

单词 风度
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GRACEFUL〕Rudolph Nureyev's skill and gracefulness made him a legend in his own lifetime. 鲁道夫·努里耶夫的技艺和风度使他成了他那个时代的传奇。朗文写作活用〔Gallic〕Catherine Deneuve seemed to typify cool Gallic elegance.凯瑟琳‧德纳芙堪称典型法国式从容优雅风度的化身。剑桥高阶〔MEAL〕He is a charming man, the kind of person you would want to sit next to at a dinner party. 他风度翩翩,是宴会上你想坐在他身边的那种人。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕He's quite scholarly, but he can be really funny when he lets himself go. 他很有学者风度,但他放松时也可以相当风趣。朗文写作活用〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕What she lacked in looks she made up for with her sensational style. 她动人的风度弥补了她外貌上的不足。朗文写作活用〔accept〕She graciously accepted my apology.她很有风度地接受了我的道歉。牛津搭配〔acme〕His suit was the acme of masculine elegance.他这套西装尽显男性优雅风度。麦克米伦高阶〔address〕The manner or bearing of a person, especially in conversation.举止,谈吐:一个人的行为或风度,特别是在谈话中美国传统〔aplomb〕Rosalind conducted the meeting with characteristic aplomb/with her usual aplomb.罗莎琳德以她特有/惯有的泰然自若的风度主持了会议。剑桥高阶〔assume〕He assumed the style of an aggressive go-getter.他具有一个积极进取的、有冲劲和进取心的人的风度。21世纪英汉〔awe-inspiring〕There was an awe-inspiring majesty about him.他有一种令人敬畏的王者风度。英汉大词典〔behave as〕Jahncke behaved like a gentleman.扬克举止颇有绅士风度。21世纪英汉〔bon ton〕A sophisticated manner or style.得体的风度:一种久经世故的行为或风格美国传统〔cavalier〕Abbr. cav.A gallant or chivalrous man, especially one serving as escort to a woman of high social position; a gentleman.缩写 cav.骑士风度的男子:英勇的或有骑士风度的男子,尤制护送具有较高社会地位的妇女的人;绅士美国传统〔chic〕He radiates charm and chic.他魅力四射,风度翩翩。柯林斯高阶〔chivalrous〕He was handsome, upright and chivalrous.他长相英俊,为人正直,风度翩翩。柯林斯高阶〔chivalrous〕He yearns to be seen as chivalrous and charming.他渴望被看成是一个风度翩翩、充满魅力的人。外研社新世纪〔chivalry〕Marie seemed to revel in his old-fashioned chivalry.玛丽似乎为他那种传统的骑士风度所着迷。外研社新世纪〔class〕He's got the same style off the pitch as he has on it — sheer class.他场上场下都是一个样——极具风度。柯林斯高阶〔concede〕He happily conceded the election.他不失风度地承认了自己选举失败。外研社新世纪〔dashing〕He was the very model of the dashing RAF pilot.他正是风度翩翩的英国皇家空军飞行员的代表。外研社新世纪〔decorously〕He sipped his drink decorously.他很有风度地小口喝着饮料。柯林斯高阶〔demean〕He demeaned himself like a gentleman.他举止颇有些绅士风度。21世纪英汉〔deport oneself like〕He deported himself like a gentleman.他举止像个有教养的人。(或:他举止颇有绅士风度。)21世纪英汉〔deportment〕Throughout the ordeal of her husband's funeral, Mrs Kennedy was a model of deportment (= behaved in a controlled and calm way).在丈夫的葬礼上,肯尼迪太太忍受着悲痛自始至终保持风度。剑桥高阶〔dignity〕With as much dignity as he could muster, he left the room.他尽量保持风度地离开了房间。牛津搭配〔ease〕A certain graceful ease marks him as a man who knows the world.他身上某种优雅自在的风度表明他是个见过世面的人。英汉大词典〔ease〕He had a natural ease which made him very popular.他优雅自在的风度使他深受欢迎。朗文当代〔engaging〕She has an engaging manner.她的举止很有风度。外研社新世纪〔epitome〕Even now in her sixties, she is the epitome of French elegance.即使现在已经年届花甲,她仍堪称法国人优雅风度的典范。剑桥高阶〔equip in〕She is equipped in good style.她打扮得很有风度。21世纪英汉〔erudite〕He is dryly witty, erudite, and gallant.他充满冷幽默、博学多识并且风度翩翩。外研社新世纪〔excepted〕Jeremy excepted, the men seemed personable.除杰里米外,那些男人看起来都风度翩翩。柯林斯高阶〔flirtatious〕He was dashing, self-confident and flirtatious.他风度翩翩,自信满满,而且很会挑逗女人。柯林斯高阶〔fluent〕As a lecturer, she is fluent, witty, but also scholarly.作为一位讲演者,她熟练自如,聪明机智,而且具有学者风度。麦克米伦高阶〔gallantly〕He gallantly kissed Marie's hand as we prepared to leave.我们准备离开时他很有骑士风度地吻了玛丽的手。外研社新世纪〔gallantry〕It's that time of year again, when thoughts turn to romance and gallantry.又到了一年的那个时候, 人们开始想到浪漫和骑士风度。外研社新世纪〔gallantry〕Many women were charmed by his old-fashioned gallantry.许多女性被他老派的绅士风度迷住了。韦氏高阶〔graceful〕He was charming, cheerful, and graceful under pressure.他在压力之下仍然开朗迷人, 风度翩翩。外研社新世纪〔graceful〕His father had always taught him to be graceful in defeat.他父亲总是教导他输了也要有风度。牛津高阶〔graceful〕She was extremely graceful in defeat.她失败时非常有风度。麦克米伦高阶〔grace〕Davis accepted the defeat with good grace.有风度地;情愿地麦克米伦高阶〔grace〕He has shown remarkable grace during this crisis.在这场危机中,他表现出了非凡的风度。韦氏高阶〔grace〕He showed tremendous grace under pressure.他在压力下表现得非常有风度。外研社新世纪〔grace〕Max definitely lacked social graces .马克斯显然缺少社交风度。朗文当代〔grace〕She handles her problems with grace and dignity.她处理自己的问题,既有尊严又不失风度。韦氏高阶〔gravitas〕He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader.他是一位极具影响力的政坛风云人物,但却让人感觉他缺乏世界领导人应有的政治家的庄严风度。剑桥高阶〔healthy〕She has a healthy respect for her rival's talents.她很有风度地尊重对手的才能。牛津高阶〔heart〕She lost her heart to a dashing young artist.她爱上了一个风度翩翩的年轻艺术家。韦氏高阶〔it's every man for himself〕It might be a civilized place to shop at other times, but come the January sales, it's every man for himself.人们在购物时通常都能保持风度,一月大减价例外,这个时候,人不为己,天诛地灭。剑桥高阶〔knighthood〕Behavior or qualities befitting a knight; chivalry.骑士风格:符合骑士身份的行为和品质;骑士风度美国传统〔lay out〕He laid himself out to be charming.他努力表现得风度翩翩。外研社新世纪〔life〕Viewers will remember the dashing hero, Dirk, risking life and limb to rescue Daphne from the dragons.观众不会忘记风度翩翩的男主角德克冒着生命危险把达芙妮从恶龙爪下救出的情形。柯林斯高阶〔likeable〕He had a certain rakish air that made him immediately likeable.他某种潇洒的风度使得他一露面便招人喜欢。牛津搭配〔little〕He'd become quite the little gentleman.他成了颇有风度的绅士了。牛津高阶〔mannequin〕She has all the style and grace of a professional mannequin.专业服装模特该有的风度和优雅她都具备。外研社新世纪〔manner〕His manners were charming.他风度翩翩。英汉大词典〔mien〕He has the mien of an ancient warrior.他有古代武士的风度。韦氏高阶〔panache〕He offered it to me with all the panache of a ballet dancer presenting a rose.他风度翩翩地把它交给我, 就像芭蕾舞演员献玫瑰花似的。外研社新世纪〔phlegmatic〕As a football player, his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner.作为一名足球运动员,他最大的优点是他在场上沉着冷静的风度。剑桥高阶〔pizzazz〕Dazzling style; flamboyance; flair.耀眼的风度;浮华;天赋美国传统〔pizzazz〕We need someone with youth, glamour and pizzazz.我们需要一位年富力强、魅力十足、风度翩翩的人。牛津高阶〔presence〕He has a fine presence.他的风度很好。文馨英汉〔pretty〕In a pretty manner; prettily or pleasingly.风度优雅地;优雅地,令人愉悦地美国传统〔raffish〕He has a certain raffish elegance.他有一种落拓不羁的洒脱风度。剑桥高阶〔rating〕The judges gave her the maximum rating on style.裁判们给她的风度打了最高分。牛津搭配〔school〕The teacher schooled his pupils in the social graces.教师教会学生社交风度。英汉大词典〔slicker〕Informal A person with stylish clothing and manners.【非正式用语】 穿着时髦的衣服、风度翩翩的人美国传统〔social〕He lacked social graces (=good and polite behaviour towards other people) .他缺乏社交风度。朗文当代〔sophistication〕James Bond is known for his sophistication, his style and his sense of class.举止优雅、风度翩翩且派头十足是詹姆斯·邦德一贯的形象。外研社新世纪〔sophistication〕James Bond is known for his sophistication, his style and his sense of class.举止优雅、风度翩翩且派头十足是詹姆斯·邦德一贯的形象。柯林斯高阶〔sporting〕It was very sporting of you to give me such an advantage.你对我这么礼让,真有运动家风度。英汉大词典〔sporting〕It wasn't very sporting of you to trip him.你把他绊倒,真不够有风度。韦氏高阶〔sporting〕That's very sporting of you! 你真有运动家风度!麦克米伦高阶〔sportsmanlike〕She is always sportsmanlike when she plays.比赛时她一贯具有运动员风度。韦氏高阶〔sportsmanship〕He's a great player who's also admired for his sportsmanship.他是一名杰出的运动员,其运动员风度受到人们的赞扬。韦氏高阶〔sportsmanship〕She showed good/bad/poor sportsmanship.她表现出良好/差劲的运动员风度。韦氏高阶〔stable〕As chief executive, he assembled a polished stable of celebrities.作为最高行政长官, 他聚集了一群风度翩翩的名人。外研社新世纪〔style〕Both love doing things in style.两人行事都讲究风度。柯林斯高阶〔style〕Greg has a lot of style.格雷格非常有风度。麦克米伦高阶〔style〕He has a real sense of style.他很有风度。韦氏高阶〔style〕He has a speaking style far superior to other candidates.他讲话的风度远胜别的候选人。英汉大词典〔style〕He won the championship in great style.他赢得了冠军,尽显大将风度。牛津高阶〔take〕Don't be taken in by his charm—he's ruthless.不要被他那迷人的风度所蒙蔽,其实他冷酷无情。牛津高阶〔thumb〕Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy.笨拙的:缺少身体上的协调、技能或风度的;笨拙的美国传统〔tone〕The girl has real tone! 这姑娘真有风度!英汉大词典〔unaccomplished〕Lacking special skills or abilities; unpolished, as in the social graces.无才艺的:缺乏特殊技艺或能力的;社交风度不文雅的美国传统〔urbanity〕Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。外研社新世纪American TV audiences love his smoothie charm and witty one-liners.美国电视观众喜爱他能说会道的迷人风度和诙谐的俏皮话。剑桥国际Distracting your opponent when he's serving mightn't be against the rules, but it certainly isn't very sporting.在你对手发球时分散他的注意力也许不违反规则,但这绝不是运动家的风度。剑桥国际He has a certain raffish elegance.他有种粗俗的风度。剑桥国际His aristocratic mien and smart clothes singled him out.他的贵族风度和时髦的服装使人对他另眼相看。剑桥国际I don't trust that easy (= relaxed) charm of his.我不信任他那种从容随意的举止风度。剑桥国际In public he was always chivalrous and would help her on with her coat.在公开场合他总是很有骑士风度,会帮她穿上外套。剑桥国际It's the mark of a gentleman to stand up when someone enters the room.在有人进屋时起身是有绅士风度的表现。剑桥国际Just because I didn't hold the door open for her, she told me I was no gentleman.就因为我没有替她开门,她就说我一点绅士风度也没有。剑桥国际She finally apologized, but she wasn't very graceful about it.她最后道了歉,但却不够风度。剑桥国际She's got real class.她真是有风度。剑桥国际That gentleman has great style. 那位先生很有风度。译典通The losing team were gracious in their defeat.那个失利的队输得有风度。剑桥国际




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