

单词 骑车者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRIVE〕Heather, a keen cyclist, is hoping to raise £10,000 by riding her bike across Europe. 希思,一位热心的骑车者,希望通过骑车横越欧洲筹款一万英镑。朗文写作活用〔bound〕The path by the railway line is officially out of bounds to both cyclists and walkers.铁路沿线的小路按规定禁止骑车者和步行者进入。朗文当代〔signal〕The cyclist signalled and turned right.骑车者发出信号后向右转。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕The other cyclists were way behind.其他骑车者远远地落在后面。朗文当代〔wearer〕Bicycle helmets offer wearers protection against head injury.自行车头盔可以保护骑车者头部免受伤害。朗文当代Recent design improvements include a seating position that allows the rider to make more efficient use of the bike.最新的设计包括鞍座位置的改进,使骑车者骑得更加自如。剑桥国际The bus driver swerved to avoid hitting the cyclists.公共汽车司机为了不撞到骑车者只好急转弯。剑桥国际The cyclist avenged herself on the dangerous driver by reporting him to the police.骑车者为向违章驾车的司机报复而向警察局报案。剑桥国际The first cyclists raced by at a spanking pace.首当其冲的骑车者飞快地驶过这里。剑桥国际The taxi-driver beeped (his horn) impatiently at the cyclist.出租车司机不耐烦地朝骑车者嘟嘟按喇叭。剑桥国际




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