

单词 chiefly
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alsatian〕Chiefly British A German shepherd.【多用于英国】 阿尔萨斯牧羊犬:一种德国牧羊犬美国传统〔Chinatown〕A neighborhood or section of a city that is inhabited chiefly by Chinese people.唐人街:主要由中国人居住的街区或城市一部分美国传统〔Damascus steel〕An early form of steel having wavy markings, developed in Near Eastern countries and used chiefly in sword blades.大马力革钢:带有波纹钢的一种早期形状,在近东的国家发展起来,主要用于铸剑美国传统〔Herodotus〕Greek historian whose writings, chiefly concerning the Persian Wars, are the earliest known examples of narrative history.希罗多德:希腊历史学家,他的作品主要涉及波斯战争,系人们所知的叙述体史书的最早样品美国传统〔Maronite〕A member of a Christian Uniat church, chiefly of Lebanon, the liturgy of which is conducted in Syriac.马龙:基督教统一教会的信徒,主要属于黎巴嫩,其礼拜仪式用叙利亚语主持美国传统〔Yoruba〕A member of a West African people living chiefly in southwest Nigeria.约鲁巴人:一支西非民族,主要居住于尼日利亚西南美国传统〔accelerando〕Gradually accelerating or quickening in time. Used chiefly as a direction.逐渐加速的:在时间上逐渐加速或加快的。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔aerolite〕A chiefly siliceous meteorite.石陨石:主要由矽土构成的陨石美国传统〔agitato〕In a restless, agitated style. Used chiefly as a direction.激动不安地(的):以焦虑不安的激动的风格演奏地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔ague〕A febrile condition in which there are alternating periods of chills, fever, and sweating. Used chiefly in reference to the fevers associated with malaria.疟疾热:交替有发冷、发烧和出汗现象的发热症状。主要指和疟疾有关的发烧美国传统〔ampoule〕A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution.安瓿:小的玻璃容器,装满后密封,主要用于贮放皮下注射液美国传统〔andantino〕In a tempo variously construed as slightly faster or slower than andante. Used chiefly as a direction.较行板稍快地(的),趋板地(的):速度较行板梢快或稍慢地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔andesite〕A gray, fine-grained volcanic rock, chiefly plagioclase and feldspar.安山岩:一种灰色的,纹理细密的火山岩,主要是斜长石和似长石美国传统〔angioma〕A tumor composed chiefly of lymph and blood vessels.管腺瘤;淋巴管瘤:主要由淋巴管和血管构成的肿瘤美国传统〔avenue〕Chiefly British The drive leading from the main road up to a country house.【多用于英国】 走道或车道:自宽阔大路向一乡间房舍的通路美国传统〔bail〕Chiefly British A pole or bar used to confine or separate animals.【多用于英国】 栅栏:用于限制或分离动物的柱子或栏杆美国传统〔bank holiday〕Chiefly British A legal holiday when banks are ordered to remain closed.【多用于英国】 法定假日:奉政府命令保持停业状态的银行法定假日美国传统〔barrack〕Chiefly British To jeer or shout at a player, speaker, or team.【多用于英国】 喝倒彩:对表演者、讲演者和队员嘲笑或大嚷美国传统〔barstool〕A usually high stool with a cushioned seat, used chiefly as seating for patrons at a bar.酒吧高脚凳:一个通常有坐垫的高凳,常用作法庭上律师的座位美国传统〔basalt〕A hard, dense, dark volcanic rock composed chiefly of plagioclase, pyroxene, and olivine, and often having a glassy appearance.玄武岩:一种硬的、致密的、黑色的火山岩。它主要由斜长石、辉石和橄榄石组成,外表经常很光滑美国传统〔bencher〕Chiefly British A member of the inner or higher bar who acts as a governor of one of the Inns of Court.【多用于英国】 法官:做为英国律师协会主管委员的内部或高层律师成员美国传统〔bethel〕Chiefly British A Nonconformist chapel, especially a Baptist or Methodist one.【多用于英国】 非英国国教的礼拜堂:基督新教徒的教堂,尤指浸信会或卫理公会教徒美国传统〔bird〕Chiefly British A young woman.【多用于英国】 年轻的妇女美国传统〔blacksnake〕Any of various dark-colored, chiefly nonvenomous snakes, such as the black racer or the black rat snake of North America.黑蛇:一种黑色,多为无毒蛇类,如北美黑游蛇属黑蛇和食鼠黑蛇美国传统〔brawn〕Chiefly British The meat of a boar.【多用于英国】 野猪肉美国传统〔bryophyte〕A plant of the Bryophyta, a division of photosynthetic, chiefly terrestrial, nonvascular plants, including the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts.苔藓植物:苔藓植物门的植物,需要光合作用的多为陆生的非维管束植物的一支,包括苔藓、地钱和金鱼藻美国传统〔buggy〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A shopping cart, especially for groceries.【多用于美国南部】 运货车,尤指为杂货店运货的车美国传统〔bull tongue〕A large, detachable plowshare with a single blade, used chiefly for breaking or clearing heavy soil.单铧犁片,牛舌形犁:只有一个犁片的、大的,可分离式的犁铧,主要用来敲碎和清除厚土美国传统〔bureaucracy〕Administration of a government chiefly through bureaus or departments staffed with nonelected officials.行政系统:主要通过有未经挑选的官员的政府机关局或处进行的行政管理美国传统〔bureau〕Chiefly British A writing desk or writing table with drawers.【多用于英国】 写字台:写字桌或带抽屉的写字台美国传统〔call box〕Chiefly British A public telephone booth.【多用于英国】 公用电话亭美国传统〔camel's hair〕A soft, heavy, usually light tan cloth, made chiefly of the hair of camel.驼绒织物:一种软的、厚的、常呈淡褐色的织物,主要用骆驼绒毛制成美国传统〔cannon〕Chiefly British A carom made in billiards.【多用于英国】 桌球中的连中两球的一击美国传统〔cantrip〕Chiefly British A deceptive move; a sham.【多用于英国】 恶作剧:欺骗性的行动;假动作美国传统〔carriage〕Chiefly British A railroad passenger car.【多用于英国】 火车客车车厢美国传统〔catmint〕Chiefly British Catnip.【多用于英国】 猫薄荷美国传统〔chalk〕Chiefly British A score or tally.【多用于英国】 分数或比分美国传统〔chesterfield〕Chiefly Northern California Chiefly Canada A large, overstuffed sofa with upright armrests.【多用于加州北部】 【多用于加拿大】 沙发:一种有垂直的扶手,垫得很厚的大沙发美国传统〔chiefly〕Chiefly, I ask you to remember to write to your mother.首先,我要求你别忘了给你妈妈写信。英汉大词典〔chiefly〕He joined the consular service, chiefly because this was one of the few job vacancies.他到领事馆工作,主要因为那是仅有的几个空缺职位之一。柯林斯高阶〔chiefly〕His response to attacks on his work was chiefly bewilderment.听到别人对自己工作的指责,他的反应主要是困惑。柯林斯高阶〔chiefly〕I lived abroad for years, chiefly in Italy.我长年住在国外,主要是在意大利。朗文当代〔chiefly〕The rock is composed chiefly of quartz.这种岩石主要由石英组成。韦氏高阶〔chiefly〕There are branches of the shop all over the country, but chiefly in the south.该商店在全国各地都有分店,但主要分布在南方。麦克米伦高阶〔chiefly〕We visited Washington chiefly to see the Capitol and the White House.我们访问华府首要目的在于参观美国国会议堂及白宫。文馨英汉〔cholinesterase〕An enzyme found chiefly at nerve terminals that inactivates acetylcholine by hydrolyzing it to form acetic acid and choline.乙酰胆碱酯酶:一种主要分布于神经末梢的酶,它能通过水解乙酰胆碱形成醋酸和胆碱从而使之失去活性美国传统〔circumboreal〕Distributed or occurring chiefly throughout the boreal regions of North America and Eurasia. Used especially of plants.遍及北部地区的:主要分布或发生在北美和欧亚北部地区的。尤指植物美国传统〔citronella〕A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repellents and commercial flavorings.亚香茅油:从这种植物获得的淡黄色到棕色的芳香油,主要用于香水和一些驱虫剂及商用调味品美国传统〔cloche〕A usually bell-shaped cover, used chiefly to protect plants from frost.吊钟形玻璃罩:一种通常呈钟状的罩子,主要用于保护植物避免严寒美国传统〔coir〕The fiber obtained from the husk of a coconut, used chiefly in making rope and matting.椰子纤维:从椰子果壳获得的纤维,主要用于制造绳与席美国传统〔concerned〕The government is chiefly concerned to ensure control of the economy.政府关心的主要是确保对经济的控制。麦克米伦高阶〔conk〕Chiefly British The human nose.【多用于英国】 人的鼻子美国传统〔convenience〕Chiefly British A lavatory.【多用于英国】 厕所美国传统〔coral〕Any of numerous chiefly colonial marine polyps of the class Anthozoa that secrete such calcareous skeletons.珊瑚虫:任一种珊瑚虫纲的分泌这种石灰质骨骼的众多珊瑚虫,主要是集群菌落的海生水螅型珊瑚虫美国传统〔court tomb〕A Neolithic tomb found chiefly in the British Isles consisting of a chamber tomb adjoined by an open space marked off by large standing stones.法院石墓:多在英伦群岛上发现的新石器时代坟墓,包括一个墓室,与一个被大的直立石头所做记号的宽广空间相连美国传统〔crafty〕Chiefly British Skillful; dexterous.【多用于英国】 熟练的;巧妙的美国传统〔creek〕Chiefly British A small inlet in a shoreline, extending farther inland than a cove.【多用于英国】 小湾:在海岸线上的小港湾,比如小湾伸入陆地内美国传统〔crèche〕Chiefly British A day nursery.【多用于英国】 日间托儿所美国传统〔curtsy〕A gesture of respect or reverence made chiefly by women by bending the knees with one foot forward and lowering the body.屈膝礼:一种主要由妇女做的表示尊重或恭敬的动作,弯曲双膝,一脚向前迈并使身体下坐美国传统〔cymogene〕A flammable gaseous fraction of petroleum, consisting chiefly of butane.粗丁烷:石油中易燃的气体部分,主要由丁烷组成美国传统〔divider〕Chiefly British A highway median strip.【多用于英国】 公路中间带美国传统〔dogtrot〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A roofed passage between two parts of a structure.【多用于美国南部】 建筑物两部分间有顶的过道美国传统〔do〕Chiefly British A swindle; a cheat.【多用于英国】 欺骗;骗取美国传统〔eye〕Chiefly Southern U.S. The round flat cover over the hole on a wood-burning stove.【多用于美国南部】 炉盖:一种圆形的扁平盖,盖在烧木头的炉口上美国传统〔fighter-bomber〕A versatile aircraft capable of functioning as a fighter and a bomber chiefly in tactical and defensive operations.战斗轰炸机:一种主要用于战斗和防卫的多功能通用飞机,可行使战斗机和轰炸机的功能美国传统〔fly-over〕Chiefly British An overpass, as on a highway.【多用于英国】 高速公路上方的立交桥美国传统〔fortissimo〕In a very loud manner. Used chiefly as a direction.极强音地(的):极强音地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔fortississimo〕In the loudest manner. Used chiefly as a direction.最强音地(的):最强音地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔function〕The instrument is chiefly used to measure and record heart function.这个仪器主要用于测量和记录心脏功能。韦氏高阶〔gabardine〕Chiefly British A laborer's long, loose smock; a gaberdine.【多用于英国】 工作服:工人穿的宽松的长工作服;粗布长袍美国传统〔galenical〕Of, relating to, or being a drug or agent made up chiefly of herbal or vegetable matter.草药的:主要由草本物质或植物物质制成的药剂的,与此有关的,作为这种药剂的美国传统〔gentleman farmer〕A man of independent means who farms chiefly for pleasure rather than income.乡绅:富裕的乡村绅士,主要为了闲乐而不是为了谋生而经营农场美国传统〔glasshouse〕Chiefly British A greenhouse.【多用于英国】 温室美国传统〔goatsucker〕Any of various chiefly nocturnal, insectivorous birds of the family Caprimulgidae, which includes the nighthawk and the whippoorwill.夜鹰:一种主要在夜间活动的,捕食小飞虫的夜鹰科鸟类,包括夜鹰和三声夜鹰美国传统〔go〕Chiefly British To go to a university.【多用于英国】 上大学美国传统〔granger〕Granger Chiefly Northeastern U.S. A member of the Grange. Granger 【多用于美国东北部】 农庄成员美国传统〔granulite〕A fine-grained metamorphic rock often banded in appearance and composed chiefly of feldspar, quartz, and garnet.白粒岩;变粒岩;麻粒岩:一种通常有条带状外观的细粒变质岩,主要由长石、石英和石榴石组成美国传统〔gruel〕Chiefly British Severe punishment.【多用于英国】 严厉的处罚美国传统〔guano〕A substance composed chiefly of the dung of sea birds or bats, accumulated along certain coastal areas or in caves and used as fertilizer.鸟粪:一种主要由海鸟或蝙蝠的排泄物构成的物质,在某些海岸或山洞中不断积累,用做肥料美国传统〔guard〕Chiefly British A railway employee in charge of a train.【多用于英国】 火车列车员:管理火车的铁路职员美国传统〔haboob〕A penetrating sandstorm or dust storm with violent winds, occurring chiefly in Arabia, North Africa, and India.哈布沙暴:主要发生在阿拉伯,北非和印度的伴随狂风的猛烈的沙暴或尘暴美国传统〔hall〕Chiefly British A meal served in such a building.【多用于英国】 公共食堂中的一餐:在这样的建筑物中的一顿饭美国传统〔hemosiderin〕A protein that stores iron in the body, derived chiefly from the hemoglobin released during hemolysis.血铁黄素,血铁黄蛋白:体内贮存铁的蛋白,主要来源于血细胞溶解时所释放的血红蛋白美国传统〔herbivore〕An animal that feeds chiefly on plants.食草动物:主要靠植物为生的动物美国传统〔hind〕Chiefly British A farm laborer, especially a skilled worker.【多用于英国】 农场工人:尤指技术熟练的农场工人美国传统〔homepage〕The opening or main page of a website, intended chiefly to greet visitors and provide information about the site or its owner.首页,主页:网站中的首页或是主要网页,主要是为了欢迎访客并提供此网站或是网站拥有者的相关信息美国传统〔hosiery〕Chiefly British Stockings, socks, and underclothing.【多用于英国】 长筒袜,短袜和内衣美国传统〔hurdle〕Chiefly British A frame or sledge on which condemned persons were dragged to execution.【多用于英国】 囚笼,囚车:一种架子或雪橇,遭指控者被拖到其上施刑美国传统〔husband〕Chiefly British A manager or steward, as of a household.【多用于英国】 管家,总管:管理者或管家,如家庭中的美国传统〔indent〕Chiefly British An official requisition or purchase order for goods.【多用于英国】 购买委托书,订单:购货的官方通知单或订货单美国传统〔indent〕Chiefly British To draw up or order an indent.【多用于英国】 起草或发出定单美国传统〔indent〕Chiefly British To order (goods) by purchase order or official requisition.【多用于英国】 定货:用官方订货单或购买单订(货)美国传统〔italic〕Italics are chiefly used to indicate emphasis, a foreign word, etc.斜体字主要用以表示强调、外来语等。文馨英汉〔jar〕Chiefly British A glass of beer.【多用于英国】 一杯啤酒美国传统〔jolly〕Chiefly British A good or festive time.【多用于英国】 欢乐或喜庆的期间美国传统〔klaxon〕These noises were made chiefly with klaxon horns.这些噪音主要是汽车喇叭造成的。英汉大词典〔leader〕Chiefly British The main editorial in a newspaper.【多用于英国】 报纸的主要社论美国传统〔lecturer〕Chiefly British A university teacher, especially one ranking next below a reader.【多用于英国】 讲师:大学教师,尤指职务仅低于高级讲师者美国传统〔legato〕In a smooth, even style. Used chiefly as a direction.连奏地:风格舒缓平稳地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔letterpress〕Chiefly British The text, as of a book, distinct from illustrations or other ornamentation.【多用于英国】 正文:正文,如一本书中区别于插图和其他装饰的文字美国传统〔living〕Chiefly British A church benefice, including the revenue attached to it.【多用于英国】 教产:教堂的圣俸,包括附带的税收收入美国传统〔loblolly〕Chiefly Southern U.S. A mudhole; a mire.【多用于美国南部】 泥坑;泥沼美国传统〔lumber〕Chiefly British To clutter with or as if with unused articles.【多用于英国】 胡乱堆积:用或类似用没有用途的物件杂乱堆积美国传统〔lurcher〕Chiefly British A crossbred dog used by poachers.【多用于英国】 狩猎时不出声的猎狗:狩猎者使用的一种杂交狗美国传统〔maestoso〕In a majestic and stately manner. Used chiefly as a direction.庄严宏伟地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔mainly〕For the most part; chiefly.大部分地;主要地美国传统〔mallet〕A short-handled hammer, usually with a cylindrical head of wood, used chiefly to drive a chisel or wedge.木槌:一种手柄较短的锤子,通常具有木制的圆头,主要用以敲击凿子或敲击契子美国传统〔malt〕Grain, usually barley, that has been allowed to sprout, used chiefly in brewing and distilling.麦芽:能够发芽生长的各类谷物,常指大麦,主要用于酿酒和蒸馏造酒美国传统〔marcato〕With strong accentuation. Used chiefly as a direction.强调地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔marquee〕A large tent with open sides, used chiefly for outdoor entertainment.大帐篷:一种四周开敞的大帐篷,主要用于户外娱乐美国传统〔master〕Chiefly British Used as a title for any of various male law court officers.【多用于英国】 (法庭的)男法官:指法庭上的各种男性官员的头衔美国传统〔melton〕A heavy woolen cloth used chiefly for making overcoats and hunting jackets.麦尔登呢:一种厚重的羊毛料子,主要用来做大衣及打猎用之夹克美国传统〔menhir〕A prehistoric monument of a class found chiefly in the British Isles and northern France, consisting of a single tall, upright megalith.竖石纪念物:一种史前遗留下来的纪念碑,主要存在于不列颠群岛及法国北部,由单块高而直的巨石构成美国传统〔mezzo forte〕Moderately loud. Used chiefly as a direction.中强,不很响:中等强度的声音,主要用于指挥中美国传统〔mezzo piano〕Moderately soft. Used chiefly as a direction.中弱,不很轻:中等弱度地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔mickey〕Chiefly British Self-assurance.【多用于英国】 傲慢,自大美国传统〔molto〕Very; much. Used chiefly in directions.非常;很。主要用于指挥中美国传统〔monk's cloth〕A heavy cotton cloth in a coarse basket weave, now used chiefly for draperies.粗厚方平棉布:一种粗厚方平棉布织物,现主要用以制厚帘子美国传统〔nephrite〕A white to dark green variety of jade, chiefly a metasilicate of iron, calcium, and magnesium.软玉:一种由浅至深的绿色玉,主要指铁、钙和镁的硅酸盐物质美国传统〔neuraminidase〕A hydrolytic enzyme that breaks down mucoproteins and is found chiefly in microorganisms of the respiratory and intestinal tracts.神经氨酸酶:一种分解成粘蛋白的水解酶,通常见于呼吸系统脊髓束的内脏脊髓束的显微组织美国传统〔normal school〕A school that trains teachers, chiefly for the elementary grades.师范学校:训练教师的学校,主要为低年级美国传统〔other-directed〕Directed or guided chiefly by external standards as opposed to one's own standards or values.没有自己主张的:受与自己本身标准或价值观相左的外界标准指导或支配的美国传统〔ottava〕At an octave higher or lower than the notes written. Used chiefly as a direction, positioned above or below a staff.高八度地(的),低八度地(的):比某些音符高八度或低八度地(的)。主要用作演奏演唱指示,位于五线谱上方或下方美国传统〔overspill〕Chiefly British Movement of people from overcrowded cities to less populated areas.【多用于英国】 人口外溢:人们从过于拥挤的城市向人口相对稀疏的地区的迁移运动美国传统〔pack out〕We're packed out and again chiefly to young people.我们的票卖完了,主要又是卖给年轻人的。21世纪英汉〔peg〕Chiefly British A drink of liquor.【多用于英国】 烈酒:一种酒精饮料美国传统〔piano〕In a soft or quiet tone. Used chiefly as a direction.轻轻地(的),微弱地(的):用轻柔或安静的音调。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔pinot〕Any of several related white or red grapes chiefly grown in California and France and used for making wine.比诺葡萄:主要生长在美国加利福尼亚州及法国的一种白色或红色葡萄,用来酿酒美国传统〔pitch〕Chiefly British The stand of a vender or hawker.【多用于英国】 货摊,摊位:商贩的摊位美国传统〔pram〕Nautical A flat-bottomed boat used chiefly in the Baltic Sea as a barge.【航海】 平底驳船:平底船,主要在波罗的海中用作驳船美国传统〔pressmark〕Chiefly British A notation in or on a book indicating where it should be placed in a library.【多用于英国】 书架号:书里或书面上表明该书在图书馆的放置位置的记号美国传统〔presto〕Music In a very fast tempo, usually considered to be faster than allegro but slower than prestissimo. Used chiefly as a direction.【音乐】 急板地(的):非常快的节奏,通常被认为是快于慢板而慢于最急板。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔puny〕Chiefly Southern U.S. Sickly; ill.【多用于美国南部】 病重的;生病的美国传统〔rabat〕A piece of cloth fitted to the collar and covering the shirt front, worn chiefly by Roman Catholic and Anglican clergy.黑色胸带:连接在领子上的一条布带,遮住衬衣前胸,主要戴在罗马天主教和英国圣公会教士身上美国传统〔ranger〕Chiefly British The keeper of a royal forest or park.【多用于英国】 皇家园林卫队:保护皇家森林和公园的看守者美国传统〔rationalize〕Chiefly British To bring modern, efficient methods to (an industry, for example).【多用于英国】 合理化改革:将现代化的高效率的方法(引入到例如工业等事业中)美国传统〔readership〕Chiefly British The office of a reader at a university.【多用于英国】 高级讲师职称:大学中高级讲师的职称美国传统〔reader〕Chiefly British A university teacher, especially one ranking next below a professor.【多用于英国】 高级讲师:大学的教师,尤指仅低于教授职称的那一级教师美国传统〔rebozo〕A long scarf worn over the head and shoulders chiefly by Mexican women.长围巾:主要是墨西哥女人们用的盖住头和肩的一种长围巾美国传统〔receptionist〕An office worker employed chiefly to receive visitors and answer the telephone.接待员:一种办公职员,主要被雇来接待来访者并接电话美国传统〔responsible〕It's been one of the factors chiefly responsible for improved public health.这是公共卫生得以改善的主要因素之一。牛津搭配〔return〕Chiefly British An election.【多用于英国】 选举美国传统〔rice paper〕A thin paper made chiefly from the pith of the rice-paper plant.米纸:主要由通脱木的木髓制成的薄纸美国传统〔rinderpest〕An acute, often fatal, contagious viral disease, chiefly of cattle, characterized by ulceration of the alimentary tract and resulting in diarrhea.牛瘟,牛疫:一种急性的、常是致命的传染性病毒疾病,主要是牛患此病,症状为消化道的溃烂并导致腹泻美国传统〔rota〕Chiefly British A round or rotation of duties.【多用于英国】 勤务轮值的一轮美国传统〔roundabout〕Chiefly British A merry-go-round.【多用于英国】 旋转木马美国传统〔scupper〕Chiefly British To overwhelm or massacre.【多用于英国】 击溃,屠杀美国传统〔selectionist〕Of or relating to the view that evolution or genetic variation occurs chiefly as a result of natural selection.自然选择论的:认为进化和遗传变异的发生是自然选择的结果的观点的或与之相关的美国传统〔semplice〕In a simple or plain manner. Used chiefly as a direction.无修饰音地(的):以简单的或平实的方式。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔shantytown〕A town or a section of a town consisting chiefly of shacks.贫民区:一种主要由简陋木屋构成的小城或城的一部分美国传统〔sherbet〕Chiefly British A beverage made of sweetened diluted fruit juice.【多用于英国】 果子露:一种由加甜味的稀释水果汁制成的饮料美国传统〔side〕Chiefly British Affected superiority; arrogance.【多用于英国】 假装的优越感;傲慢美国传统〔silkworm moth〕Any of the moths, chiefly of the family Bombycidae, whose larvae produce silk cocoons.蚕蛾:任一种幼虫能产蚕茧的蛾,尤指蚕蛾科的蛾美国传统〔sit〕Chiefly British To take an examination, as for a degree.【多用于英国】 考试:参加考试,例如为取得文凭的考试美国传统〔sneeze〕To expel air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic involuntary action resulting chiefly from irritation of the nasal mucous membrane.打喷嚏:以一种不受控制、爆炸、痉挛式的行动从嘴巴或鼻子中用力排出空气,主要由于鼻腔黏膜受到侵扰而发生美国传统〔solid-state〕Based on or consisting chiefly or exclusively of semiconducting materials, components, and related devices.固态的:主要或仅仅建立在半导体物质、组件或相关装置之上的或由它们组成的美国传统〔soot〕The fine black particles, chiefly composed of carbon, produced by incomplete combustion of coal, oil, wood, or other fuels.煤烟:由于煤炭、油、木材或其他燃料的不完全燃烧而产生的精细黑色颗粒,主要由碳组成美国传统〔sotto voce〕Music In very soft tones. Used chiefly as a direction.【音乐】 轻轻地(的):以极其轻量的音调。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔spanner〕Chiefly British A wrench.【多用于英国】 扳手美国传统〔spot〕Chiefly British A small amount; a bit.【多用于英国】 少量;少许美国传统〔spout〕Chiefly British To pawn.【多用于英国】 把…当掉美国传统〔steel band〕A band of Trinidadian origin, composed chiefly of tuned percussion instruments fashioned from oil drums.钢鼓乐队:特立尼达和多巴哥的一支乐队,主要使用由油鼓发展而来的旋律打击乐器美国传统〔stove〕Chiefly British A hothouse.【多用于英国】 温室美国传统〔stuff〕Chiefly British Woven material, especially woolens.【多用于英国】 织品:织物,尤指并毛织物美国传统〔subaltern〕Chiefly British A subaltern officer.【多用于英国】 陆军中尉美国传统〔sundowner〕Chiefly British A drink taken at sundown.【多用于英国】 日落时喝的饮料美国传统〔survey〕Chiefly British To inspect and determine the structural condition of (a building).【多用于英国】 勘验:考察并决定(建筑物)的结构状况美国传统〔swag〕Chiefly British To lurch or sway.【多用于英国】 颠簸或摇摆美国传统〔tear sheet〕A page taken from a periodical and used chiefly to provide evidence to an advertiser of the publication of an advertisement.样张:从期刊上取下的纸张,主要用于向要登广告的客户提供资料美国传统〔tenement〕Chiefly British An apartment or a room leased to a tenant.【多用于英国】 (供出租用的)房间或套间美国传统〔tenuto〕So as to be held for the full time value; sustained. Used chiefly as a direction.持续地(的):保持整个时间值;维持。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔threadfin〕Any of various chiefly tropical marine fishes of the family Polynemidae, having threadlike rays extending from the lower part of the pectoral fin.马鲅科鱼:有从胸鳍的下部垂下的丝状飘带的马鲅科热带海洋鱼类的任一种美国传统〔tick〕Chiefly British A moment.【多用于英国】 一瞬间美国传统〔time〕Chiefly British The hour at which a pub closes.【多用于英国】 酒馆关门时间美国传统〔tip〕Chiefly British An area or a place for dumping something, such as rubbish or refuse, as from a mine.【多用于英国】 垃圾倾倒场:倾倒某物,比如垃圾或废料(如从一个矿井中)的地区或地方美国传统〔torch〕Chiefly British A flashlight.【多用于英国】 手电筒美国传统〔town〕Chiefly British A rural village that has a market or fair periodically.【多用于英国】 定期有集市的农村美国传统〔tramcar〕Chiefly British A streetcar.【多用于英国】 有轨电车美国传统〔trapezium〕Chiefly British A trapezoid.【多用于英国】 梯形美国传统〔traveler〕Chiefly British A traveling salesperson.【多用于英国】 旅行推销商美国传统〔tripper〕Chiefly British One who is taking a short pleasure trip.【多用于英国】 旅行者,远足者:进行的短程愉快旅行的人美国传统〔trolley〕Chiefly British A cart.【多用于英国】 矮轮手推车美国传统〔truck〕Chiefly British A railroad freight car without a top.【多用于英国】 无盖货车:无顶的铁路货车美国传统〔tube〕Chiefly British A subway; an underground.【多用于英国】 地铁;地道美国传统〔tweed〕A coarse, rugged, often nubby woolen fabric made in any of various twill weaves and used chiefly for casual suits and coats.粗花呢:一种粗糙不平的,通常为表面粗糙的毛料织物,用各种斜纹毛呢制成,主要用于制作休闲套装和外套美国传统〔underground〕Chiefly British A subway system.【多用于英国】 地铁系统美国传统〔van〕Chiefly British A closed railroad car used for carrying baggage or freight.【多用于英国】 货车:用于运输垃圾或货物的有轨封闭或小车美国传统〔verge〕Chiefly British The shoulder of a road.【多用于英国】 路肩,路边美国传统〔vivace〕In a lively or vivacious manner. Used chiefly as a direction.活泼的(地):用生动或活泼的方式。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔wagon〕Chiefly British An open railway freight car.【多用于英国】 铁路货车:一种无篷铁路运货车美国传统〔waistcoat〕Chiefly British A short, sleeveless, collarless garment worn especially over a shirt and often under a suit jacket; a vest.【多用于英国】 马甲:一种短的无袖无领衣服,尤其是穿在衬衫外面夹克装里面的;背心美国传统〔wallah〕Chiefly British A man; a chap.【多用于英国】 一个男人;小伙子美国传统〔water mold〕Any of various parasitic or saprobic fungi of the phylum Oomycota, living chiefly in fresh water or moist soil.水霉:几种卵菌纲的寄生或腐生的真菌之任一种,主要生长于淡水或湿润土壤中美国传统〔waterproof〕Chiefly British A raincoat or other such outer garment.【多用于英国】 雨衣:雨衣或其它这样的外套美国传统〔wing〕Chiefly British The fender of a motor vehicle.【多用于英国】 汽车的挡泥板美国传统〔wireless〕Chiefly British Of or relating to radio or communication by radiotelegraphy or radiotelephony.【多用于英国】 无线的,无线电报的:属于或关于通过无线电报或无线电话联系或无线电传送的美国传统〔wrought〕Shaped by hammering with tools. Used chiefly of metals or metalwork.锻造的:用工具锤炼而成形的。常用于金属或金属制品美国传统〔yeoman〕A petty officer performing chiefly clerical duties in the U.S. Navy.文书军士:美国海军中,主要做文书工作的小军官美国传统As a writer she was chiefly noted for her lifelong commitment to feminism.作为一个作家,她主要以毕生献身女权运动而闻名。剑桥国际She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.她主要以全力支持核裁军运动而出名。剑桥国际




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