

单词 petty crime
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CRIME〕Reynolds became involved in petty crime at a very young age. 雷诺兹很小的时候就参与轻微的违法活动。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕Children who end up on the street are likely to get drawn into prostitution and petty crime. 流落街头的孩子很可能卷入卖淫和轻微犯罪中。朗文写作活用〔crime〕He became involved in petty crime as a teenager.他从十几岁时开始从事一些轻微的犯罪活动。朗文当代〔deleterious〕Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life.轻微罪行正对社区生活产生有害影响。柯林斯高阶〔deleterious〕Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life.轻微罪行正在危害社会生活。外研社新世纪〔descend to〕He descended to a life of petty crime.他竟堕落到干起小偷小摸的勾当。21世纪英汉〔enmesh〕She has become enmeshed in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.她因涉嫌吸毒和一些轻罪而麻烦缠身。剑桥高阶〔epidemic〕An epidemic of petty crime has hit the area.该地区的小案件已经泛滥成灾。麦克米伦高阶〔epidemic〕Britain is suffering an epidemic of petty crime.英国现在频频发生轻度犯罪活动。朗文当代〔habit〕A lot of drug addicts get into petty crime to support their habit.很多吸毒的人为了满足毒瘾而犯轻罪。朗文当代〔move〕He announced a move to crack down on petty crime.他宣布了一项旨在打击轻微犯罪的行动。外研社新世纪〔parallel〕The rise in une mployment is paralleled by an increase in petty crime.在失业率上升的同时,轻度犯罪也跟着增长。牛津高阶〔threat〕The threat of jail failed to deter him from petty crime.坐牢的可能也没能吓住他小偷小摸。剑桥高阶She has become enmeshed in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.她已陷入毒品和轻微犯罪纠纷的缠绕中。剑桥国际Some police officers feel that all their time is spent on petty crime, such as shoplifting and minor traffic offences.一些警官认为他们的时间都花在处理轻微犯罪上了,比如偷商店东西,违反交通规则。剑桥国际




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