

单词 comfort
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accent〕a hotel with the accent very much on comfort and luxury 非常注重舒适和豪华的酒店麦克米伦高阶〔accent〕accommodation with the accent on comfort 注重舒适的住处朗文当代〔appointment〕be famous for the luxury and comfort of its appointments 以其设备之豪华舒适闻名英汉大词典〔cliché〕taking comfort in the platitude that all will end well; 在老套的大团圆中寻求安慰;美国传统〔comfort food〕a restaurant that serves comfort food 经营家常菜的餐馆韦氏高阶〔comfort〕comfort a crying girl 安慰正在哭泣的姑娘英汉大词典〔comfort〕comfort food(= food that makes you feel better) 安慰性食品牛津高阶〔comfort〕comfort one's aching feet in a tub of hot water 把疼痛的双脚浸入一桶热水使得到缓解英汉大词典〔comfort〕a comfort blanket 一条令人安适平静的毛毯麦克米伦高阶〔comfort〕a book which offers comfort and help to the parents of children with cancer 一本给子女罹患癌症的父母提供安慰和帮助的书朗文当代〔comfort〕a few words of comfort 几句安慰的话英汉大词典〔comfort〕a quilted cover for added comfort 用于增加舒适度的絮棉被子牛津搭配〔comfort〕enjoying the comfort of my favorite chair.享受我最心爱的椅子所给予的舒服美国传统〔comfort〕find comfort in the arms of one's mother 在母亲的怀抱中得到慰藉英汉大词典〔comfort〕gave comfort to the enemy.对敌人给予安慰美国传统〔comfort〕give aid and comfort to the enemy 资敌英汉大词典〔comfort〕in comfort Upstairs is a more intimate bar where guests can relax in comfort.楼上是一个更温馨的酒吧,顾客在那里可以舒适地放松自己。朗文当代〔comfort〕live (lie) in comfort 舒服地生活(躺着) 英汉大词典〔comfort〕to take/draw comfort from sb's words 从某人的话中得到安慰牛津高阶〔disagreeable〕a comfort kit designed to make flying an altogether less disagreeable experience.让飞行总体上变得不再那么难受的舒适套装柯林斯高阶〔embrace〕the comfort of her warm embrace 她热情的拥抱带来的慰藉牛津搭配〔feeling〕a feeling of comfort 舒适感韦氏高阶〔find〕found comfort in her smile.对她的微笑感到很舒服美国传统〔fireside〕fireside comfort 炉边的舒适英汉大词典〔hairline〕offer only a hairline margin of comfort 只给人以极微小的安慰英汉大词典〔hotel〕all the style and comfort that only the best hotels can provide 只有一流宾馆才能提供的优雅舒适的环境牛津搭配〔irradiate〕irradiate strength and comfort 散发力量和安慰英汉大词典〔live〕live in comfort 过舒适的生活英汉大词典〔luxuriant〕the luxuriant comfort of their Jacuzzi爵士按摩浴缸的舒适外研社新世纪〔maximum〕shoes that are designed for maximum comfort 为脚的最大舒适度而设计的鞋韦氏高阶〔opulent〕live in opulent comfort 过阔绰舒适的生活英汉大词典〔reign〕the smug sense of comfort that reigned over the village 在村子里起支配作用的恬适自得感英汉大词典〔style〕young women interested in style rather than comfort 注重款式而非舒适性的年轻女性朗文当代




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