

单词 骷髅
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Grim Reaper〕The personification of death as a cloaked man or skeleton carrying a scythe.死神,狰狞持鎌收割者:将死亡拟人化为披着斗篷的男人或是手持长柄大镰刀的骷髅头(系死神形象)美国传统〔Jolly Roger〕A black flag bearing the emblematic white skull and crossbones of a pirate ship.海盗黑旗,骷髅旗:海盗船上的黑旗,饰有白色头骨和交叉股骨的象征性图案美国传统〔crossbones〕A representation of two bones placed crosswise, usually under a skull, symbolizing danger or death.交叉骨圆形:描绘两根骨头交叉放置的图形,通常画在骷髅下面,象征危险或死亡美国传统〔death's-head〕The human skull as a symbol of mortality or death.骷髅头:象征死亡的人的头骨美国传统〔death〕Death is often shown in paintings as a human skeleton.死神在绘画作品中常以骷髅形式出现。牛津高阶〔death〕Often Death A personification of the destroyer of life, usually represented as a skeleton holding a scythe. 常作 Death 死神:生命的毁灭者的拟人形象,通常是一具手持大镰刀的骷髅美国传统〔fashion〕The artist fashioned a grinning skeleton out of clay.那位艺术家用黏土塑造出一具咧嘴笑的骷髅。外研社新世纪〔memento mori〕A reminder of death or mortality, especially a death's-head.死亡象征:提醒人要死的东西,尤指骷髅美国传统〔peel〕Skullbone Peel, the fortified summer residence of Ontel Pikan and his family骷髅城堡, 昂特尔·比甘家族夏季居住的堡垒外研社新世纪〔skull and crossbones〕A representation of a human skull above two long crossed bones, a symbol of death once used by pirates and now used as a warning label on poisons.骷髅画,骷髅旗:在两根相交的长骨上的人的头盖骨的表示,曾被海盗用来作为死亡的象征,如今被用作有毒物品上的警告性标签美国传统〔skull and crossbones〕Skull and crossbones stickers on the drums aroused the suspicion of the customs officers.这些桶上贴着的骷髅标志引起了海关官员的怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔skull〕A death's-head.骷髅头美国传统〔skull〕The ship was flying a pirate flag with the skull and crossbones on it.那条船挂着一面画有骷髅头的海盗旗。牛津搭配〔symbolic〕The skull at the bottom of the picture is symbolic of death.图片底部的骷髅象征死亡。剑桥高阶〔symbol〕The bottle had a skull and crossbones symbol on it.瓶子上有骷髅画标记。牛津搭配〔veronica〕According to popular legend, an image of the face of Jesus as impressed on the handkerchief offered to him by Saint Veronica on the road to Calvary.耶稣面像:根据流行的传说,印在圣女维罗尼卡在耶稣去往骷髅地的路上递给他的手巾上的耶稣面像美国传统A skull and crossbones on a bottle usually means that it contains poison.瓶子上有骷髅画通常意味着里面装了毒药。剑桥国际It was a traditional picture of Death in the form of a skeleton.这是一张传统的死神图,用一副骷髅来表示。剑桥国际Pirate ships used to fly the skull and crossbones (= a flag with this sign on it).过去海盗船飘骷髅旗。剑桥国际Skeletons give a sensation of fear. 骷髅给人以恐惧之感。译典通The farmer found an old skeleton when he was digging his field.农夫在挖地时发现了一具年久的骷髅。剑桥国际The skull at the bottom of the picture is symbolic of death.图片底部的骷髅象征死亡。剑桥国际They stamped a skull and crossbones on the labels of poisonous drugs. 他们在毒药标签上打上骷髅图。译典通




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