

单词 chopped
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CUT〕I chopped up the old fence and used it for firewood. 我将旧的篱笆砍下用作柴火。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Next, sprinkle some chopped walnuts on the salad. 下一步,将切碎的核桃撒在沙拉上。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕All the left-over crops are chopped up and used as cattle fodder. 所有剩余的庄稼都被剁碎,用作喂牛的饲料。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕Add the chopped onion to the mixture and heat it through. 把切碎的洋葱加入混合物,然后把它煮透。朗文写作活用〔Nesselrode〕A mixture of chopped and boiled chestnuts, maraschino cherries, candied fruits, and liqueur or rum, used as a sauce or in puddings, ice cream, or pies.果实蜜饯:一种由剥开煮熟的栗子、野樱桃酒味的糖水樱桃、果脯和甜露酒或糖蜜酒的混合物,用作蜜饯或制布丁、冰淇淋或派饼美国传统〔Russian dressing〕Salad dressing, such as mayonnaise, with chili sauce or ketchup, chopped pickles, and pimientos.俄式蛋黄酱:一种色拉调味品,(如蛋黄酱)含有辣酱或调味番茄酱,腌菜条和青椒美国传统〔Spam〕A trademark used for a canned meat product consisting primarily of chopped pork pressed into a loaf.斯帕姆午餐肉:一种将碎猪肉挤成长方形的罐头肉制品商标美国传统〔Spanish rice〕A dish consisting of rice cooked with tomatoes, spices, chopped onions, and green peppers.西班牙什锦菜饭:用米饭、西红柿、调料、碎洋葱和青椒做成的饭菜美国传统〔Toll House cookie〕A trademark used for a cookie made with flour, butter, and brown sugar and containing semisweet chocolate chips and often chopped nuts.收费站饼干,巧克力颗粒饼干:曲奇饼干商标,用面粉、黄油和红糖制成的饼干,含有半甜的巧克力颗粒和常切碎的坚果美国传统〔baklava〕A dessert made of paper-thin layers of pastry, chopped nuts, and honey.果仁蜜酥饼:由很薄的一层糕点、切碎的坚果和蜂蜜做成的甜点心美国传统〔brown Betty〕A baked pudding of chopped or sliced apples, bread crumbs, raisins, sugar, butter, and spices.苹果布丁:由切成块或片的苹果、面包渣、葡萄干、糖、黄油和调料烘制成的布丁美国传统〔cake〕A flat, rounded mass of hashed or chopped food that is baked or fried; a patty.炸酥块:一块烘烤或煎制而成的切碎或切细的平圆形食物;一种小馅饼美国传统〔carrot〕She chopped some carrots for the soup.她切了一些胡萝卜做汤。韦氏高阶〔casserole〕Place all the chopped vegetables into a casserole dish.把所有切好的蔬菜放入砂锅。柯林斯高阶〔chilli〕Add 2 chopped red chillies.加入两根切成块的辣椒。剑桥高阶〔chimichurri〕A sauce made of chopped fresh parsley seasoned with garlic, pepper, and herbs and bound with oil and vinegar.奇米秋里酱:由剁碎的新鲜荷兰芹,加上大蒜、胡椒、草药来调味,再和油还有醋混合的酱料美国传统〔chop ... down〕They chopped down the chairman's opinion.他们否定了主席的意见。21世纪英汉〔chop ... off〕The chairman chopped the speaker off in mid-sentence.主席在发言人话还没说完时就打断了他。21世纪英汉〔chop about〕The wind chopped about and the little boat nearly sank.风向变化无定,小船差点儿给弄沉了。21世纪英汉〔chop around〕The wind chopped around to the east.风向突然转东。21世纪英汉〔chop back〕The wind chopped back to the south.风向改回朝南刮起来。21世纪英汉〔chop back〕We were walking along the street together when suddenly he chopped back and ran the other way.我们一块沿街走着,他突然转过身去朝反方向跑走了。21世纪英汉〔chop down〕He chopped the tree down.他把这棵树砍倒了。韦氏高阶〔chop down〕She chopped down some thick grape vines.她砍掉一些粗大的葡萄藤。韦氏高阶〔chop off〕She chopped off her golden, waist-length hair.她剪掉了她那齐腰的金发。柯林斯高阶〔chop off〕She chopped off her golden, waist-length hair.她剪掉了自己齐腰的金发。外研社新世纪〔chop off〕She'd had her ponytail chopped off.她剪掉了马尾辫。韦氏高阶〔chop off〕They dragged him to the village square and chopped his head off.他们将他拖到村里的广场上,把他的头砍了下来。柯林斯高阶〔chop off〕They dragged him to the village square and chopped his head off.他们把他拖到村广场, 然后砍下了他的头。外研社新世纪〔chop sth down〕Most of the diseased trees were chopped down last year.大多数病树去年被伐掉了。剑桥高阶〔chop sth off〕Two of his fingers were chopped off in the accident.他的两根手指在事故中被削掉了。剑桥高阶〔chop up〕After the war,the country was chopped up into several smaller nations.战后,这个国家被分成了几个小国。21世纪英汉〔chop up〕Meat is often chopped up before being cooked.肉经常是先切成小块再炖。21世纪英汉〔chop up〕She chopped up the nuts and added them to the cookie dough.她把坚果剁碎后和入饼干面团中。韦氏高阶〔chopping block〕A wooden block on which food or wood is chopped.砧板或墩子:在其上剁食品或木头的一个木块美国传统〔chop〕A couple of the older trees will have to be chopped down.有几棵树龄较大的树木要砍伐掉。朗文当代〔chop〕A piece that has been chopped off, especially a cut of meat, usually taken from the rib, shoulder, or loin and containing a bone.排骨:被砍下来的一块,尤指一块通常从肋骨、肩膀或脊背处砍下来的带有骨头的肉美国传统〔chop〕Add finely chopped parsley.加入切碎的欧芹。牛津搭配〔chop〕Add some fresh parsley, finely chopped.加一些剁碎的新鲜欧芹。剑桥高阶〔chop〕Add the finely chopped onions.加入切碎的洋葱。牛津高阶〔chop〕Add two finely chopped onions and a clove of garlic.加上两个切碎的洋葱和一瓣大蒜。朗文当代〔chop〕Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off.安妮 · 博林被斩首。牛津高阶〔chop〕Because of lack of funding many long-term research projects are being chopped.因为缺乏资金,许多长期的研究项目被砍掉了。剑桥高阶〔chop〕Don't ask me why they have chopped and changed so much.别问我为什么他们一会儿一个主意。柯林斯高阶〔chop〕Eighty jobs were chopped.砍掉了80个职位。外研社新世纪〔chop〕He chopped a branch off (the tree).他(从树上)砍下一根树枝。文馨英汉〔chop〕He chopped a branch off the tree.他从那棵树上砍下一根树枝。牛津高阶〔chop〕He chopped at a tree.他砍树。文馨英汉〔chop〕He chopped at me with his knife, but missed.他用刀向我砍来,但未砍中。英汉大词典〔chop〕He chopped away for half an hour before the tree fell.他砍了半个钟头树才倒下来。文馨英汉〔chop〕He chopped down an old apple tree.他砍倒了一棵老苹果树。21世纪英汉〔chop〕He chopped firewood this morning.他今天早上劈了些柴。外研社新世纪〔chop〕He chopped his way through the jungle.他在丛林中劈出一条路前进。文馨英汉〔chop〕He chopped in with a sarcastic remark.他突然插进一句讽刺的话。21世纪英汉〔chop〕He chopped off the small branches before cutting down the tree.他砍掉小树枝后才砍树。牛津搭配〔chop〕He chopped the meat into small pieces.他把肉剁成小块。文馨英汉〔chop〕He chopped the short story by two paragraphs.他把这篇短篇小说删去了两段。21世纪英汉〔chop〕He chopped the wood with an ax.他用斧头劈柴。文馨英汉〔chop〕He often chopped the ball instead of driving it.他常常削球,而不是抽球。21世纪英汉〔chop〕He suddenly found that his income had been chopped in half.他突然间发现自己的收入被削减了一半。朗文当代〔chop〕Large areas of rainforest are being chopped down every day.每天都有大片热带雨林遭砍伐。朗文当代〔chop〕Laura had her hair chopped (= cut) yesterday.劳拉昨天去剪了发。剑桥高阶〔chop〕Next, add the chopped onions.然后加入切碎的洋葱。麦克米伦高阶〔chop〕Our grant from the government has been chopped by 20 per cent this year.我们的政府补贴今年被削减了20%。麦克米伦高阶〔chop〕She chopped at the robber with her knife, but missed.她用刀猛地向强盗砍去,但没砍着。21世纪英汉〔chop〕She chopped the carrots for the stew.她把胡萝卜切碎放在炖的菜里。21世纪英汉〔chop〕The Senate Finance Committee chopped almost all of the President's tax proposals.参议院的财政委员会把总统的税务建议几乎全砍光了。英汉大词典〔chop〕The branch had been chopped off.这根树枝已经被砍断了。朗文当代〔chop〕The country was chopped up into small administrative areas.这个国家被划分为若干小的行政区。牛津高阶〔chop〕The fireman chopped a hole in the wall.消防队员在墙上砍了一个洞。21世纪英汉〔chop〕The furniture had been chopped to pieces.家具被劈碎了。牛津搭配〔chop〕The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence.股价由每股 50 便士猛降至 20 便士。牛津高阶〔chop〕The trees are being chopped down.树木正在被砍伐。牛津搭配〔chop〕The trees were all chopped down.那些树全部被砍倒了。文馨英汉〔chop〕The wind chopped about [chopped around from west to north].风突然转向[由西转北]。文馨英汉〔chop〕The wind chopped around (或about) from west to north.风突然从西转向北了。英汉大词典〔chop〕The wind chopped round to the west.风向突然转西。21世纪英汉〔chop〕They chopped at the bushes with their knives.他们用刀劈开灌木丛。朗文当代〔chop〕They chopped wood for the fireplace.他们劈木头来烧壁炉。韦氏高阶〔chow-chow〕A relish consisting of chopped vegetables pickled in mustard.腌菜:一种用芥末腌制蔬菜块的风味菜美国传统〔comment〕He made a few casual comments to her about her hair and now she's chopped it all off! 他随便评论了几句她的头发,她就把头发都剪了!牛津搭配〔cress〕Sprinkle some finely chopped cress over the top.在上面撒一些切碎的水芹。朗文当代〔cutlet〕A patty of chopped meat or fish, usually coated with bread crumbs and fried; a flat croquette.炸肉饼:一种用剁碎的肉或鱼制成的小馅饼,通过外裹面包屑煎炸而成;不加佐料的炸丸子美国传统〔cut〕I chopped the log with one clean cut.我利索地一下就把那根原木劈开了。麦克米伦高阶〔ditto〕The salad will have to be washed and chopped. Ditto the vegetables.色拉得洗洗然后切一切。蔬菜也一样。麦克米伦高阶〔fast〕The rainforests are being chopped down at an alarmingly fast rate.雨林正以惊人的速度遭到砍伐。朗文当代〔finely〕Add one onion, finely chopped.加一个切碎的洋葱。麦克米伦高阶〔fines herbes〕Finely chopped herbs, specifically parsley, chives, tarragon, and thyme, mixed together and used as a seasoning.细香菜:细致切割的一种混合菜,尤指将欧芹、细香葱、龙蒿和百里香混合在一起并用作调味品美国传统〔firewood〕They chopped enough firewood to last the winter.他们劈足了柴火过冬。韦氏高阶〔fish cake〕A fried cake or patty of chopped fish, often mixed with potato, bread crumbs, or rice.煎鱼饼:一种常夹有土豆、面包屑或大米的煎饼或有鱼馅的小面饼美国传统〔five-way chili〕A main dish consisting of layers of noodles, chili con carne, kidney beans, chopped onions, and grated cheese.五香辣面:一道由面条底、香辣肉酱、肉末、菜豆、洋葱末和碎干酪做成的菜美国传统〔fodder〕Feed for livestock, especially coarsely chopped hay or straw.草料:尤指以干草或稻草粗割的喂牲畜的饲料美国传统〔gazpacho〕A chilled soup made with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, and herbs.酸辣冷汤:一种冷汤,由切碎的西红柿、黄瓜、大蒜、胡椒和香料做成美国传统〔hash〕A dish of chopped meat, potatoes, and sometimes vegetables, usually browned.肉末杂菜:一种由剁碎的肉、土豆或蔬菜等做成的通常呈褐色的菜美国传统〔headcheese〕A jellied loaf or sausage made from chopped and boiled parts of the feet, head, and sometimes the tongue and heart of an animal, usually a hog.肉冻,香肠:把猪等动物的脚或头的肉或有时舌和心剁碎煮熟后制成的大块肉冻或香肠美国传统〔herb〕Sprinkle the dish with chopped fresh herbs.在菜肴上撒些切碎的新鲜香草。朗文当代〔maitre d'hôtel〕A sauce of melted butter, chopped parsley, lemon juice, salt, and pepper.总管黄油沙司:用融化的黄油、欧芹丝、柠檬汁、盐和胡椒调制成的调味汁美国传统〔manicotti〕An Italian dish consisting of pasta tubes stuffed with chopped meat or ricotta cheese, usually served hot with a tomato sauce.番茄沙司烙通心粉:一种意大利食物,即用肉片或乳清干酪填塞的意大利通心粉,常趁热和着蕃茄沙司一起吃美国传统〔meunière〕Rolled in flour and fried in butter, usually with lemon juice and chopped parsley sprinkled on top. Used of fish.(尤指鱼等)蘸上面粉用黄油煎炸的:面裹的用黄油煎炸的,通常洒有柠檬汁和碎殴芹,尤指鱼等美国传统〔mincemeat〕A mixture, as of finely chopped apples, raisins, spices, meat, and sometimes rum or brandy, used especially as a pie filling.甜馅:由切得很碎的苹果、葡萄干、香料、肉,有时加朗姆酒或白兰地合成的混合物,尤用作馅饼的馅美国传统〔mincemeat〕Finely chopped meat.肉末:切得很碎的肉美国传统〔mince〕Finely chopped food, especially mincemeat.切碎的食物:切得很碎的食物,尤指粉碎美国传统〔nut〕Sprinkle some roasted chopped nuts on top.往表面撒些烤过的碎果仁。剑桥高阶〔odd〕You can add bones, the odd vegetable, herbs and chopped onions.你可放入骨头、少量蔬菜、香草以及切碎的洋葱。英汉大词典〔odd〕You can add bones, the odd vegetable, herbs, and chopped onions.你可以加几块骨头、零星蔬菜、香草和切块的洋葱。外研社新世纪〔oil〕Combine the beans, chopped mint and olive oil in a large bowl.将菜豆、切碎的薄荷和橄榄油放在大碗里搅拌。柯林斯高阶〔onion〕Garnish with a little chopped onion.撒上少许洋葱末。牛津搭配〔onion〕Put the chopped onion and garlic in the pan...把洋葱末和蒜末放入锅中⋯牛津搭配〔onion〕The recipe calls for chopped onion.这种烹饪方法要求用洋葱碎韦氏高阶〔onion〕The recipe calls for chopped onions.这种烹饪方法要求用洋葱碎。韦氏高阶〔oregano〕The recipe calls for a tablespoon of chopped oregano.食谱上要求用一匙量的牛至叶碎末。韦氏高阶〔parsley〕The eggs are sprinkled with coarsely chopped parsley.鸡蛋上撒有粗切的欧芹段。牛津搭配〔penuche〕A fudgelike confection of brown sugar, cream or milk, and chopped nuts.奶油软糖:常用红糖、奶油或牛奶、碎的坚果仁做成的软脂状蜜糖美国传统〔permission〕They chopped the trees down without having been granted the necessary permission.他们在未获得必要许可的情况下把树砍倒了。牛津搭配〔piccalilli〕A pickled relish made of various chopped vegetables.酸辣泡菜:由各种切成块的蔬菜做成的腌制调味品美国传统〔pierogi〕A semicircular dumpling with any of various fillings, such as finely chopped meat or vegetables, that is often sautéed after being boiled.俄式肉馅小卷饼:里面包有各种像是碎肉或蔬菜等材料的半圆形包饼,通常是煮熟后再煎的美国传统〔pirog〕A large, flat, usually square or rectangular Russian pastry filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage often mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs.(某种)俄式馅饼:一种大而扁的、常做成正方或长方形的俄罗斯馅饼,用细肉末或白菜和熟鸡蛋碎末做馅美国传统〔pirozhki〕Small Russian pastries filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage, baked or fried.俄国小馅饼:一种俄式小馅饼,以细肉末或白菜做馅,烘烤或煎炸而成美国传统〔protestation〕Ignoring my protestations, they went ahead and chopped the tree down.他们不理睬我的抗议,继续砍个不停,把树砍倒了。剑桥高阶〔quenelle〕A ball or dumpling of finely chopped meat or seafood bound with eggs and poached in stock or water.肉圆,鱼圆:由精碎肉或海味裹着鸡蛋做成的小球或团子,放在汁料或水中煮美国传统〔raita〕An Indian salad made with yogurt and chopped vegetables or fruits, such as cucumbers, spinach, or bananas.凉拌酸奶色拉:是用酸奶和切碎的蔬菜或水果(如小黄瓜、菠菜或香蕉)做成的印度色拉美国传统〔ravioli〕A small casing of pasta with various fillings, such as chopped meat or cheese.意大利小方饺:一个小面卷,里面包有熟肉,奶酪等各种馅美国传统〔relish〕A condiment of chopped sweet pickle.切碎的甜泡菜做的调味品美国传统〔roughly〕The onions should be roughly chopped.洋葱随便切切就可以了。麦克米伦高阶〔rémoulade〕A piquant cold sauce made with mayonnaise, chopped pickles, capers, anchovies, and herbs.调味蛋黄酱:用蛋黄酱,切碎的泡菜,刺山果花蕾 ,风尾鱼汁和芳草制成的辣味的冷的调味品美国传统〔salad〕A cold dish of chopped fruit, meat, fish, eggs, or other food, usually prepared with a dressing, such as mayonnaise.凉拌食品:由切碎的水果、肉、鱼、蛋或其它食物组成的凉菜,常配有调料,如蛋黄酱美国传统〔salmagundi〕A salad of chopped meat, anchovies, eggs, and onions, often arranged in rows on lettuce and served with vinegar and oil.意式凉菜拼盘:用切好的肉、鲵鱼、蛋和洋葱制成的沙拉,常放在莴苣叶上排成行与醋和油摆出美国传统〔sauerkraut〕Chopped or shredded cabbage salted and fermented in its own juice.泡菜:用盐腌起来并使其在自己的汁水中发酵的切碎了的卷心菜美国传统〔sausage〕Finely chopped and seasoned meat, especially pork, usually stuffed into a prepared animal intestine or other casing and cooked or cured.香肠:切得很细并加有调料的肉,尤指猪肉,通常填入备好的动物肠衣中或其他肠衣中,再进行腌制或加工美国传统〔seed〕Add one red pepper, seeded and chopped.加一个红辣椒,去籽并切碎。麦克米伦高阶〔skin〕You'll need four ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped.需要四个熟了的西红柿,去皮切碎。牛津高阶〔some〕Heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a chopped clove of garlic and some black pepper in a heavy saucepan.将几勺橄榄油、一片切碎的蒜瓣和一些黑胡椒粉放入深平底锅里加热。柯林斯高阶〔stollen〕A rich yeast bread containing raisins, citron, and chopped nutmeats.果子面包:含有葡萄干、香橼和切碎的坚果核仁的充分发酵的面包美国传统〔strain off〕Brown the mince in a frying pan, strain off the excess fat and add the chopped onions.把肉末在煎锅中煎至褐色, 撇去多余的脂肪, 然后放入剁碎的洋葱。外研社新世纪〔streusel〕A crumblike topping for coffee cakes and rich breads, consisting of flour, sugar, butter, cinnamon, and sometimes chopped nutmeats.顶部碎末配料:咖啡蛋糕和甜腻面包的屑状顶层,由面粉、糖、黄油、桂皮香料及有时用切碎的果仁组成美国传统〔tabbouleh〕A finely chopped Lebanese salad made with bulgur wheat, scallions, tomatoes, mint, and parsley.塔博勒色拉:一种捣得很碎的黎巴嫩色拉,由碾碎的干小麦、韭葱、西红柿、薄荷和欧芹制成美国传统〔tamale〕A Mexican dish made of fried chopped meat and crushed peppers, highly seasoned, rolled in cornmeal dough, wrapped in cornhusks, and steamed.玉米粉蒸肉:用油炸过的肉块和研碎的胡椒做成的一道墨西哥菜,肉块和胡椒中加有许多佐料并卷在玉米面中,外面用玉米壳包裹后进行蒸煮美国传统〔tartar sauce〕Mayonnaise mixed with chopped onion, olives, pickles, and capers and served as a sauce with fish.鞑靼沙司:拌有洋葱片、橄榄、酸菜和刺山果花蕾的蛋黄酱,吃鱼时拌作沙司美国传统〔terrine〕A food, especially a pâté or a mixture of chopped meat or fish and vegetables, that is cooked or served in such a dish.与陶罐一起出售的食物:在这样的陶罐中烹调或装的食品,尤指馅饼或一种由肉条、鱼条和蔬菜条组成的混合食物美国传统〔then〕Add the oil and then the chopped onions to the pan.在锅里放油, 然后放入切碎的洋葱。外研社新世纪〔tollhouse cookie〕A cookie made with flour, brown sugar, semisweet chocolate chips, and often chopped nuts.巧克力果仁甜饼干,曲奇饼:一种由面粉、红糖、半甜巧克力条制成的小饼,通常还包括碎果仁美国传统〔top〕I topped the cake with chopped nuts.我把碎果仁铺在蛋糕上面。牛津同义词〔torte〕A rich cake made with many eggs and little flour and usually containing chopped nuts.德国大蛋糕;果子奶油蛋糕:一种由大量鸡蛋,少量面粉制成的油腻的蛋糕,通常包含碎果仁美国传统〔touch〕Add a touch of garlic and some finely chopped chilli.加少许大蒜和一些切细的辣椒。外研社新世纪〔truffle〕Any of various chocolate confections, especially one made of a mixture including chopped nuts, rolled into balls and covered with cocoa powder.巧克力糖:一种巧克力糖,尤指用各种碎坚果搓成球并裹上有可可粉美国传统〔tutti-frutti〕A confection, especially ice cream, containing a variety of chopped and usually candied fruits.什锦甜点:一种含有多种碎的,通常是蜜饯的水果的甜点,尤指冰淇淋美国传统〔two thirds〕Stir the chopped chocolate, fruit and nuts into two-thirds of the cheese mixture.把切碎的巧克力、水果和坚果按 2 比 1 的比例与奶酪拌成混合物。柯林斯高阶〔vinaigrette〕A cold sauce or dressing made of vinegar or lemon juice and oil flavored with finely chopped onions, herbs, and other seasonings.酸酱油:由醋、柠檬汁和油加切得很细的洋葱、草药和其它调味品做成的一种冷调味汁美国传统〔walnut〕Add the sugar, butter, and chopped walnuts.放入白糖、黄油以及切碎的核桃仁。外研社新世纪〔walnut〕The recipe calls for a cup of chopped walnuts.食谱上说要放一小杯碎核桃仁。韦氏高阶〔water〕My eyes were watering as I chopped the onions.我切洋葱时流眼泪了。韦氏高阶〔western omelet〕An omelet cooked with diced ham, chopped green pepper, and onion.三丁煎蛋:用火腿块、青椒丁和洋葱做的煎蛋美国传统〔wood〕He chopped some wood for the fire.他劈了些柴烧火。牛津高阶Add some fresh parsley, finely chopped.加上一些细细剁碎的新鲜欧芹。剑桥国际Because of lack of funding many long-term research projects are being chopped.因为缺乏资金,许多长期研究项目被砍掉了。剑桥国际Finish by sprinkling some chopped almonds over the cake.最后在蛋糕上洒上些剁碎的杏仁。剑桥国际Ignoring my protestations (= strong expressions of disagreement), they went ahead and chopped the tree down.他们不理会我的抗议,继续把树砍倒。剑桥国际Many of our forests have disappeared over the years because we chopped them down for wood.我们许多的森林都消失了,因为我们把它们砍倒当木材了。剑桥国际Most of the diseased trees were chopped down last year.大多数的病树在去年给砍倒了。剑桥国际Serve the soup with chervil or chopped parsley.汤里加点细叶芹或切碎的欧芹。剑桥国际She sprinkled some roasted chopped nuts on top of the ice cream.她在冰淇淋上撒了一些烤过的干果碎块。剑桥国际She's chopped and changed between jobs for as long as I've known her.自从我认识她起,她就一直在换工作。剑桥国际The budget has been chopped by half. 预算被砍了一半。译典通The company has chopped another 350 people from its staff.公司又从职工中裁员350人。剑桥国际The fireman chopped a hole in the wall. 消防队员在墙上砍出一个洞。译典通The reafforestation of (= planting of new trees in) areas where all the trees have been chopped down is progressing well.树木都被砍伐光地区的森林重造进展顺利。剑桥国际The wind chopped around from north to west. 风突然从北转向西了。译典通These carrots are finely chopped. 这些胡萝卜切得很细。译典通They chopped down a tree to bridge the stream. 他们砍下一棵树在小溪上架起一座桥。译典通Two of his fingers were chopped off in the accident but surgeons managed to attach them again.他的两个手指在事故中被切掉了, 可是外科医生又把它们接了上去。剑桥国际With a swing of his axe, he chopped the wood in half.他挥动斧头把木头一劈为二。剑桥国际You can't just stand by and let those trees be chopped down when they don't need to be.你不能就袖手旁观,看着那些树被无谓地砍伐。剑桥国际




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