

单词 陷入绝境
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dead end〕We had come to a dead end in our research.我们的研究工作已陷入绝境。牛津高阶〔impasse〕She had reached an impasse in her career.当时她的事业已经陷入绝境。韦氏高阶〔ruination〕Water pollution is causing the ruination of the fishing industry.水体污染正使渔业陷入绝境。韦氏高阶〔save the day〕The team seemed to be heading for disaster until a late goal saved the day.这支球队似乎就要陷入绝境,直到后来凭借一颗进球才扭转败局。剑桥高阶〔spit〕Snakes spit and hiss when they are cornered.蛇陷入绝境时会发出咝咝呼呼的声音。牛津高阶The company will be in very serious trouble if we lose this contract.如果我们失去这份合同, 公司将陷入绝境。剑桥国际When we had our backs to the wall during the war, everyone had to fight together. 战争中我们陷入绝境之时,大家只能合力奋战。译典通




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