

单词 字幕
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HEAR〕More programmes these days have subtitles for the deaf. 现在有更多的节目提供字幕给耳聋的人看。朗文写作活用〔HEAR〕The library provides films with subtitles for the hard of hearing. 图书馆为有听力障碍的人提供有字幕的电影。朗文写作活用〔caption〕A subtitle in a motion picture.字幕:电影里的对话译文美国传统〔caption〕All the foreign films were captioned.所有外国影片都配了字幕。21世纪英汉〔caption〕The filmmakers have captioned all of the songs in the movie.电影制片人给影片中所有的歌曲配了字幕。英汉大词典〔caption〕To furnish a caption for.给…加标题,为…配字幕美国传统〔crawl〕A set of letters or figures that move across, up, or down a movie or television screen, usually giving information, such as film credits or weather alerts.爬行字幕:在电影或电视屏幕上横向或纵向爬行出现的一组字母或数字,通常用来提供摄制人员名单或天气预报之类的信息美国传统〔credit〕The credits(= the list of all the people involved)seemed to last almost as long as the film! 演职人员字幕持续的时间几乎与这部电影一样长!牛津高阶〔deafness〕Many regular TV programs are captioned for the deaf.许多常规的电视节目都为耳聋者配了字幕。柯林斯高阶〔deaf〕Many TV programmes are captioned for the deaf.许多电视节目都为聋人配上了字幕。外研社新世纪〔deaf〕Many of the TV programmes are broadcast with subtitles for the deaf.许多电视节目播出时都打上给失聪人士看的字幕。剑桥高阶〔dub into〕I'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into Chinese.我宁愿看有字幕的影片而不愿看中文配音的影片。21世纪英汉〔dub〕I'd rather watch a movie with subtitles than one dubbed into English.我宁愿看带字幕的原版电影也不愿意看译成英语的配音电影。剑桥高阶〔fade in〕The opening credits fade in and fade out.片头字幕淡入后又淡出。外研社新世纪〔film〕We stayed for the film credits.我们一直看完电影演职人员字幕。牛津搭配〔intertitle〕A printed narration or portion of dialogue flashed on the screen between the scenes of a silent film.片段出现的字幕:在一部无声影片间交互出现的旁白画面或是部分话美国传统〔language〕Most local cinemas show films in the original language, with German subtitles.多数当地影院放映配有德语字幕的原版电影。牛津搭配〔loop〕To add or substitute (words) in a film by altering the sound track.换字幕:通过改变音轨在影片中加入或替换(语句)美国传统〔off-putting〕I prefer films that have been dubbed into English. Subtitles are so off-putting.我宁愿看译制成英文的电影,字幕真叫人烦。麦克米伦高阶〔piece〕They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit.他们得到了一小部分纯利润以及电影演职人员字幕中的署名权。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕All programmes will be either 'signed' or subtitled.所有节目要么要配手语要么要打字幕。柯林斯高阶〔soundtrack〕The original Japanese soundtrack is included with English subtitles.日文的原声带配有英文字幕。牛津搭配〔subtitled〕Much of the film is subtitled.电影的大部分都有字幕。柯林斯高阶〔subtitle〕A printed narration or portion of dialogue flashed on the screen between the scenes of a silent film.字幕说明:无声电影在场景之间短暂出现在屏幕上的说明或对话片断美国传统〔subtitle〕A printed translation of the dialogue of a foreign-language film shown at the bottom of the screen.字幕:外语电影中在银幕底部打出的对话译文美国传统〔subtitle〕Is the movie dubbed or are there subtitles? 这部电影是配音的还是带字幕的?牛津高阶〔subtitle〕It takes a lot of work to subtitle a film.给电影配字幕是个工作量很大的活儿。韦氏高阶〔subtitle〕The Chinese movie was shown with English subtitles.这部中国电影放映时配了英文字幕。剑桥高阶〔subtitle〕The dialogue is in Spanish, with English subtitles.对话是西班牙语,配有英语字幕。柯林斯高阶〔subtitle〕The evening news has subtitles for the deaf.晚间新闻为聋哑人士配了字幕。剑桥高阶〔subtitle〕The film is in Chinese with English subtitles.这是部带英文字幕的中文影片。韦氏高阶〔subtitle〕The film is presented in French with optional English subtitles.影片对白为法语,但有可选的英语字幕。牛津搭配〔title〕A written piece of translated dialogue superimposed at the bottom of the frame during a film; a subtitle.字幕:电映放映时叠映在画面底部的翻译过来的对话的书面形式;字幕美国传统〔title〕Often titles Written material to be read by viewers that is included in a film or television show, typically presenting credits, narration, or dialogue. 常作 titles 字幕:电影或电视节目中供观众阅读的书面文字,通常写出摄制人员名单、叙述或对话美国传统I can't read the subtitles on films anymore --I'm as blind as a bat.我再也看不出银幕上字幕了----我眼力不行了。剑桥国际I find it really irritating watching foreign films with subtitles flashing across the bottom of the screen.我觉得看外国电影有字幕在银幕下方闪烁真让人讨厌。剑桥国际I like having surtitles at the opera, because it makes it easier to understand.我喜欢看打字幕的歌剧,这样比较容易看懂。剑桥国际I'd rather watch a film with subtitles than one dubbed into English.我宁可看有字幕的电影,也不要看用英语配音的。剑桥国际Many of the TV programmes are broadcast with subtitles for the deaf (= deaf people).许多电视节目播出时下方附有为聋人提供的字幕。剑桥国际The Chinese film was shown with English subtitles.这部中国影片放映时配有英文字幕。剑桥国际The evening news has subtitles for deaf people.晚间新闻播出时为聋哑人配了字幕。剑桥国际




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