

单词 announce
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕McDonald's finally bowed to consumer pressure and announced that it would no longer use styrofoam boxes to package its hamburgers. 麦当劳最后屈服于消费者的压力,宣布说他们将不再使用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料盒包装汉堡包。朗文写作活用〔ASHAMED〕After the layoffs were announced, I couldn't look any of the people on the shop floor in the face. 裁员名单公布以后,我都不敢正眼看工厂的人了。朗文写作活用〔BETRAY〕After a furious argument during which he accused the prime minister of treachery, he announced that he would resign his Cabinet position. 他指责首相背信弃义,与首相激烈争吵了一场,之后便宣布将辞去在内阁的职务。朗文写作活用〔DELAY〕The Transportation Department first announced that the expressway would be completed by 2002, but it has since set the timetable back. 最初交通部宣布说这条高速公路将于2002年完工,但后来又把日期推迟了。朗文写作活用〔EXPECT〕Yesterday, as had been expected, the government announced its intention to launch a public enquiry. 不出所料,昨天政府宣布准备进行公开调查。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕The government announced that the National Democratic Party had been outlawed. 政府宣布国家民主党已被取缔。朗文写作活用〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕The coach just announced that Henri will be dropped from the team. 教练刚宣布了亨利将被除名。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Amid mounting excitement, an official came forward to announce the result of the election. 人们愈来愈兴奋,这时一位官员上前来宣布选举结果。朗文写作活用〔INFORMATION〕Full details about the company's plans will be announced in several months. 该公司规划的全部细节将于几个月后公布。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕Eventually, the chairman was forced to concede and announce his resignation. 最后,主席被迫认输,宣布辞职。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕The front page of the paper announced ‘Company bosses get record pay increases’. 报纸头版上报道:“公司主管们的工资增长创新高”。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Glennis and John announced their engagement yesterday. 格伦妮丝与约翰昨天宣布了订婚的消息。朗文写作活用〔Number Ten〕Number Ten announced tonight that the election will be on 6 April .唐宁街十号今晚宣布,选举将于4月6号举行。剑桥高阶〔PLACE〕The time, date, and location of the conference have not yet been announced. 会议的时间、日期及地点尚未宣布。朗文写作活用〔POOR〕The university has announced plans to increase the number of students from minority and disadvantaged groups. 该大学宣布了增加少数民族学生及贫困学生人数的计划。朗文写作活用〔PUBLIC〕In a public statement, Jackson and his wife announced their intention to get divorced. 在一份公开声明中,杰克逊与妻子宣布他们打算离婚。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕The company announced it was to streamline its operations and close down three factories in the UK. 公司宣布要精简业务,关闭三家在英国的工厂。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕The airport announced that due to bad weather all flights were cancelled, and they regretted any inconvenience this would cause. 机场广播说由于天气恶劣,所有航班都已取消,给乘客带来不便,他们感到非常遗憾。朗文写作活用〔REPLACE〕Steve just announced he was leaving, but the coach has already started looking around for a replacement. 史蒂夫刚宣布他要走,教练就已经开始到处找接替他的人了。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕The Company announced profits of about $400 million. 该公司宣布它的利润为四亿美元左右。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The President has announced the suspension of all military action in the region. 总统已经宣布暂停这个地区的所有军事活动。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The prime minister has announced a freeze on income tax for two years. 首相宣布将所得税冻结两年。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕As we waited for the winner to be announced, the excitement was intense. 我们等待宣布得奖者时,情绪万分激动。朗文写作活用〔SUGGEST〕The opposition leader announced that he would not be putting his name forward for re-election at the party's annual conference. 反对党领袖宣布,在党的年度大会上他不会提名自己再次参选。朗文写作活用〔TBA〕To be announced.应予宣布美国传统〔TELL〕The government has announced the date of the next election. 政府宣布了下次大选的日期。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The winner of the award will be announced at a dinner at the Sheraton Hotel. 获奖者将在喜来登大酒店的晚宴上公布。朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕The government will announce interim measures to tackle fuel shortages. 政府将宣布推出临时措施以解决燃料紧缺问题。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕My most special moment with dad was when I was announced as the winner of Junior Beauty Contest. 我和爸爸在一起最难忘的一刻,是当我被宣布为青少年选美冠军的时候。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕The government has announced that it will fund an extra 10,000 doctors in an attempt to reduce waiting times for operations. 政府宣布将拨款增聘10,000名医生以缩短轮候做手术的时间。朗文写作活用〔Upper House〕The decision was announced after objections were raised in the Upper House of Parliament.该决议是在上议院提出反对意见后宣布的。柯林斯高阶〔Vatican〕The Vatican has announced a new appointment.罗马天主教廷宣布了一项新的任命。韦氏高阶〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The decision, announced on Thursday, came as a huge relief to the factory's 300 workers. 周四宣布的决定对于工厂300名工人来说是个莫大的宽慰。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕To make things worse, Jimmy suddenly announced he'd left his passport at home. 更糟糕的是,吉米突然说他把护照忘在家里了。朗文写作活用〔White House〕The White House announced the new appointments to the Cabinet.美国政府宣布了新的内阁任命。韦氏高阶〔adulterer〕He announced he would leave Congress after being exposed as an adulterer.通奸之事败露后, 他宣布将退出国会。外研社新世纪〔after〕Union leaders announced that they would, after all, take part in the national conference.工会领导人宣布,他们还是要参加全国会议。朗文当代〔ahead〕Mexico announced its intention of repaying the loan ahead of schedule.墨西哥表示有意提前还贷。麦克米伦高阶〔ambitious〕The government has announced an ambitious plan to modernize the railway network.政府已经宣布了实现铁路网现代化的宏伟规划。剑桥高阶〔amnesty〕They announced a general amnesty for crimes committed during the war.他们宣布大赦战时犯罪的人。牛津搭配〔announce to〕Heim announced to his friends his engagement to Miss Helen.海姆向朋友们宣布他已和海伦小姐订婚。21世纪英汉〔announce〕A ring at the doorbell announced Jack's arrival.门铃一响就知道杰克驾到。牛津高阶〔announce〕Dinner was announced, and served.已宣布开饭, 菜都上齐了。外研社新世纪〔announce〕Dinner was announced, and served.已宣布开饭了,菜都上齐了。柯林斯高阶〔announce〕Exxon has announced a 26% increase in profits.埃克森公司宣布利润增长了26%。麦克米伦高阶〔announce〕He announced for the U.S. Senate.他宣布参加竞选美国参议员。英汉大词典〔announce〕He announced to the crowd that the war was over.他向人群宣布战争结束了。牛津搭配〔announce〕He announces for the local radio station.他在地方电台当播音员。21世纪英汉〔announce〕He suddenly stood up and announced, “I'm leaving.” = He suddenly stood up and announced that he was leaving.他突然站起来,大声说:“我要走了。”韦氏高阶〔announce〕He will announce tonight that he is resigning.他将在今晚宣布辞职。外研社新世纪〔announce〕His entrance was announced by a buzzer connected to the door.他刚一进去,与门相连的门铃便嗡嗡作响。柯林斯高阶〔announce〕One by one the guests were announced.来宾的名字一个接一个地通报了。外研社新世纪〔announce〕Presidential candidates announce two years in advance of the elections.在总统选举前两年宣布竞选者美国传统〔announce〕She announced that she'd given up smoking.她宣称已戒烟。牛津高阶〔announce〕Station staff announced the arrival of the train over the tannoy.车站工作人员通过广播告知火车到站了。柯林斯高阶〔announce〕The Senator is expected to announce next week.参议员预计会在下周宣布参加竞选。外研社新世纪〔announce〕The dark clouds announced rain.乌云预示着要下雨了。外研社新世纪〔announce〕The gauge recorded the radiation level and announced it safe to return home.测量仪记录了辐射级,显示可以安全回家了。英汉大词典〔announce〕The government announced that there would be a cut in taxes.政府宣布将减税。韦氏高阶〔announce〕The government yesterday announced to the media plans to create a million new jobs.政府在昨天向媒体宣布了创造一百万个新工作的计划。牛津高阶〔announce〕The mayor announced the program.市长为此节目报幕。21世纪英汉〔announce〕The next letter announced the birth of another boy.下一封信通知又一个男孩出生了。柯林斯高阶〔announce〕They announced that his plane was delayed.广播说他乘坐的飞机晚点了。外研社新世纪〔announce〕They are hoping that she will announce for governor.他们希望她将宣布参加竞选州长。21世纪英汉〔astonished〕They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant.我宣布我怀孕的消息时,他们看上去很吃惊。剑桥高阶〔banco〕Used to announce a bet in certain gambling games.在某些赌博游戏中用来宣布赌注美国传统〔bated〕We waited with bated breath for the winner to be announced.我们屏住呼吸等待宣布冠军是谁。牛津高阶〔blast〕He announced in an email blast to supporters that he is suspending his campaign.在给自己的支持者群发的一封电子邮件中,他宣布推迟运动时间。剑桥高阶〔brashly〕I brashly announced to the group that NATO needed to be turned around.我十分强硬地向那些人宣称北约需要转变方向。柯林斯高阶〔breakthrough〕The police have announced a breakthrough in the murder case.警方宣布谋杀案调查取得突破性进展。韦氏高阶〔briefing〕Details of the plan will be announced at a press briefing later today.这项计划的详细情况将在今天晚些时候的新闻发布会上宣布。牛津搭配〔buy-back〕The company announced an extensive stock buy-back program.公司宣布了一个大量回购股权的方案。柯林斯高阶〔buyback〕His company have just announced a $1 billion stock buyback.他的公司刚刚宣布回购了10亿美元的股票。剑桥高阶〔called〕The RSC was calling a press conference to announce the theatre's closure.皇家莎士比亚剧团要召开新闻发布会,宣布剧院关闭。柯林斯高阶〔candidacy〕She is expected to announce officially her candidacy for president early next week.预计她会在下周早些时候正式宣布成为总统候选人。剑桥高阶〔ceiling〕The pilot announced that the ceiling was zero.飞行员报告垂直能见度为零。英汉大词典〔clergy〕We were surprised when he announced he wanted to join the clergy.他宣布自己想成为一名牧师时,我们大吃一惊。剑桥高阶〔collective noun〕The government have not announced a new policy.政府还未宣布新政策。美国传统〔confine〕He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks.他通告说军队和警察已经被禁闭在营房中不得外出。柯林斯高阶〔congratulate〕When we announced our engagement, everyone congratulated us.我们宣布了订婚的消息, 每个人都向我们道喜。外研社新世纪〔create〕The President has announced a plan to create new jobs.总统宣布了创造新的就业机会的一个计划。韦氏高阶〔cutback〕A 200-person staff cutback was announced yesterday.昨天宣布要裁员200人。外研社新世纪〔decision〕Mrs Osman has announced her decision to retire as manager.奥斯曼太太宣布了她退休不再当经理的决定。麦克米伦高阶〔declare〕Has our flight been announced yet? 广播通知了我们的航班没有?牛津高阶〔descent〕After only an hour of flight, the pilot announced our descent.仅仅飞行一小时后,飞行员便宣布飞机即将降落。韦氏高阶〔detail〕Full details will be announced soon.具体信息很快就会公布。柯林斯高阶〔discontinue〕The company has announced that the current model will be discontinued next year.公司已宣布明年将不再生产目前这种型号的产品。韦氏高阶〔discovery〕Scientists announced the discovery of a new species of plant.科学家们宣布发现了一个新的植物物种。韦氏高阶〔dismissal〕No dismissals have been announced yet.尚未宣布有人被解雇。朗文当代〔dissolve〕The election was announced and parliament was dissolved.宣布选举后,议会解散了。牛津高阶〔double-barrelled〕The company announced a double-barrelled investment and compensation plan.公司宣布了一项投资和赔偿双重计划。外研社新世纪〔double〕Games To announce a double in bridge.【游戏】 桥牌中叫加倍美国传统〔e-blast〕Competition winners will be announced in our weekly e-blast.竞赛获胜者将在我们每周的群发邮件中宣布。剑桥高阶〔fanfare〕The deal was announced with much fanfare.这桩生意在一片热议中被宣布成交。朗文当代〔far〕The date of an election is not normally announced so far in advance.远在…之前;提前很长一段时间麦克米伦高阶〔government〕The government has announced plans to raise the minimum wage next year.政府已经公布了在下一年提高最低工资的计划。麦克米伦高阶〔grandly〕She announced grandly that she was spending Christmas in the Caribbean.她郑重其事地宣布她要去加勒比海过圣诞节。剑桥高阶〔half-yearly〕The company announced a half-yearly profit of just £2 million.该公司公布其半年利润仅为200万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔happy〕We are happy to announce the engagement of our daughter.我们高兴地宣布,我们的女儿已订婚。牛津高阶〔inexplicably〕She suddenly and inexplicably announced her retirement.她突然令人不解地宣布退休。外研社新世纪〔intention〕Beveridge announced his intention of standing for parliament.贝弗里奇宣布他打算竞选议员。柯林斯高阶〔intention〕He has announced his intention to retire.他已经宣布他打算退休。牛津高阶〔investor〕They announced budget cuts which they hoped would reassure investors.他们公布了预算削减计划,希望能借此让投资人安心。牛津搭配〔liberally〕The Liberal leader has announced his party's withdrawal from the ruling coalition.自由党领袖已宣布该党退出执政联盟。柯林斯高阶〔link-up〕The U.S. airline has just announced a formal link-up with British Airways.美国航空公司刚刚宣布了其与英国航空公司的正式合作。外研社新世纪〔listed company〕Some of Australia's largest listed companies are expected to announce huge interim earnings this week.澳大利亚最大的一些上市公司预计将在本周宣布巨额中期盈利。柯林斯高阶〔manner〕The dash may also be used in the same manner as the colon to announce a dramatic point.冒号用于引出重要的观点, 破折号也可发挥同样的作用。外研社新世纪〔mind over matter〕He announced what he called "the ultimate test of mind over matter" - a woman walking over hot coals.他宣布将进行他所称的“精神高于物质的最终测试”——让一名女子在炙热的炭火上行走。剑桥高阶〔misery〕Go on, put them out of their misery and announce the winner.说吧,别让他们着急了,宣布谁是获胜者吧。朗文当代〔mourning〕The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims.政府宣布全国为受害者哀悼一日。牛津高阶〔move〕He announced a move to crack down on petty crime.他宣布了一项旨在打击轻微犯罪的行动。外研社新世纪〔move〕The government announced its move to ban smoking in public spaces.政府宣布了在公共场所禁烟的举措。牛津搭配〔navy〕The government announced an order for three Type 23 frigates for the Royal Navy yesterday.政府昨天宣布为皇家海军订购3艘23型护卫舰。柯林斯高阶〔nomination〕The nominations for the Academy Awards have been announced.奥斯卡奖的提名已经公布了。韦氏高阶〔out of the blue〕One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.有一天,她突然宣布要走。剑桥高阶〔package〕Germany's BMW announced a financial package for its loss-making British subsidiary.德国宝马汽车公司宣布了一项金融一揽子计划来援助亏损的英国子公司。外研社新世纪〔package〕The government has announced a package of measures to assist affected areas.政府宣布了整套帮助受影响地区的措施。朗文当代〔party〕The planning team will announce details next week at a meeting for interested parties.计划小组将于下周在会议上向有关各方宣布细节。麦克米伦高阶〔patterned〕New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers.纽约市模仿联邦纳税人权利法案公布了10点政策。柯林斯高阶〔petition〕Mrs Hall announced that she was petitioning for a divorce.霍尔夫人宣布她正在提出离婚诉讼。麦克米伦高阶〔phased〕The government has announced the phased closure of a number of military bases.政府宣布分阶段逐步关闭若干军事基地。韦氏高阶〔pollution〕The government has announced plans to tackle light pollution.政府已经宣布处理光污染的计划。牛津搭配〔pounce〕Movie studios are ready to pounce as soon as she announces that she's making movies again.她一宣布要再次拍戏,制片商们就蜂拥而至。韦氏高阶〔press〕Police have announced they will not be pressing charges.警方已宣布不会提起诉讼。外研社新世纪〔protest〕There were cries/howls of protest when the verdict was announced.裁决宣布时出现了一阵反对的呼喊声。韦氏高阶〔public-address system〕The news was announced on the public address system at the high school.那所高中通过公共广播系统宣读了这一消息。外研社新世纪〔publicly〕He publicly announced his resignation. = He announced his resignation publicly.他公开宣布辞职。韦氏高阶〔radically〕The Football League has announced its proposals for a radical reform of the way football is run in England.足联宣布了它关于对目前英格兰足球运作方式进行彻底改革的提议。柯林斯高阶〔reconstruction〕They announced a multimillion dollar reconstruction programme for the region.他们宣布了一项耗资数百万美元对该地区进行重建的计划。麦克米伦高阶〔reduction〕Many companies have announced dramatic reductions in staff.许多公司已经宣布大幅裁员。柯林斯高阶〔regret〕It is with deep regret that we announce the death of Mr Fred Fisher.我们沉痛地宣布弗雷德・费希尔先生的死讯。牛津搭配〔regularly〕Closures and job losses are again being announced with monotonous regularity.倒闭和失业的消息又在一次次地反复宣布着。柯林斯高阶〔reinstate〕Thailand's prime minister announced his resignation today, but he is widely expected to be reinstated within a few days.泰国总理今天宣布辞职,但外界广泛猜测他会在几天之内复职。柯林斯高阶〔reshuffle〕The Prime Minister is expected to announce details of a government reshuffle later today.预计首相会在今天晚些时候宣布政府改组的细节。柯林斯高阶〔result〕They will announce the result of the vote tonight.今晚他们将宣布投票结果。牛津高阶〔reverse〕The winners were announced in reverse order(= the person in the lowest place was announced first).获胜者是按逆序宣布的。牛津高阶〔review〕A review of all government policy affecting the environment was announced.对影响到环境的所有政府政策的审核结果已经公布。麦克米伦高阶〔ring〕Hale today announced his retirement from the ring.黑尔今天宣布从拳坛引退。麦克米伦高阶〔rule〕He announced that henceforth he would rule by decree (=make all the important decisions himself) .他宣布从今起他要实行专制统治。朗文当代〔run〕Jackson announced his intention to run for President.杰克逊宣布他要参加总统竞选。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕Speculation is running high that the Prince may announce his engagement.关于王子可能要宣布订婚的猜测闹得沸沸扬扬。麦克米伦高阶〔see about〕Tony announced it was time to see about lunch.托尼宣布该做午饭了。柯林斯高阶〔severe〕Severe cutbacks in public spending have been announced.已经宣布对公共开支进行大幅度削减。剑桥高阶〔share〕The group recently announced a £300 m share buy-back.该集团最近宣布了价值 3 亿英镑股份的回购计划。牛津搭配〔sign〕To announce the end of a communication; conclude.宣布广播结束;结束美国传统〔steal sb's thunder〕Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I'd planned to tell people about my pregnancy.在我打算告诉大家我怀孕的消息之前两天,桑迪抢先宣布她怀孕了,抢了我的风头。剑桥高阶〔stone-faced〕He stood there stone-faced while the verdict was announced.宣布判决的时候,他站在那儿面无表情。韦氏高阶〔stringent〕He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.他宣布将对武器的持有实行更严格的控制。外研社新世纪〔swear〕She was bursting to announce the news but was sworn to secrecy.她急不可待想宣布这个消息,但却发过誓要守口如瓶。柯林斯高阶〔tannoy〕The train's approach was announced over the tannoy.广播里通知火车就要进站了。朗文当代〔today〕They announced today that he'll be promoted.他们今天宣布他将升职韦氏高阶〔toll〕To announce or summon by tolling.鸣钟通知或召集美国传统〔tomorrow〕The first official results will be announced tomorrow.第一批官方结果将于明天宣布。柯林斯高阶〔to〕The government announced today that it is to cut funding for the arts for next year.今天政府宣布明年要削减对艺术的资助。剑桥高阶〔troop〕They announced the withdrawal of 12 000 troops from the area.他们宣布从这个地区撤军 12 000 人。牛津高阶〔turn〕She announced that she was going to turn professional.她宣布自己即将成为职业选手。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕The conversation suddenly took an unexpected turn when he announced that he was getting married.他宣布了要结婚的消息,这让谈话突然改变了话题。韦氏高阶〔undertake〕The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.公司已经宣布将对这次事故进行全面调查。牛津高阶〔unheard of〕Mom announced that she was going to visit her family for two weeks, which was absolutely unheard-of.妈妈宣布她要回娘家住两星期, 这可是破天荒头一遭。外研社新世纪〔winner〕The winner of the competition will be announced this afternoon.比赛的获胜者将在今天下午宣布。牛津搭配〔world〕They announced their discovery to the world.他们向全世界公布了他们的发现。韦氏高阶A raft of economic measures has been announced.已经公布了许多经济措施。牛津商务After everyone was seated the chairman proceeded to announce his plan. 大家就坐后,主席开始宣布他的计划。译典通Cooper was counted out in the final round (=he was announced as the loser in a boxing competition because he failed to get up from the floor before ten seconds had been counted).库珀在最后一回合中被判失败。剑桥国际He walked into the room with a cheery smile and announced that he had some good news for us.他带着欢乐的微笑走进房间,宣布说他给我们带来了好消息。剑桥国际In a terse statement yesterday, the company announced that it was closing three of its factories.在昨天的简要声明中,公司宣告关闭它的三个工厂。剑桥国际In the New Testament, the birth of Christ is announced to Mary by the Archangel Gabriel.在《新约》中,基督的诞生是由天使长加百列向圣母玛丽亚宣告的。剑桥国际In the distance, a church bell tolled the hour (= announced the time by ringing).远处,一座教堂的钟声在报时。剑桥国际Irish government announced it was to legalize homosexuality.爱尔兰政府宣布它将使同性恋合法化。剑桥国际Jubilant cheers went up when the result of the election was announced.选举结果公布时人们欢呼雀跃。剑桥国际On March 12th, the central bank announced controls on capital outflows.三月十二日中央银行宣布了对资金外流的种种控制。剑桥国际One of the directors has announced that he is resigning from the board and divesting from the company.一位董事宣布他将退出董事会,不在公司任职了。剑桥国际Republican senators have announced that they may yet again filibuster a bill.共和党的参议员们宣布他们可能还会阻挠一个议案的通过。剑桥国际She came home with a pile of glossy brochures and announced she had decided to buy a car.她带着一叠印刷精美的小册子回到家,宣布她决定买一辆车。剑桥国际She is expected to announce officially her candidacy (=the fact that she is a candidate) for president early next week.预计她在下周早些时候将正式宣布为总统候选人。剑桥国际Ten minutes after we'd left home, Anna announced that she needed to pooh.离家十分钟后,安娜说要拉屎。剑桥国际The CEO announced a series of cost-cutting initiatives.该公司首席执行官宣布了一系列削减成本的新措施。牛津商务The President has announced plans to cut the country's oversized defence force.总统宣布了缩小该国太大的国防力量的计划。剑桥国际The TV stations agreed not to announce the projected winner until after the polls closed.电视台同意所有的投票点都关闭以后再宣布预计的获胜者。剑桥国际The company has announced $20 million of cost cuts.公司已宣布削减成本 2 000 万元。牛津商务The company has announced a boost in exports.公司宣布其出口量增加了。牛津商务The company has announced a number of management changes.公司已宣布了一系列管理上的变动。牛津商务The company has announced plans for a major expansion of its retail business.这家公司已公布其大规模扩展零售业务的计划。牛津商务The company has made a decision and informed its employees, but it won't be announced to the public till next week.公司已经作出了一个决定并通知了其雇员,但是要下星期才能向外界公众宣布。剑桥国际The company has not announced which of its factories will get the axe.公司没宣布关闭哪一家工厂。牛津商务The engineering group announced it had made a pre-tax loss and turnover had fallen.工程集团宣布它遭受了税前损失, 成交额已经下降了。剑桥国际The firm announced an immediate spending freeze to cut costs.这家公司宣布立即冻结支出增长以削减成本。牛津商务The government announced a cut-off in overseas aid.政府宣布了对外援助的限额。牛津商务The government have announced plans for a new campaign to promote safe sex.政府宣布了提倡安全性交的新运动的计划。剑桥国际The government is/are expected to announce its/their tax proposals today.预期政府今天宣布它的财税计划。剑桥国际The group has announced a plunge in annual profits.这个集团已宣布年度利润锐减。牛津商务The minister announced the severance of aid to the country.部长宣布中断对那个国家的援助。剑桥国际The minister has announced that there will be no change in government policy.部长宣布政府政策不会改变。剑桥国际The police announced that Mr Duggan was aiding them with their inquiries.警察宣布达根先生正在帮助他们的调查。剑桥国际There has been an atmosphere of gloom in the factory since it was announced that it would be closing.自从宣布不久将要关闭以来,这家厂里的气氛一直很沉闷。剑桥国际There was a great kerfuffle when he announced his decision to resign.当他宣布辞职决定时,一片混乱。剑桥国际There was an air of glumness in the room after the bad news was announced.当坏消息被宣布之后,屋里的气氛沉闷起来。剑桥国际They are expected to announce plans for further factory closures.人们期望他们公布未来关闭工厂的计划。牛津商务We would like to announce the appointment of Julia Lewis as head of sales.我们高兴地宣布朱莉娅·刘易斯被任命为销售部主任。剑桥国际When the results of the fraud investigation were announced last week, the staff came up smelling of roses.上星期公布了对诈骗案的调查结果,全体职员是清白的。剑桥国际




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