

单词 驼峰
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔advantage〕The camel's hump is of most advantage to it in conditions of drought.在干旱条件下,驼峰对骆驼好处极大。英汉大词典〔camel case〕Examples of camel case include "iPod" and "GaGa".驼峰式大写的例子包括“iPod”和“GaGa”。剑桥高阶〔camelback〕Shaped like a hump or an arching curve.驼峰式的:造型象驼峰的或象弓形曲线的美国传统〔feed off〕When fresh food and water are not available,the camel can feed off its hump.在没有新食物和水供应时,骆驼从它的驼峰中获取能量。21世纪英汉〔hump〕Camels rebuild fat stores in their hump.骆驼在自己的驼峰内重新贮备了脂肪。柯林斯高阶〔hump〕Some types of camel have two humps and others have one.有些种类的骆驼有两个驼峰,而其他的只有一个。剑桥高阶Some types of camel have two humps and others have one.有些种类的骆驼有两个驼峰,其它的则只有一个。剑桥国际




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