

单词 connective tissue
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adipose tissue〕A type of connective tissue that contains stored cellular fat.脂肪组织:含有贮存蜂窝状细胞脂肪的一种连结组织美国传统〔cellulitis〕A spreading inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue.蜂窝织炎:一种皮下组织或相连组织的扩散性发炎美国传统〔chondrosarcoma〕Usually originating in strong connective tissue, chondrosarcomas grow slowly.软骨肉瘤通常在强结缔组织中发生,慢慢扩大。剑桥高阶〔cicatrix〕A scar left by the formation of new connective tissue over a healing sore or wound.疤痕:愈合的伤处或伤口新接合组织生成的疤美国传统〔collagen〕The fibrous protein constituent of bone, cartilage, tendon, and other connective tissue. It is converted into gelatin by boiling.骨胶原:以骨、软骨、腱和其他结缔组织为成分的纤维蛋白质,经熬制可转化为胶美国传统〔epimysium〕The external sheath of connective tissue surrounding a muscle.肌外衣:包围肌肉的连结组织的外鞘美国传统〔epineurium〕The thick sheath of connective tissue surrounding a nerve trunk.神经外膜:环绕神经干的连结组织的外鞘美国传统〔fascia〕Anatomy A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.【解剖学】 筋膜:一层或一束纤维状连接组织,包裹、隔离或连结肌肉、器官和身体其它的软结构美国传统〔fiber〕Any of the filaments constituting the extracellular matrix of connective tissue.纤维组织:构成结缔组织的细胞外基质的丝状体之一美国传统〔fibroblast〕A cell that gives rise to connective tissue.成纤维细胞:一种增加连接组织的细胞美国传统〔fibrositis〕Inflammatory hyperplasia of white fibrous connective tissue, especially surrounding the muscles and causing pain and stiffness.纤维组织炎:白色纤维性连接组织的发炎及增生,尤其发于肌肉周围,可引起疼痛及肌肉僵硬美国传统〔hypodermis〕Anatomy A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing a varying number of fat cells.【解剖学】 下皮,真皮:含有不同数量的脂肪细胞的皮下松散组织层美国传统〔lamina propria〕A thin vascular layer of connective tissue beneath the epithelium of an organ.鼓膜中层:一种器官皮下相连组织的细小的管状层美国传统〔lobe〕A subdivision of a bodily organ or part bounded by fissures, connective tissue, or other structural boundaries.叶:身体器官和部分的细分部分,由裂纹、连接组织或其他组织边界粘连美国传统〔membrane bone〕A bone that forms directly in membranous connective tissue, as some cranial bones, instead of developing from cartilage.膜化骨:不经过软骨雏型,而直接从膜状结缔组织骨化为骨的一种骨,如一些头胪骨美国传统〔myxoma〕A benign tumor, most often found in the heart, that is composed of connective tissue embedded in mucus.粘液瘤:一种良性肿瘤,最常见于心脏,它由黏液里的胶状结缔组织构成美国传统〔nerve trunk〕The main stem of a nerve, consisting of a bundle of nerve fibers bound together by a tough sheet of connective tissue.神经干:神经主干,由一束被一片坚韧的组织包裹在一起的神经纤维组成美国传统〔papilloma〕A small benign epithelial tumor, such as a wart, consisting of an overgrowth of cells on a core of smooth connective tissue.乳头状瘤:一种例如瘤等附属的良性小肿块,由在光滑的能直接相通的组织的中心部分上的生长过盛的细胞构成美国传统〔perichondrium〕The fibrous membrane of connective tissue covering the surface of cartilage except at the endings of joints.软骨膜:包在软骨外的除关节软骨以外纤维结缔组织膜美国传统〔perimysium〕The sheath of connective tissue enveloping bundles of muscle fibers.肌束膜:里绕着肌肉的结缔组织膜美国传统〔perineurium〕The sheath of connective tissue enclosing a bundle of nerve fibers.经来膜:包裹住神经纤维的膜状结缔组织美国传统〔sarcoma〕A malignant tumor arising from connective tissues.肉瘤:产生于相连组织间的恶性肿瘤美国传统〔scar tissue〕Dense, fibrous connective tissue that forms over a healed wound or cut.疤痕组织:在愈合伤口或切割处形成的紧密的纤维连接组织美国传统〔scirrhus〕A hard, dense cancerous growth usually arising from connective tissue.硬癌:通常长于连接组织的硬实癌美国传统〔subcutis〕A layer of connective tissue beneath the dermis.皮下组织:真皮下面的组织美国传统〔submucosa〕A layer of loose connective tissue beneath a mucous membrane.黏膜下层:位于黏膜下方的一层松散的结缔组织美国传统〔trabecula〕Anatomy Any of the supporting strands of connective tissue projecting into an organ and constituting part of the framework of that organ.【解剖学】 小梁、小柱:任何结缔组织的支撑纤维,伸入一器官之中并构成该器官构架的一部分美国传统




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