

单词 armor
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PIECE〕The gold bars were transported from the bank in an armored truck. 金条被装在装甲车里从银行运出来。朗文写作活用〔agraffe〕A hook-and-loop arrangement used for a clasp on armor and clothing.纽扣;搭扣:用于盔甲或衣服上搭扣的一种扣环装置美国传统〔ankylosaur〕A large herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous Period, having a squat, heavily armored body and a clubbed tail.甲龙:白垩纪时期的大型食草恐龙,具有蹲坐的笨重披甲身体和棒状的尾巴美国传统〔antitank〕Designed for combat or defense against armored vehicles, especially tanks.防坦克的:设计用来战斗或抵御尤其是坦克的武装车辆美国传统〔armiger〕A bearer of armor for a knight; a squire.为骑士持武器的人;骑士的扈从美国传统〔armor plate/plating〕The ship's hull is reinforced with armor plate/plating.那条船的船体由装甲钢板加固。韦氏高阶〔armored car〕A lightly armored truck used to transport cash and other valuables.运钞车:轻型装甲卡车,用于运送现钞和其它贵重物品美国传统〔armored car〕A lightly armored vehicle, usually mounted with a turret, used for military reconnaissance, combat support, and security.装甲车:配备炮塔的轻型装甲车,用于军事侦察、战斗支持以及安全保护美国传统〔armored personnel carrier〕An armored vehicle, usually equipped with treads, used to transport infantry.装甲兵运输车:通常配备踏板的装甲车,用来运送步兵美国传统〔armored〕Additional armored divisions were deployed to the eastern front.几个装甲师被增派到东线战场。韦氏高阶〔armored〕There were 8200 officers and men in armored divisions.装甲师有官兵八千二百人。文馨英汉〔armorer〕One that makes or repairs armor.制造盔甲者,修理盔甲者美国传统〔armor〕The armored vehicles of an army.军队的装甲车辆美国传统〔armor〕The armadillo's armor consists of a series of small, bony plates.犰狳的甲壳由许多细密的骨质鳞片构成。韦氏高阶〔armor〕The combat arm that deploys armored vehicles, such as tanks.装甲部队:部署装甲车辆的战斗部队,如坦克美国传统〔armor〕The officers are required to wear bulletproof body armor.官员们被要求穿防弹衣。韦氏高阶〔armor〕The plan looks good, but we've found/discovered some chinks in its armor.那个计划看上去很好,但我们却发现它有一些致命的缺陷。韦氏高阶〔armor〕The scandal revealed/exposed a chink in his seemingly perfect armor.这一丑闻把他看似完美的保护壳下的致命缺陷暴露出来了。韦氏高阶〔armor〕The shots penetrated/pierced the tank's armor.枪弹射穿了坦克的装甲。韦氏高阶〔armor〕They watched carefully for any cracks in the other team's armor.他们仔细寻找另一支球队的致命弱点。韦氏高阶〔armor〕To cover with armor.用装甲保护美国传统〔assault gun〕A turretless armored vehicle having the chassis of a tank but mounting a larger gun, used in antitank combat and infantry support.迫击炮装甲车:带坦克底盘的无炮塔装甲车,但配有大型炮,用于反坦克战和步兵支援美国传统〔barbette〕An armored protective cylinder around a revolving gun turret on a warship.军舰上的露天炮塔:军舰上旋转炮塔四周的保护性装甲圆柱体美国传统〔bard〕A piece of armor used to protect or ornament a horse.铠甲:保护或装饰马匹的盔甲美国传统〔battle cruiser〕A large warship with lighter armor but greater maneuverability than a battleship.战斗巡洋舰:一种大型轻装甲战舰,但比一般战舰具有更大的灵活性、机动性美国传统〔beaver〕A piece of armor attached to a helmet or breastplate to protect the mouth and chin.护面甲:一块附在头盔或胸铠上的盔甲,用于保护嘴和下巴美国传统〔breastplate〕A piece of armor that covers the breast.胸铠,护卫:一件护卫胸部的盔甲美国传统〔brigandine〕Flexible body armor of small metal plates or rings, often covered with cloth.锁子甲:用小金属板或金属环制成的柔韧甲胄,通常罩在衣服外美国传统〔casemate〕An armored compartment for artillery on a rampart.武器间:壁上放置武器的装甲小房间美国传统〔cavalry〕A highly mobile army unit using vehicular transport, such as light armor and helicopters.高度机动地面部队:使用车辆,如轻装甲车和直升飞机运输的高度机动部队美国传统〔chain mail〕Flexible armor made of joined metal links or scales.锁子甲:由相连结的金属节或片制成的活动盔甲美国传统〔chamfron〕Armor used to protect the front of a war horse's head in medieval times.马盔:中世纪用来保护战马头前部的盔甲美国传统〔coat of mail〕An armored coat made of chain mail, interlinked rings, or overlapping metal plates; a hauberk.甲胄:一种装甲外衣,由铠甲、链相互联接的环或重叠的金属片制成;锁子甲美国传统〔conning tower〕The armored pilothouse of a warship.指挥塔:战舰上的装甲指挥塔美国传统〔costume〕The leading role in the film is costumed in medieval armor.影片中的主角穿着中古时代的甲胄。21世纪英汉〔cruiser〕One of a class of fast warships of medium tonnage with a long cruising radius and less armor and firepower than a battleship.巡洋舰:一种中等吨位的快速战舰,有很长的巡航半径,但比战列舰装甲少,火力小美国传统〔cuirass〕A piece of armor for protecting the breast and back.上半身铠甲:用来保护胸部和背部的那块铠甲美国传统〔cuisse〕Plate armor worn to protect the front of the thigh.护腿甲:为防护大腿前部而穿戴的铠甲美国传统〔culet〕Armor consisting of overlapping plates used to protect the buttocks.护臀甲:由相互交迭的甲片构成的铠甲,用来保护臀部美国传统〔cupola〕A small rounded and domed structure, as for observation, on a tracked, armored vehicle.旋转炮塔:用于观察等的小型圆形或半圆形建筑物,装在有履带的装甲车上美国传统〔damsel in distress〕The novel comes complete with a knight in shining armor and a damsel in distress.这部小说里既有身披闪亮盔甲的骑士,也有身陷困境的女子。韦氏高阶〔gauntlet〕A protective glove worn with medieval armor.金属护手:带有铁甲的保护性手套美国传统〔gorget〕A piece of armor protecting the throat.护喉甲:用来保护咽喉的盔甲美国传统〔greave〕Leg armor worn below the knee. Often used in the plural.护胫,胫甲:穿在膝盖之下的腿甲。通常用复数美国传统〔gurnard〕Any of various widely distributed marine fishes of the family Triglidae, having large fanlike pectoral fins and a large armored head.鲂鮄:一种分布广泛的鲂鮄科海鱼,有扇状的胸鳍,头部大而有甲美国传统〔gusset〕A piece of mail or plate armor protecting the joints in a suit of armor.护腋甲片:盔甲中用来保护连结处的铠甲或薄盔美国传统〔half-track〕A lightly armored military motor vehicle, with caterpillar treads in place of wheels.半履带式车辆:一种轻型装甲军用机动车辆,由履带代替轮子驱动美国传统〔harness〕Archaic Armor for a man or horse.【古语】 铠甲:人或马身上的甲胄美国传统〔helmet〕A piece of armor, usually made of metal, designed to protect the head.盔甲:一件盔甲,通常由金属制成,设计用于保护头部美国传统〔jambeau〕A piece of armor for the leg below the knee.扩胫,胫甲:腿部膝盖以下的甲胄美国传统〔knight in shining armor〕She is still waiting for her knight in shining armor.她还在期待着她的白马王子出现。韦氏高阶〔knight in shining armor〕The firefighter who rescued us was our knight in shining armor.救我们的那名消防员是我们心目中的勇士。韦氏高阶〔knight〕Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor.情歌哄骗我们去相信有勇救美人的英雄。柯林斯高阶〔knight〕She's still waiting for a knight in shining armour / armor to come and rescue her.她还在等待一位身着闪亮盔甲的骑士来英雄救美。牛津搭配〔laager〕A defensive encampment encircled by armored vehicles or wagons.车阵:由装甲车或是货车围成一圈而形成的防御性营地美国传统〔lame〕A thin metal plate, especially one of the overlapping steel plates in medieval armor.重叠金属片:一种薄的金属片,尤指那种用于中世纪盔甲上的重叠金属片美国传统〔mace〕A heavy medieval war club with a spiked or flanged metal head, used to crush armor.重头棍棒:中世纪一种沉重的用作武器的棍棒,带有粗短刺状的或凸缘的金属头,用来击破盔甲美国传统〔mail〕Flexible armor composed of small overlapping metal rings, loops of chain, or scales.铠甲:由相互叠加的小金属环、环状链子或金属鳞片构成的可弯曲的盔甲美国传统〔mail〕To cover or armor with mail.用铠甲覆盖或武装…美国传统〔match〕Hand-held guns proved no match for heavy armor.手持枪械根本无法同重型装甲抗衡。外研社新世纪〔match〕Hand-held guns proved no match for heavy armor.结果证明,手持枪械无法同重型装甲抗衡。柯林斯高阶〔mousetrap〕Two armor divisions were mousetrapped and subsequently destroyed.两个装甲师被引入圈套,继而被消灭。21世纪英汉〔nosepiece〕A piece of armor that forms part of a helmet and protects the nose.护鼻:盔甲上保护鼻子的部分美国传统〔panoply〕The complete arms and armor of a warrior.全副武装:全副武装和战士的甲胄美国传统〔panzer〕A German armored vehicle, such as a tank, especially of the type used during World War II.装甲车:一种德国装甲车辆,例如坦克,尤指用于二战时期的类型美国传统〔panzer〕Of or relating to an armored division.装甲师的:属于或关于装甲师的美国传统〔penetrate〕These bullets can penetrate armor.这些子弹能穿透盔甲。韦氏高阶〔plate〕Armor made of such pieces.铠甲:用薄金属片制成的铠甲美国传统〔plate〕A thin piece of metal used for armor.铁板:用于制作铠甲的薄金属片美国传统〔port〕A hole in an armored vehicle or a fortified structure for viewing or for firing weapons.射击孔:装甲车上或在车上用于观察或发射枪炮的孔美国传统〔rest〕A support for a lance on the side of the breastplate of medieval armor.矛杆支撑处:中世纪盔甲上胸铠旁边的支撑长矛美国传统〔scrap〕Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armored vehicles will be cut up for scrap.成千上万的坦克、大炮和装甲车将被切割成废金属。柯林斯高阶〔shield〕A broad piece of armor made of rigid material and strapped to the arm or carried in the hand for protection against hurled or thrusted weapons.盾:一块由坚硬金属制成的宽大的护甲,绑在手臂上或者拿在手中,用于防卫投掷武器或刺扎的兵器美国传统〔solleret〕A steel shoe made of overlapping plates, forming a part of a medieval suit of armor.钢甲靴:由互搭的金属片制成的钢靴,是中世纪盔甲的一个组成部分美国传统〔squadron〕An armored cavalry unit subordinate to a regiment and consisting of two or more troops.骑兵中队:隶属于团的武装骑兵单位,包括两支或多支骑兵队美国传统〔suit〕The cavalry wore a suit of light armour / armor and carried a shield.骑兵身穿轻便铠甲,手持盾牌。牛津搭配〔surcoat〕A tunic worn in the Middle Ages by a knight over his armor.外衣:中世纪时骑士等穿在铠甲外的无袖锃甲罩袍美国传统〔tabard〕A tunic or capelike garment worn by a knight over his armor and emblazoned with his coat of arms.骑士短披风:骑士穿在盔甲外面并饰以纹章的制服式或披风式的衣服美国传统〔tank destroyer〕A high-speed armored vehicle equipped with antitank guns.反坦克装甲车:一种装备有反坦克炮的高速美国传统〔tank〕An enclosed, heavily armored combat vehicle that is mounted with cannon and guns and moves on caterpillar treads.坦克:一种封闭式并有厚层装甲防护的战斗车辆,上面装有大炮和机枪,在履带上行进美国传统〔tasse〕One of a series of jointed overlapping metal splints hanging from a corselet, used as armor for the lower trunk and thighs.脚甲:一片从紧身胸衣上垂下来的相连并复叠的金属片,用来作下身和大腿的扩摆美国传统〔tournament〕A medieval martial sport in which two groups of mounted and armored combatants fought against each other with blunted lances or swords.马上比武:一种中世纪的军事运动,两组骑在马上戴有盔甲的武士用钝长矛和剑互相战斗美国传统〔trophy〕Architecture An ornamental marble carving or bronze casting depicting a group of weapons or armor placed upon a square or circular base.【建筑学】 战利品雕饰:置于一正方形或圆形底座之上的,图形为一堆武器或盔甲的装饰性大理石石雕或铜雕美国传统〔tuille〕A steel plate used in medieval armor for protecting the thigh.铠甲的腿裙:中世纪盔甲上用于保护大腿的铁板美国传统〔turret〕A low, heavily armored structure, usually rotating horizontally, containing mounted guns and their gunners or crew, as on a warship or tank.炮塔:低矮的有厚甲保护的构造,通常能够水平转动,包括架好的枪炮,及炮手班组,如在战舰上或坦克上的炮塔美国传统〔unarm〕To divest of armor or arms; disarm.缴…的械:未披挂盔甲或武器;解除武器美国传统〔unharness〕To remove the armor from (a wearer).从(穿戴者)拆去盔甲美国传统〔vambrace〕Armor used to protect the forearm.前臂铠甲:用于保护前臂的铠甲美国传统〔visor〕The front piece of the helmet of a suit of armor, capable of being raised and lowered and designed to protect the eyes, nose, and forehead.面盔:头盔(在一套盔甲中)的前部,能抬起或放低用以保护眼睛、鼻子或前额美国传统Armor plate is impenetrable by ordinary bullets. 装甲板普通子弹打不穿。译典通She prepared for the talks very carefully, knowing that any chink in her armor would be seized upon. 她为谈话做了精心准备,深知略有疏忽就会授人把柄。译典通Small armored task forces had reconnoitered the area. 一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。译典通The knight was completely clad in armor. 那位骑士全身披挂盔甲。译典通They armored themselves against the possible attack. 他们作好了应付可能进攻的防御准备。译典通




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