

单词 cobble together
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAKE〕She cobbled together a tent from a few pieces of string and a sheet. 她用几根绳子和一张床单草草搭了个帐篷。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕We were always searching for bits of junk we could cobble together into something artistic. 我们一直在搜寻可以拼搭成艺术品的小块废料。朗文写作活用〔cobble together〕The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.这个组合整过几首像样的歌。柯林斯高阶〔cobble together〕The group had cobbled together a few decent songs.这个组合胡乱拼凑出了几首还不错的歌曲。外研社新世纪〔cobble〕A compromise has been cobbled together.一项妥协方案草率地达成了。英汉大词典〔cobble〕He cobbled together an essay in twenty minutes.他在二十分钟内胡乱写了一篇文章。文馨英汉〔cobble〕She cobbled together a tent from a few pieces of string and a sheet.她用几根绳子和一条床单仓促地搭了一个帐篷。朗文当代〔cobble〕She cobbled together an essay in half an hour.她用半小时胡乱拼凑了一篇文章。21世纪英汉〔cobble〕The diplomats rushed to cobble together a treaty.外交官们匆忙拼凑了一份条约。韦氏高阶〔cobble〕The essay was cobbled together from some old notes.这篇文章是用以前的一些笔记胡乱拼凑而成的。牛津高阶〔cobble〕The speech was cobbled together from papers and lectures.这个演讲是由一些论文和讲义拼凑而成的。韦氏高阶I had one afternoon to cobble together four essays.我只有一个下午来拼凑四篇文章。剑桥国际We cobbled together a proposal to put before the committee. 我们匆匆忙忙凑了个提议呈委员会议决。译典通




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