

单词 smoldering
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fan〕Kneeling in front of the open hearth, old Maria was fanning the smoldering fire.老玛丽亚跪在壁炉前的空地上,扇着闷燃的炉火。柯林斯高阶〔flare-up〕The fire is smoldering and there is still a danger of flare-ups.火在闷烧着,仍有复燃的危险。韦氏高阶〔march〕When the terrible march ended, much of the Confederacy lay in smoldering ruins.这次可怕的行军结束后, 大多数邦联士兵倒在了浓烟滚滚的废墟中。外研社新世纪〔reignite〕Heat will reignite the smoldering rags.高温将会重新点燃这些冒烟的破布。韦氏高阶〔snag〕After the fire, there were a few snags still smoldering.大火过后,还剩下几棵仍在闷燃的残桩。韦氏高阶The fire was still smoldering the next morning.第二天早上火仍在闷燃。剑桥国际The workforce were smoldering with discontent. 工人们流露出难以抑制的不满。译典通




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