

单词 麻醉药
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BALANCE〕She'll be a little unsteady on her feet until the anaesthetic wears off. 麻醉药效消退以前,她走起路来会有些不稳。朗文写作活用〔CONSCIOUS〕They won't allow us to see her until the anesthesia has worn off and she's fully awake. 要等麻醉药性过去,她完全醒过来,他们才允许我们见她。朗文写作活用〔Lamaze〕Relating to or being a method of childbirth in which the expectant mother is prepared psychologically and physically to give birth without the use of drugs.心理助产法的:与一种生孩子方法有关的或这种方法的,在该法中怀孕的母亲不借助麻醉药而是在心理和身体上作充分的准备美国传统〔OD〕The drummer OD'd and had to be replaced.鼓手因过量使用麻醉药而不行了,得另外找人接替。英汉大词典〔UNCONSCIOUS〕I needed something to knock me out - it was the only way to escape from the pain. 我需要用点麻醉药,想要不痛这是唯一的方法。朗文写作活用〔UNCONSCIOUS〕The doctor told me she was going to put me to sleep. 医生告诉我,她要给我施麻醉药让我失去知觉。朗文写作活用〔anaesthetic〕The anaesthetic began to take effect.麻醉药开始起作用了。牛津搭配〔anesthesia〕Local or general insensibility to pain with or without the loss of consciousness, induced by an anesthetic.麻木:局部或全身的痛觉缺失,知觉或有或无,由麻醉药引起美国传统〔anesthetist〕A person specially trained to administer anesthetics.麻醉师:经过麻醉药使用专门培训的人美国传统〔block〕Medicine To interrupt the proper functioning of (a nervous, muscular, or other physiological process), especially by the use of anesthesia.【医学】 阻塞:中断(神经、肌肉或其他生理进程的)正常功能,尤指麻醉药的使用美国传统〔delir〕Two years after his last dose of LSD he was still deliring.停服麻醉药虽已过了两年,但他仍被幻觉困扰着。21世纪英汉〔dope up〕They doped the horse up and it won the race.他们给那匹马服用麻醉药(或兴奋剂),它赢了比赛。21世纪英汉〔dopey〕She's still a little dopey from the anaesthetic.由于麻醉药的作用,她还有点昏昏沉沉的。朗文当代〔dope〕The wine was doped.这酒掺有麻醉药。牛津高阶〔drug〕At the hospital he was drugged.在医院里,他被上了麻醉药。英汉大词典〔drug〕Her drink must have been drugged.她的饮料中肯定被掺了麻醉药。牛津高阶〔drug〕She drugged his drink while he wasn't looking.当他没注意时她在他的饮料中掺入了麻醉药。21世纪英汉〔drug〕Someone could have drugged your drink.可能有人在你的饮料里放了麻醉药。韦氏高阶〔drug〕They drugged the guard dog with doped meatballs.他们用掺了麻醉药的肉丸子麻醉了看门狗。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕To poison or mix (food or drink) with a drug.搀麻醉药(或毒药)于(食品或饮料)美国传统〔establish〕It has since been established that the horse was drugged.此后便证实那匹马被注射了麻醉药。牛津高阶〔hocus〕To infuse (food or drink) with a drug.在(酒或饮料中)加麻醉药美国传统〔inject〕His son was injected with strong drugs.他儿子被注射了烈性麻醉药。柯林斯高阶〔knock out〕The drug knocked him out.麻醉药使他失去了知觉。韦氏高阶〔knockout drops〕A solution, usually of chloral hydrate in alcohol, put into a drink surreptitiously in order to render the drinker unconscious.强麻醉药,蒙汗药:私下放到饮料中使饮用者失去知觉的一种溶液,通常是酒精中的水合氯醛美国传统〔laughing gas〕Nitrous oxide, especially as used as an anesthetic.笑气:一氧化二氮,尤其用于麻醉药物中美国传统〔muddle〕Her brain is muddled with drugs.麻醉药使她的头脑昏昏沉沉。英汉大词典〔narcoma〕Stupor induced by a narcotic.麻醉性昏睡:麻醉药引起的昏迷状态美国传统〔numbed〕An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.通常先注射局部麻醉药,使该部位失去知觉。柯林斯高阶〔numb〕An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area.通常先注射局部麻醉药, 使该部位失去知觉。外研社新世纪〔palliative〕One that palliates, especially a palliative drug or medicine.缓和剂:尤指一种用作减缓麻醉药或药美国传统〔put to sleep〕The doctor put the patient to sleep.医生给病人打了麻醉药。韦氏高阶〔regional anesthetic〕Any of various anesthetic drugs, usually administered by local injection, that produce regional anesthesia.局部麻醉剂:各类麻醉药之一,通常施用局部注射产生局部麻醉美国传统〔scream〕He was screaming in/with pain and begging for anaesthetic.他疼得直叫,哀求用麻醉药。剑桥高阶〔tip〕The darts are tipped with a tranquillizer.这些飞镖的头上涂有麻醉药。麦克米伦高阶〔truth serum〕Any of various hypnotic or anesthetic drugs, such as scopolamine or thiopental sodium, used to induce a subject under questioning to talk without inhibition.麻醉药:象莨菪胺或喷撒钠等各种催眠剂或麻醉药,用来引诱被质问者无拘束地回答美国传统〔under〕The patient was under as soon as he breathed the anaesthetic.病人一吸入麻醉药后就昏迷过去了。英汉大词典〔wear〕The effects of the drug will soon wear off.这麻醉药品的作用将很快消失。牛津高阶〔woozy〕I was still woozy from flu/the anaesthetic/the medication/the wine.我仍因流感/麻醉药/药物/喝酒而感到头昏脑胀。剑桥高阶After he died, traces of drugs were found in his blood.他死后,在他的血液中发现了少许麻醉药品。剑桥国际Broadbent had a history of mental illness and serious drug and alcohol dependency.布罗德本特有一段精神病的历史和严重的麻醉药和酒精瘾。剑桥国际He drugged his roommate and stole his money. 他对他的室友下了麻醉药,然后偷了他的钱。译典通He was screaming in/with pain and begging for anaesthetic.他因疼痛而尖叫着要麻醉药。剑桥国际His wine has been drugged. 他的酒里被人掺了麻醉药。译典通Narcotics such as morphine, heroin and cocaine are extremely addictive.吗啡,海洛因,可卡因等麻醉药物都是极其容易使人上瘾的。剑桥国际She was heavily drugged to ease the pain.为了缓解病痛,她吃了许多麻醉药。剑桥国际The anaesthetic acted (=had an effect) quickly.麻醉药迅速生效了。剑桥国际There are concerns about the frequency of side effects (=the fact that they happen often) with this drug.人们对这种麻醉药频繁产生副作用颇为担心。剑桥国际




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