

单词 termed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NAME〕This process, in which liquid metal is poured into moulds, is usually termed die-casting. 把金属熔液倒入铸模的这个过程通常被称做压铸。朗文写作活用〔antisocial〕These people are termed antisocial.这些人被称为悖违社会公德。英汉大词典〔submit〕She was submitted to what she termed 'torture'.她称自己曾遭到“拷打”。外研社新世纪〔suborder〕A subdivision of a category termed an order.类型中的第二级别,次等级美国传统〔term〕At his age, he can hardly be termed a young man.到了这个年纪,他称不上是年轻人了。牛津高阶〔term〕He termed the proposal too conservative.他说那个提议过于保守。英汉大词典〔term〕He termed the war a humanitarian nightmare.他称这场战争是一场人道主义噩梦。外研社新世纪〔term〕He termed the war a humanitarian nightmare.他称这场战争是一场人道主义噩梦。柯林斯高阶〔term〕He had been termed a temporary employee.他被称作临时雇员。柯林斯高阶〔term〕He is often lovingly termed a walking dictionary.他常被亲切地称为活字典。21世纪英汉〔term〕His condition would be more accurately termed as 'chronic fatigue'.更准确地说,他的病叫作“慢性疲劳”。牛津搭配〔term〕One critic termed him ‘the finest essayist in the United States'.有个评论家把他称为“美国最好的散文作家”。麦克米伦高阶〔term〕REM sleep is termed ‘active’ sleep.快速眼动睡眠称作“主动”睡眠。牛津高阶〔term〕Roosevelt termed himself and his policies 'liberal'.罗斯福称自己及其政策是“开明的”。朗文当代〔term〕Some of our victories this season could be termed ‘lucky'.我们在本赛季取得的一些胜利可以用“幸运”这个词来形容。麦克米伦高阶〔term〕Technically, a horse that is smaller than 1.5 metres at the shoulder is termed a pony.严格地说,肩高低于1.5米的马称为矮种马。剑桥高阶〔term〕The press termed the visit a triumph.媒体称这次访问是一场胜利。外研社新世纪〔term〕The project was termed a success.这个项目称得上成功。韦氏高阶〔term〕The sampling units (hereafter termed 'local areas') are towns.抽样单位(以下称为“地方”)为城镇。牛津搭配〔term〕These developments are loosely termed 'advanced manufacturing techniques'.这些开发成果被泛泛地称为“先进的生产技术”。朗文当代〔term〕They termed the structure a “double helix.” 他们把这个结构叫作“双螺旋”。韦氏高阶〔term〕This condition is sometimes termed RSI, or repetitive strain injury.这种疾病有时称为 RSI,即重复性劳损。朗文当代〔term〕This material is variously termed ash, clinker, cinders or slag.这种材料有多种叫法:灰、煤渣、炉渣或矿渣。牛津搭配〔term〕When used in this way they may be termed “modal verbs”.它们被这样使用时可以称为“情态动词”。英汉大词典A White House spokeswoman has termed the treaty ‘an amicable agreement’.白宫发言人称这条约为“和解协议”。剑桥国际He termed the play a tragedy. 他称该剧为悲剧。译典通Management and union leaders held what was termed a ‘crisis meeting’.管理层和工会领导人举行了所谓的“危机会议”。牛津商务Technically, a horse which is smaller than 1.5 metres at the shoulder is termed a pony.严格地说,肩高低于1.5米的马称驹。剑桥国际




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