

单词 comparing
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔compare〕studies comparing Russian children with those in Britain一些对俄国与英国儿童进行对比的研究项目外研社新世纪〔contrast〕an essay comparing and contrasting (=showing how two things are similar and different) Verdi and Wagner and their operas 把威尔第和瓦格纳以及他们的歌剧进行比较对照的一篇文章朗文当代〔grammar〕comparing English and Japanese grammar 比较英语语法和日语语法韦氏高阶〔grammar〕comparing the grammars of English and Japanese 比较英语语法和日语语法韦氏高阶〔longevity〕comparing the longevities of the two peoples.比较两个民族的寿命美国传统〔modern〕comparing the art of the ancients and the moderns 比较古典艺术家和现代艺术家的艺术韦氏高阶〔over against〕comparing the results of one method over against another 将一种方法所获得的结果与另一种方法的结果相比较韦氏高阶〔slave〕studies comparing slave societies throughout history 对历史上奴隶社会进行的比较研究牛津搭配comparing key job responsibilities and skills 对比关键岗位职责和技能牛津商务




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