

单词 白种
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-Saxon〕The banking profession was dominated by Anglo-Saxon males.金融行业被英裔美国白种男人统治着。麦克米伦高阶〔Aryan〕In Nazism, a Caucasian Gentile, especially of Nordic type.北欧人:在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的白种人,尤指北欧人美国传统〔Aryan〕In Nazism, of or relating to a Caucasian Gentile.说印-欧语言的人的与说印欧语言的人有关的:在纳粹用语中,指非犹太教徒的白种人的或与非犹太教徒的白种人相关的美国传统〔Caucasian〕Ann Hamilton was a Caucasian from New England.安•汉密尔顿是来自新英格兰的白种人。外研社新世纪〔Caucasian〕The disease is largely associated with Caucasians.这种病主要与白种人有关。韦氏高阶〔Mr Charlie〕A white person or white people considered as a group.查理先生:白种人或白种人的总称美国传统〔Wasp〕A white Protestant of Anglo-Saxon ancestry.祖先是盎格鲁·撒克逊人的白种新教徒美国传统〔White〕White people白种人外研社新世纪〔Yat〕A member of a lower- and middle-class segment of the white population of New Orleans.耶特人:下等阶级及中产阶级的新奥尔良白种人中一员美国传统〔color〕The skin pigmentation of a person not classed as white.除白种人外有色人种的肤色美国传统〔currency〕She spoke the King's English like a currency lass.她讲起标准英语来就像澳大利亚的土生白种姑娘。英汉大词典〔non-white〕Non-white people are effectively excluded from certain jobs, even though such a bar isn't explicit.一些特定的工作事实上将白种人排斥在外, 即便这种排斥不算明显。外研社新世纪〔non-white〕Non-white people are effectively excluded from certain jobs.一些特定的工作事实上将非白种人排斥在外。柯林斯高阶〔non-white〕Non-whites were not welcome in the club.这个俱乐部以往不欢迎非白种人。剑桥高阶〔non-white〕Not one non-white has ever been selected to play for the team.没有一个非白种人曾入选球队。柯林斯高阶〔non-white〕Not one non-white has ever been selected to play for the team.没有一个非白种人曾入选该球队。外研社新世纪〔nonwhite〕A person who is not white.非白种人:不是白种人的人美国传统〔nonwhite〕About half the students are nonwhite.大约一半的学生不是白种人。韦氏高阶〔nonwhite〕The city just elected its first nonwhite mayor.这个城市刚刚选出了它的首位非白种人市长。韦氏高阶〔nonwhite〕The program is even less popular among nonwhites.这个计划甚至更不受非白种人的欢迎。韦氏高阶〔paleface〕A white person.白种人美国传统〔taunt〕When will players learn that racist taunts are simply not acceptable?运动员何时才能明白种族主义嘲弄是完全不可接受的?外研社新世纪〔white separatist〕One who advocates the creation of a society in which whites live separately from other races or from which nonwhite races are excluded.白人分离主义者:倡导成立将白种人与其它人种分开居住或是将非白人人种隔离在外的社会美国传统〔white supremacist〕One who believes that white people are racially superior to others and should therefore dominate society.白人至上主义者:相信白种人在人种上优于其它人种因此应该由其管辖社会的人美国传统〔whitey〕The poet vented his rage against whitey.诗人宣泄了自己对白种人的愤怒。韦氏高阶〔white〕A white breed, species, or variety of animal.白种人,白色动物:白种人、白人或动物中的白色种类美国传统〔xanthochroid〕A person having a light complexion and light hair.白种人:具有浅色的肤色和毛发的人美国传统He had a black mother and a white father.他的母亲是黑种人,父亲是白种人。剑桥国际It's a predominantly white neighbourhood.这是一个以白种人为主的居住区。剑桥国际My mother comes from an old WASP family which has been in this country for 350 years.我母亲出身于一个古老的英国新教徒白种美国人家庭,该家族到这个国家已经350年了。剑桥国际The dominance of the WASP is far from over and newer Americans often tend to adopt the manners of the old.出身英国新教徒的白种美国人的主导地位还远没有消失,新一代的美国人往往会采纳老一代人的风格习惯。剑桥国际The police are looking for a white man in his early twenties with brown eyes and shoulder -length blonde hair (= hair that touches his shoulders).警察正在找一个二十出头的白种男人,棕色眼睛,亚麻色的齐肩发。剑桥国际Using the term ‘non-white’promotes an ‘us and them’mentality.使用“非白种人”这个词将助长“我们与他们(不同)”的心态。剑桥国际




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