

单词 in honor of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bacchanalia〕The ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus.酒神节:为表示尊敬巴克斯的古罗马喜庆日美国传统〔Corpus Christi〕A feast in honor of the Eucharist.圣餐:圣餐节的盛宴美国传统〔Eleusinian mysteries〕The ancient religious rites celebrated at Eleusis in honor of Demeter.艾琉西斯秘密仪式:古代在艾琉西斯纪念得墨忒耳的宗教仪式美国传统〔Father's Day〕The third Sunday in June, observed in the United States in honor of fathers.父亲节:六月的第三个星期天,美国用来纪念父亲美国传统〔Labor Day〕The first Monday in September, observed as a holiday in the United States and Canada in honor of working people.劳工节:九月份的第一个星期一,美国和加拿大为尊敬工人而设立的节日美国传统〔Michaelmas〕A Christian feast observed in honor of the archangel Michael.米迦勒节:纪念天使长米迦勒的基督教节目美国传统〔Mother's Day〕The second Sunday in May, observed in the United States in honor of mothers.母亲节:五月份的第二个星期日,在美国用来向母亲们表示敬意美国传统〔PARTY〕Two hundred guests attended an evening reception, held in honor of the Chancellor's visit. 二百位宾客出席了欢迎总理来访的晚会。朗文写作活用〔Pythian games〕A pan-Hellenic festival of athletic tournaments held every four years at Delphi in honor of the god Apollo.皮托竞技会:为纪念阿波罗神每四年在特尔斐城举行的全国性竞技大会美国传统〔Simonides of Ceos〕Greek lyric poet who is known especially for his elegies in honor of the slain warriors at Marathon and Thermopylae.(凯奥斯岛的)西摩尼得斯:古希腊抒情诗人,尤以其为纪念在马拉松战役和塞莫皮菜战役中被杀武士所写的哀歌而闻名美国传统〔Trinity Sunday〕The first Sunday after Pentecost, celebrated by a feast in honor of the Trinity.三一节:圣灵降临节的第一个星期日,以纪念三位一体的节目进行庆祝美国传统〔agnomen〕An additional cognomen given to a Roman citizen, often in honor of military victories.附加名:为表彰夺取军事胜利而授予罗马人的附加名美国传统〔cenotaph〕A monument erected in honor of a dead person whose remains lie elsewhere.衣冠冢:为葬于别处的死者所立的纪念碑美国传统〔dinner〕A banquet or formal meal in honor of a person or an event.宴会:为了某人或某事而举行的一次正式宴会或大宴会美国传统〔dithyramb〕A frenzied, impassioned choric hymn and dance of ancient Greece in honor of Dionysus.赞美酒神的合唱诗:古希腊为纪念酒神狄俄尼索斯,而唱的狂暴而令人激动的合唱颂歌和跳的舞美国传统〔epithalamium〕A lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom.新婚喜歌:献给新娘新郎的抒情颂歌美国传统〔honor〕The building was named in honor of the city's founder.这座大厦以城市创建者的名字命名,以示纪念。韦氏高阶〔name〕We named our daughter “Mary” in honor of her grandmother.我们给女儿取名“玛丽”以纪念她的祖母。韦氏高阶〔plaque〕They gave him a plaque in honor of his 30 years of service.他们颁给他一块匾额以向他尽职30年表示敬意。韦氏高阶〔pledge〕The act of drinking in honor of someone; a toast.干杯:为某人的荣誉而喝酒的举动;祝酒美国传统〔rename〕The bridge is being renamed in honor of the city's former mayor.这座桥要改名,以纪念前任市长。韦氏高阶〔retire〕The team is retiring his jersey number in honor of his great career.为纪念他辉煌的运动生涯,球队停用了他的球衣号码。韦氏高阶〔review〕A formal military ceremony held in honor of a person or an occasion.正式阅兵式:为表彰个人或重大事件而举行的正式军事庆典美国传统〔saint's day〕A day in a liturgical calendar that is observed in honor of a saint.圣徒节:基督教日历中纪念圣徒的节日美国传统〔toast〕The act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of or to the health of a person or thing.干杯:向一个人或物表示敬意或祝一个人健康而举杯饮酒的动作美国传统〔wake〕A parish festival held annually, often in honor of a patron saint.守护神节日:教区一年一度的节日,常为纪念一个守护神美国传统A banquet was given in honor of the visiting President. 为来访的总统举行了宴会。译典通A dinner is to be given in honor of the new president. 将为新校长举行晚宴。译典通There will be a gala party tonight in honor of Madonna. 今天晚上将会有一个向玛丹娜致敬的豪华派对。译典通They gave a party in honor of John. 他们举行宴会招待约翰。译典通Yesterday a state dinner was given in honor of the visiting president. 昨天设国宴款待来访的总统。译典通




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