传统〔compere〕To serve as the master of ceremonies.主持:做仪式主持人美国传统〔emcee〕A master of ceremonies.司仪:仪式的主持人美国传统〔emcee〕To act as master of ceremonies.作为主持人美国传统〔festive〕The mood was festive at yesterday's opening ceremonies.昨天的开幕典礼气氛喜庆。外研社新世纪〔finale〕The fireworks were the grand finale of the ceremonies.仪式在烟火齐放中隆重结束。朗文当代〔funeral〕The ceremonies held in connection with the burial or cremation of a dead person.葬礼:与死者土葬或火化有关而举行的仪式美国传统〔funerary〕The funerary ceremonies occupied two days.丧葬仪式花了两天时间。英汉大词典〔funerary〕The funerary ceremonies occupied two days.葬礼仪式花了两天时间。文馨英汉〔hysterically〕Paul Mazursky was Master of Ceremonies, and he was pretty hysterical.保罗·马祖尔斯基担任司仪,他简直把人笑坏了。柯林斯高阶〔initiate〕To admit into membership, as with ceremonies or ritual.接纳:接纳…为会员,伴有仪式或典礼美国传统〔kiva〕An underground or partly underground chamber in a Pueblo village, used by the men especially for ceremonies or councils.基瓦:普韦尔洛村庄中地下的或部分在地下的房间,由人们专门用来作为典礼或会议的场所美国传统〔master of ceremonies〕The master of ceremonies introduced the guest of honor.典礼官介绍了嘉宾。韦氏高阶〔medicine lodge〕A building or structure used by some Native American peoples for ceremonies.(印第安人的)巫术会所:一些美洲印第安人奉行宗教仪式的建筑物或地方美国传统〔perform〕The Wardaman people used to gather below the rock face each year to perform ceremonies and dances.瓦达曼族人过去每年都聚集在这面岩壁下举行仪式, 载歌载舞。外研社新世纪〔pervert〕Their traditional ceremonies were perverted into meaningless rituals.他们的传统礼仪走了样,成了毫无意义的俗套。英汉大词典〔pontifical〕A book of forms for ceremonies performed by a bishop.主教于祭典所用的书美国传统〔propitiate〕These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters.这些古老的仪式平息了水中神灵的怒气。外研社新世纪〔propitiate〕These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters.这些古老的仪式让水中的神灵平息了怒气。柯林斯高阶〔pull〕The Inaugural Committee pulled out all the stops when arranging the ceremonies.就职典礼委员会千方百计设计好这些仪式美国传统〔represent〕The general secretary may represent the president at official ceremonies.总书记可以在一些官方仪式上代表主席。柯林斯高阶〔ritually〕These ceremonies were already part of pre-Christian ritual in Mexico.这些仪式已经成为墨西哥基督教时期以前的宗教仪式的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔ritual〕The body of ceremonies or rites used in a place of worship.宗教仪式:用于祭祀场所的礼仪或仪式的主体部分美国传统〔ritual〕The body of ceremonies used by a fraternal organization.(兄弟会的)宗教仪式:被兄弟会组织使用的仪式的主体部分美国传统〔score〕Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。柯林斯高阶〔tattoo〕In the old days, they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies.过去,他们举行各种仪式前会在身上进行彩绘、文身。柯林斯高阶〔temple〕A building dedicated to religious ceremonies or worship.圣堂:用于宗教仪式或礼拜的建筑物美国传统〔thurible〕A censer used in certain ecclesiastical ceremonies or liturgies.香炉:在某些宗教仪式中使用的香炉美国传统〔verger〕One who takes care of the interior of a church and acts as an attendant during ceremonies.教堂司事:料理教堂内部并在庆典中作为侍从的人美国传统〔wait〕One of a group of musicians employed, usually by a city, to play in parades or public ceremonies.公共乐队队员:常被一个城市雇佣的一队音乐家,在游行或公共仪式中演出美国传统〔witness〕This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.这个古老的礼堂内举行过许多次典礼美国传统〔worship〕Local people have complained about improperly dressed tourists entering places of worship (= buildings for religious ceremonies or private prayer).当地人已经对穿着不得体的游人进入宗教场所表示不满。剑桥高阶〔worship〕The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.崇拜仪式:表达这种爱的典礼、祈祷或其他宗教仪式美国传统At many universities, students wear black gowns for their degree ceremonies.在许多大学里,学生们穿着黑色长袍参加学位授予典礼。剑桥国际He's one of those people who dish out awards at televised ceremonies.他是那种在电视转播的仪式上滥发奖的人。剑桥国际Kings and queens wear crowns at official ceremonies. 国王和女王出席官方仪式时戴王冠。译典通The memorial ceremonies marked the 100th anniversary of the disaster.这些追悼仪式是纪念灾难发生100周年的。剑桥国际There have been several complaints from local people about improperly dressed tourists entering places of worship (= buildings for religious ceremonies or private prayer).当地居民曾多次抗议穿着不当的游客进入敬神场所。剑桥国际




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