

单词 音乐家
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIRE〕India's most famous and revered musician 印度最有名望的音乐家朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕Musicians of the time admitted that the Ellington Orchestra was a cut above all others. 当时的音乐家都承认埃林顿管弦乐队是鹤立鸡群的。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕The young Japanese violinist outshone every other musician at the concert. 那位年轻的日本小提琴家在音乐会上使其他的音乐家都相形见绌。朗文写作活用〔EASY〕Other musicians were amazed by Parker's effortless improvisational skill. 帕克轻松即兴演奏的技巧令其他音乐家惊叹。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕The movie's a black comedy about a pair of junkie musicians who are trying to kick the drug habit. 这影片是部黑色幽默片,讲述了一对有毒瘾的音乐家想要戒毒的故事。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Few musicians are as versatile as he is: he plays, composes, arranges, and teaches. 很少有音乐家像他这样多才多艺:演奏、作曲、编曲和教学他都会。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕I could hear the happy sound of the street musicians. 我听见街头音乐家快乐的歌声。朗文写作活用〔Howlin' Wolf〕American singer and muscian who earned his nickname for the baying cries that characterized his style of blues singing.霍林狼:美国歌手及音乐家,其类似低沉犬吠声的蓝调唱腔风格特征为他赢得这个别名美国传统〔Marley〕Jamaican musician and songwriter who, with his group the Wailers, made reggae internationally popular.马利,罗伯·内斯塔:牙买加音乐家与歌曲作家,与其乐队“恸哭者”一起,使瑞格舞在国际上流行美国传统〔Renaissance man〕He's a writer, politician, musician and athlete - a real Renaissance man.他是个作家、政治家、音乐家和运动员——确实是一个多才多艺的人。剑桥高阶〔SHOW〕This latest album certainly shows why Pine is rated a first-class jazz musician among his peers. 这张最新的专辑绝对能说明派因为什么能超越同辈,被誉为一流的爵士音乐家。朗文写作活用〔able〕He's an extremely able musician.他是一位极具才华的音乐家。外研社新世纪〔acquaintance〕I made the acquaintance of several musicians around that time.大约在那段时间,我结识了几位音乐家。牛津高阶〔act〕Our next act is a very talented young musician.表演下一个节目的是一位才华横溢的年轻音乐家。剑桥高阶〔artistic〕His friends are all artistic - they're painters, musicians, and writers.他的朋友们都很有艺术造诣——他们尽是些画家、音乐家和作家。剑桥高阶〔atonalist〕One who composes atonal music.无调音乐家:创作无调音乐的人美国传统〔best〕He is the kind of musician who always performs best in front of a live audience.他是那种总能在现场观众面前发挥最高水平的音乐家。麦克米伦高阶〔big name〕Poor attendance at the concert was put down to the lack of big names.这场音乐会上座率低被归咎于缺少知名音乐家。朗文当代〔blag〕She'd heard he was a musician and blagged a tape off a friend of his.她听说他是个音乐家,就花言巧语从他朋友那里要了一盘带子。柯林斯高阶〔brilliance〕He was a deeply serious musician who had shown his brilliance very early.他是个很严肃的音乐家,很早就展露出非凡的才华。柯林斯高阶〔caper〕Painted musicians capered behind gorgeous banners.涂脂抹粉的音乐家们在绚丽的横幅后面欢跳雀跃。柯林斯高阶〔charge〕Brian always got a charge out of working with younger musicians.布赖恩总是能从和年轻音乐家共事中获得乐趣。外研社新世纪〔conclusion〕Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician.这些年来, 我得出的结论是她是一个非常了不起的音乐家。外研社新世纪〔conclusion〕Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician.这些年来,我得出的结论是她是一位非常伟大的音乐家。柯林斯高阶〔count〕Beth had a good voice, but had never counted herself as a real musician.贝思有一副好嗓子,但她从来没有把自己当成真正的音乐家。麦克米伦高阶〔covet〕He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician.他一直渴望有机会与著名音乐家一起工作。牛津高阶〔craftsman〕As a writer/photographer/musician, he has developed into a true craftsman.作为作家/摄影师/音乐家,他已经成长为一名真正的技艺大师。韦氏高阶〔destined〕He was destined to become a musician.他命中注定要成为音乐家。外研社新世纪〔diddle〕I'm not much of a musician. I just like to diddle around.我还不是个音乐家,我只不过喜欢玩弄乐器。21世纪英汉〔discover〕During her career she was responsible for discovering many now famous musicians.在她的职业生涯中,她曾发掘出许多当今著名的音乐家。韦氏高阶〔each〕Each programme in the series will be introduced by a well-known musician.这一系列的每个节目都将由知名的音乐家来介绍。麦克米伦高阶〔eisteddfod〕An annual competitive festival of Welsh poets and musicians.威尔斯艺术节:一年一度的威尔士诗人、音乐家比赛大会美国传统〔engender〕Mr Bowles could engender delight in students and musicians alike.鲍尔斯先生能够让学生和音乐家都感到快乐。外研社新世纪〔enough〕My husband is a jazz musician. Enough said.我丈夫是位爵士音乐家,透露这一点就够了。柯林斯高阶〔equal〕As a musician he knows no equal.作为一个音乐家他是无与伦比的。英汉大词典〔exploit〕Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain.批评家声称他压榨黑人音乐家谋求私利。外研社新世纪〔extraordinarily〕Rozhdestvensky is an extraordinary musician.罗日杰斯特文斯基是位出色的音乐家。柯林斯高阶〔first〕She regarded herself, first and last, as a musician.她认为她自己是一个不折不扣的音乐家。牛津高阶〔flat〕The musician rented a flat in a fashionable area of London.那位音乐家在伦敦高级住宅区租了一套房。牛津搭配〔forbid〕Hannah is a natural musician, although modesty forbids her to say so.汉娜是天生的音乐家,尽管她出于谦逊并没有这样说。麦克米伦高阶〔go〕His school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year competition.他的学校建议他参加年度青年音乐家评选。麦克米伦高阶〔gusto〕The musicians played with gusto.音乐家兴致勃勃地演奏。牛津同义词〔indeed〕Brendel is certainly a fine musician. Indeed, I regard him as one of the greatest pianists of our time.布兰德尔当然是一位优秀的音乐家,我甚至认为他是我们这个时代最伟大的钢琴家之一。麦克米伦高阶〔knighthood〕He's possibly the only jazz musician with a knighthood.他可能是唯一一个有骑士头衔的爵士乐音乐家。外研社新世纪〔line-up〕The programme is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.该节目重新开播了,新系列中汇集了一大批音乐家和喜剧剧目。柯林斯高阶〔minstrel〕A musician.音乐家美国传统〔more〕He is more of a poet than a musician.与其说他是个音乐家还不如说他是个诗人。 英汉大词典〔musician〕He was a brilliant musician.他是一位才华横溢的音乐家。柯林斯高阶〔musician〕She's a very talented musician.她是个很有才华的音乐家。韦氏高阶〔musician〕The concert features dancers and musicians of all nationalities.这场音乐会云集了各国的舞蹈家和音乐家。剑桥高阶〔musician〕The conductor of the orchestra is a musician.管弦乐队的指挥是个音乐家。英汉大词典〔musician〕You have to be a very dedicated musician to get to the top.要想成为一流的音乐家你必须全身心地投入。牛津搭配〔niche〕Neither of us has found our niche yet. My dream is to be a musician.我们两个人还都没有找到自己的定位。我的梦想是成为一名音乐家。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕He overcame the obstacle of blindness and became a musician.他克服失明的障碍而成为音乐家。英汉大词典〔of the year〕Young Musician of the Year 本年度最杰出的青年音乐家剑桥高阶〔parallel〕You could draw a parallel between journalists and musicians.你可以拿记者和音乐家做个比较。外研社新世纪〔perform〕He was the first blues musician to perform there.他是第一个在那里表演的蓝调音乐家。外研社新世纪〔plane〕Like all talented musicians, he operates on a different plane from most people.像所有的天才音乐家一样,他与大多数人处在不同的层次上。牛津搭配〔plight〕She plighted herself to a young musician.她跟一名年轻的音乐家订了婚。文馨英汉〔potential〕He has the potential to become a world-class musician.他有潜力成为世界级的音乐家。牛津高阶〔practice〕Practice will make you a good musician.反复练习能使你成为优秀的音乐家美国传统〔precocious〕A precocious musician, he was giving concerts when he was seven.他这位早熟的音乐家,七岁时就举办了音乐会。韦氏高阶〔quintet〕A group of five performing musicians.五位音乐家的表演小组美国传统〔quite〕He was quite a good musician.他是位相当优秀的音乐家。麦克米伦高阶〔raise the roof〕With their last, triumphant piece, the musicians raised the roof.在演奏最后一支欢快振奋的曲子时,音乐家们愈加奔放,激情四射。剑桥高阶〔rank〕She ranks above any other musician of her generation.在她那一代,她是最好的音乐家。牛津搭配〔rate〕He rates among the greatest musicians.他被列入最伟大的音乐家的行列。21世纪英汉〔rear〕They reared a monument to commemorate the great musician.他们建立起一座纪念碑,纪念这位伟大的音乐家。21世纪英汉〔record〕It took the musicians two days to record the soundtrack.几名音乐家花了两天时间来录制电影配乐。外研社新世纪〔rendition〕The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of 'Paddy Casey's Reel'.这些音乐家激情演绎了《帕迪·凯西的里尔舞曲》。柯林斯高阶〔resonance〕His words will have resonance for many musicians.他的话语将在很多音乐家心里产生共鸣。朗文当代〔showcase〕The festival was a showcase for young musicians.音乐节是青年音乐家展现才华的场合。牛津高阶〔show〕Young musicians will get the chance to show off their musical skills.青年音乐家将有机会展露他们的音乐才华。麦克米伦高阶〔stature〕Armstrong was a musician of world stature.阿姆斯特朗是一位享誉全球的音乐家。朗文当代〔strive〕He strove to be recognized as a musician.他力争成为一名社会公认的音乐家。英汉大词典〔talented〕Some of these young musicians are hugely talented.这些年轻的音乐家中有些极有才华。牛津搭配〔that〕Those (whom) we met were young musicians.我们碰到的那些人是青年音乐家。英汉大词典〔time〕He was many things in his time – musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.他一生身份殊多 — 音乐家、飞行员、养牛的牧场主、实业家和记者。朗文当代〔tin ear〕My wife is a talented musician, but I have a tin ear.我妻子是个有天赋的音乐家,但我却没有乐感。韦氏高阶〔tool〕Black-leather jackets and tattoos are the standard tools of the trade for heavy-metal musicians.黑皮夹克和文身是重金属音乐家门的标配。外研社新世纪〔tribute〕The concert was a tribute to the musician.这场音乐会是为了向这位音乐家致敬。韦氏高阶〔wannabe〕They're a bunch of wannabe musicians who don't know which way up to hold their guitars.他们是一群梦想成为音乐家但却连吉他怎么拿都不知道的人。外研社新世纪〔wear〕Some musicians don't like to wear rings when they're playing.有的音乐家不喜欢在演奏时戴戒指。剑桥高阶〔well〕She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer.她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才的音乐家。牛津高阶All the members of the orchestra are musicians of real quality (= are excellent musicians).乐队的所有成员都是水平很高的音乐家。剑桥国际Both my parents are accomplished musicians. 我父母亲均是有造诣的音乐家。译典通Georgina's latest inamorato is a jazz musician.乔治娜最近的情人是个爵士音乐家。剑桥国际He is a famous black musician. 他是位著名的黑人音乐家。译典通He lived and breathed music -- he was a truly dedicated musician.音乐对他来讲至关重要----他是一个真正献身艺术的音乐家。剑桥国际He told people that he was a serious and well-known musician, but he was a fraud really.他告诉人们说他是一个严肃的、有名的音乐家,实际上他是个骗子。剑桥国际He won an award for his portrayal of the tortured musician in Marco Turner's latest film.他因在马克·特纳的新片中表现了一位备受摧残的音乐家而获奖。剑桥国际He's a very gifted (= he has special ability as a) dancer/musician.他是个很有才华的舞蹈家/音乐家。剑桥国际He's a writer, politician,musician and athlete--a real Renaissance man.他是一位作家、政治家、音乐家和运动员----的确是一位多才多艺的人。剑桥国际I started off as a classical musician but I always wanted to be a jazz trumpeter.我是以一名古典音乐家开始的, 但我总是想成为一名爵士小号手。剑桥国际She said the musicians’and actors’unions had failed to agree pay levels and that these unions had thereby deprived over 250 people of work.她说音乐家工会和演员工会没有同意工资标准,因而这些工会剥夺了250人的工作。剑桥国际She was a prodigious musician.她是一个出色的音乐家。剑桥国际Some musicians don't like to wear rings when they're playing.一些音乐家在演奏的时候不喜欢戴戒指。剑桥国际The famous jazz musician, Duke Ellington, was a composer, arranger and pianist.著名的爵士音乐家埃林顿公爵是作曲家、乐曲编配家,又是钢琴家。剑桥国际The king and queen always had minstrels play at their feasts. 国王和王后总是要音乐家在宴会上表演。译典通The restaurant went bankrupt after being hopelessly mismanaged by a former rock musician with no business experience.那家饭店在被一个没有管理经验的摇滚音乐家胡乱经营了一阵之后破产。剑桥国际




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