

单词 马蹄铁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔blacksmith〕One that makes, repairs, and fits horseshoes.铁匠:制作、修理和安装马蹄铁的人美国传统〔calk〕A pointed extension on the toe or heels of a horseshoe, designed to prevent slipping.马蹄铁刺:马掌后跟或足尖上的尖形加长部分,用于防滑美国传统〔charm〕He keeps a horseshoe as a good luck charm.他把一块马蹄铁带在身边作为吉祥护身符。韦氏高阶〔file〕The smith files the horse's hoof before fitting the horseshoe.铁匠在钉马蹄铁之前先把马蹄锉平。外研社新世纪〔for (good) luck〕We have a horseshoe hanging on our wall for good luck.我们在墙上挂了一块马蹄铁,希望能有好运气。剑桥高阶〔forge〕The smith forged the horseshoe with great skill.那铁匠非常熟练地锻造马蹄铁。21世纪英汉〔fortune〕A horseshoe nailed to your door is supposed to bring good fortune.门上钉上马蹄铁被认为会带来好运。牛津搭配〔horseshoe〕A U-shaped object similar to a horseshoe.马蹄铁形物:形如马蹄铁的"U"形物体美国传统〔horseshoe〕A flat U-shaped metal plate fitted and nailed to the bottom of a horse's hoof for protection.马蹄铁:"U"形扁平金属块,钉于马蹄的底部以保护马蹄美国传统〔horseshoe〕For many people the horseshoe is a symbol of good luck.对很多人来说马蹄铁是好运的象征。剑桥高阶〔horseshoe〕She was wearing the lucky horseshoe he'd given her.她戴着他送的马蹄铁吉祥物。外研社新世纪〔horseshoe〕The lake was a horseshoe surrounded by tall pine trees.这座湖呈马蹄铁形,四周环绕着高高的松树。韦氏高阶〔horseshoe〕To fit with horseshoes.装马蹄铁美国传统〔pitch〕To throw or toss something, such as a ball, horseshoe, or bale.抛,扔,投:投或抛出某物,如球、马蹄铁或大包美国传统〔ringer〕A horseshoe or quoit thrown so that it encircles the peg.套环,铁环:为了圈住木桩而掷出的马蹄铁或环圈美国传统〔roughshod〕Shod with horseshoes having projecting nails or points to prevent slipping.马掌上钉有马蹄铁的:穿有具突出的钉状物或钉子以防滑下的马蹄铁的美国传统〔shoe〕A horseshoe.马蹄铁美国传统〔shoe〕The horse was taken to be shod.马被带去钉马蹄铁。韦氏高阶For many people the horseshoe is a symbol of good luck.对许多人来说马蹄铁是好运的象征。剑桥国际The blacksmith came out of the forge to fit the horseshoe. 铁匠从铁工厂出来安装马蹄铁。译典通The blacksmith hammers the horseshoes into shape on an anvil.铁匠在铁砧上把马蹄铁敲打成形。剑桥国际The landlord had tried to give the pub a rustic appearance by putting horseshoes and old guns on the walls.店主在酒吧墙上挂了些马蹄铁和老式枪支以增加乡土气息。剑桥国际We have a horseshoe hanging on our wall for (good) luck (= so that good things will happen to us by chance).我们在墙上挂着一只马蹄铁,以求好运。剑桥国际




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