

单词 at this stage
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EARLY〕I think it would be jumping the gun to sign the agreement at this stage. 我认为这个阶段签约是操之过急。朗文写作活用〔NEWS〕There are no new developments to report at this stage. 这一阶段没有新的情况可以报告。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕It is not important that you understand everything at this stage. 这个阶段你不一定要样样都明白。朗文写作活用〔anticipate〕At this stage we can't really anticipate what will happen.在这个阶段我们真的无法预料会发生什么。剑桥高阶〔cannot afford〕We can't afford to make any mistakes at this stage in the project.工程进行到这个阶段,犯任何错误我们都承担不起后果。剑桥高阶〔come〕It's impossible at this stage to judge how the vote will come out.现阶段不可能判断投票结果会怎样。麦克米伦高阶〔confidence〕Nobody can answer that question with complete confidence at this stage.在现阶段没人能十分有把握地回答那个问题。英汉大词典〔cut〕At this stage, your child will need someone to cut up her food for her.这个阶段的孩子需要有人帮她把食物切碎。麦克米伦高阶〔deprecate〕As a lawyer, I would deprecate any sort of legal control on gene therapy at this stage.作为律师,我会反对在现阶段对基因疗法进行任何形式的法律管制。柯林斯高阶〔detail〕Do not give any technical details of the product at this stage.在本阶段不要公布此产品任何技术细节。牛津搭配〔develop〕It's hard to say at this stage how the market will develop.在现阶段,很难说市场将会如何发展。柯林斯高阶〔enter〕Let's not enter into details at this stage.咱们现阶段不要讨论细节问题。牛津高阶〔essentials〕Don't let's worry about the details at this stage. Let's concentrate on the essentials.在这个阶段不要考虑细节,让我们把精力集中在最重要的事情上。牛津搭配〔firm up〕The mixture will seem too wet at this stage, but it will firm up when chilled.在这个阶段混合物看上去会很湿, 但冷却后会变硬。外研社新世纪〔firmly〕The mixture will seem too wet at this stage, but it will firm up when chilled.混合物在此阶段看起来会非常湿,但冷却后就会坚硬起来。柯林斯高阶〔fluid〕I think we should try and keep our arrangements fluid at this stage.我觉得在这一阶段我们应该尽力保持我们安排的灵活性。牛津搭配〔foolhardy〕It would be foolhardy to try and predict the outcome of the talks at this stage.在谈判的现阶段就预测结果显得既愚蠢又鲁莽。剑桥高阶〔freeze〕You can freeze the soup at this stage.这时可以把汤冷冻起来。柯林斯高阶〔general〕We shall at this stage keep the discussion fairly general.我们在此阶段应保持相当广泛的讨论。牛津高阶〔go into sth〕I'm unable to go into detail(s) at this stage because I still have very little information about how the accident happened.现在我不能作详细说明,因为对于事故发生的原因我还知之甚少。剑桥高阶〔harden〕The government's attitude has hardened and further negotiations are unlikely at this stage.政府的态度变得强硬了, 进一步的谈判在这个阶段是不可能的。外研社新世纪〔hesitate〕I would hesitate to say yes at this stage.眼下我不愿表示赞同。外研社新世纪〔hypothesis〕None of the hypotheses can be rejected at this stage.在现阶段任何一个假说都不能排除。牛津搭配〔idle〕It would be idle to look for a solution at this stage.在现阶段想寻找一个解决办法是徒劳的。英汉大词典〔improper〕It would be improper to comment at this stage.在这个阶段发表评论并不恰当。牛津高阶〔inappropriate〕I feel it would be inappropriate to comment at this stage.我认为现阶段不适合发表意见。外研社新世纪〔incline〕I incline to the view that we should take no action at this stage.我倾向于认为我们在这个阶段不应采取行动。牛津高阶〔inversely〕The size of the nebula at this stage is inversely proportional to its mass.这个阶段星云的大小与其质量成反比。柯林斯高阶〔limiting〕The limiting factor, at this stage, is the amount of money available.这个阶段的限制性因素是可利用的资金数额。麦克米伦高阶〔negotiable〕Everything is negotiable at this stage - I'm ruling nothing out.这个阶段任何事情都是可以协商的——我不排除任何可能性。剑桥高阶〔orientation〕I needed some orientation at this stage.在目前阶段我需要熟悉熟悉情况。英汉大词典〔panic〕Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.现在仔细规划就可以避免事到临头手忙脚乱。牛津高阶〔permit〕The scheme does not permit of any changes at this stage.这计划在现阶段不容许作任何变动。英汉大词典〔perspective〕It's at this stage that the patients can get things out of perspective.就是在这个阶段病人无法对事情进行客观的判断。外研社新世纪〔premature〕It is premature to talk about success at this stage.现阶段就谈成功尚为时过早。牛津高阶〔propose〕I do not propose to reveal details at this stage.我不打算在这个阶段透露细节。剑桥高阶〔speculate〕It would be premature to speculate as to the outcome at this stage.这个时候就推测结果还为时尚早。牛津搭配〔stage〕There's no point arguing about it at this stage.在这个时候争论没有意义。麦克米伦高阶〔stage〕We have no idea at this stage how the fire was caused.目前我们还不知道是怎么起的火。英汉大词典〔subject〕At this stage these proposals are still subject to change.在这个阶段,这些提议仍然可以更改。牛津搭配〔waist-high〕The corn is waist-high at this stage of growth.在这个生长阶段,玉米都是齐腰高。韦氏高阶At this stage we can't really anticipate what will happen. 在目前阶段我们还无法预料会发生什么。剑桥国际Digression might be a useful tactic at this stage of the negotiations.岔开话头也许是谈判到这个阶段上的有效策略。剑桥国际Early detection of precancerous growths is important, because it is at this stage that the disease can be treated.癌变的早期发现很重要,因为在这一阶段癌症是可治愈的。剑桥国际I do not propose to reveal details at this stage.我不打算在这个阶段披露细节。剑桥国际I need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of full-time v part-time employment at this stage in my life.到了我这么个年纪,我需要权衡一下全日就业与临时就业的得和失。剑桥国际I needed some orientation at this stage. 我在这个阶段需要熟悉情况。译典通It would be suicide to take the best player off the field at this stage in the game.比赛进行到这阶段却将最好的选手换下场等于是自取灭亡。剑桥国际We cannot foreclose any of the options at this stage.我们在这一阶段不能排除任何一种选择。牛津商务We have no plans to sell the company at this stage.在这个阶段我们没有出售公司的计划。牛津商务




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