

单词 subdivision
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brulé〕A Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Sioux, inhabiting northwest Nebraska and southwest South Dakota.布鲁列人:美洲印第安人的一支,包括提顿-苏族的分支,居位在内布拉斯加州西北部和南达科他州西南部美国传统〔East Germanic〕The subdivision of the Germanic languages that includes Gothic.东日耳曼语:印欧语系中包括哥特语的日耳曼语的一支美国传统〔East Slavic〕A subdivision of the Slavic languages that includes Belarusian, Russian, and Ukrainian.东斯拉夫语:白俄罗斯、俄罗斯与乌克兰使用的斯拉夫语系分支美国传统〔Osco-Umbrian〕A subdivision of the Italic languages that consists of Oscan and Umbrian.奥斯坎-翁布里亚语组:意大利语族的一个分支,包括奥斯坎语和翁布里亚语美国传统〔Sihasapa〕A Native American people constituting a subdivision of the Teton Sioux.西哈萨帕人:美国印第安人,是特顿族苏人的一个分支美国传统〔South Slavic〕A subdivision of the Slavic languages that includes Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, Slovene, and the extinct Old Church Slavonic.南斯拉夫语:斯拉夫语系分支,包括保加利亚语、马其顿语、塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语、斯拉夫语及失传的古教会斯拉夫语美国传统〔Tupian〕A subdivision of Tupi-Guarani that includes Tupi.图皮语:包括图皮语的图皮-瓜拉尼下的一个分支美国传统〔West Germanic〕A subdivision of the Germanic languages that includes High German, Low German, Yiddish, Dutch, Afrikaans, Flemish, Frisian, and English.西日耳曼语支:日耳曼语族的一个分支,包括高地德语、低地德语、意第绪语、荷兰语、南非荷兰语、佛兰德斯语、弗里西亚语和英语美国传统〔West Slavic〕A subdivision of the Slavic languages that includes Czech, Polish, Slovak, and Sorbian.西斯拉夫语支:斯拉夫语派的一个分支,包括捷克语、波兰语、斯洛伐克语及索布语美国传统〔airspace〕The portion of the atmosphere above a particular land area, especially that of a political subdivision such as a nation.空域;领空:某一特定地区之上的空域,通常是政治划分区,如国家的领空美国传统〔area〕If the area is a subdivision for administrative purposes, it is called a congressional district.如果区域为行政目的而细分,它叫做国会区。美国传统〔arrondissement〕A municipal subdivision in some large French cities.区:法国一些大自治市的区美国传统〔arrondissement〕The chief administrative subdivision of a department in France.郡:法国行政区的主要行政单位美国传统〔branchlet〕A small branch or the terminal or ultimate subdivision of a branch.小分枝:小枝或分枝的末端或最后细分美国传统〔branch〕A lateral division or subdivision of certain other plant parts, such as a root or flower cluster.分枝:某些其他植物部分,如根或花簇的侧向分枝或次级细分美国传统〔branch〕A secondary outgrowth or subdivision of a main axis, such as the tine of a deer's antlers.分叉:主轴上的次级旁枝或分岔,如鹿角尖美国传统〔branch〕Linguistics A subdivision of a family of languages, such as the Germanic branch of Indo-European.【语言学】 语言支系:语系的分支,如印欧语系的日耳曼支美国传统〔bureau〕A government department or a subdivision of a department.局司处等行政单位:政府部门或其下属机构美国传统〔canton〕A subdivision of an arrondissement in France.县:法国郡以下的一个行政区划美国传统〔consociation〕Ecology A subdivision of an association having one dominant species of plant.【生态学】 单优种群体:具有一种优势植物的亚门美国传统〔county〕An administrative subdivision of a state in the United States.县:美国一州的行政分支美国传统〔curia〕One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes.库里亚:一个古罗马部族的十个分区之一,由十个氏族组成美国传统〔curia〕The assembly place of such a subdivision.库里亚集会处:这一分区的集会处美国传统〔deliquesce〕To branch out into numerous subdivisions that lack a main axis, as the stem of an elm.歧散:枝条向四周散开成很多分支,没有主轴,如榆树的树干美国传统〔drupelet〕A small drupe, such as one of the many subdivisions of a raspberry or blackberry.小核果:一种小的核果,如树莓或黑刺莓诸多亚门中的任一种美国传统〔flight〕A number of aircraft in the U.S. Air Force forming a subdivision of a squadron.飞行小队:组成美国空军中队分队的一批飞机美国传统〔form〕Botany A subdivision of a variety usually differing in one trivial characteristic, such as flower color.【植物学】 分类:通常有细微特性区别的种属的再分,如花色的再分美国传统〔fragment〕The property is being fragmented into subdivisions.这笔财产正在进行分割。韦氏高阶〔gated community〕A subdivision or neighborhood, often surrounded by a barrier, to which entry is restricted to residents and their guests.设置关卡的小区:为一区域或邻近小区,常以障碍物围绕,仅供当地居民及其访客出入美国传统〔lobe〕A subdivision of a bodily organ or part bounded by fissures, connective tissue, or other structural boundaries.叶:身体器官和部分的细分部分,由裂纹、连接组织或其他组织边界粘连美国传统〔lobule〕A section or subdivision of a lobe.叶的一部分美国传统〔local option〕The power granted to a local political subdivision to decide whether to apply a law, such as a ban on liquor sales, within its jurisdiction.当地居民抉择权:赋于地方政权机构的以决定是否在其管辖范围内施行法律的权力,例如禁酒令等美国传统〔parish〕A political subdivision of a British county, usually corresponding in boundaries to an original ecclesiastical parish.行政堂区:英国乡镇的一个通常与教会的堂区划界相一致的政治划区美国传统〔parish〕An administrative subdivision in Louisiana that corresponds to a county in other U.S. states.堂区:美国路易斯安那州的一个相当于美国其它州的县的划区美国传统〔phratry〕Anthropology An exogamous subdivision of the tribe, constituting two or more related clans.【人类学】 胞族:部落的异族结婚者的亚分支,构成两上或多个相关的家族美国传统〔phyle〕A large citizens' organization based on kinship, constituting the largest political subdivision of an ancient Greek city-state.宗族:一种基于亲戚关系的巨大的市民组织,它组成了古希腊城邦的最大的政治分支美国传统〔platoon〕Abbr. plat.A subdivision of a company of troops consisting of two or more sections and usually commanded by a lieutenant.缩写 plat.排:由两个或多个分排组成,通常由一名中尉指挥的军队中连的划分美国传统〔precinct〕A subdivision or district of a city or town under the jurisdiction of or patrolled by a specific unit of its police force.管辖区:城市或城镇的分区或地区,由警察机构的特定单位对其进行管辖或巡逻美国传统〔scene〕A subdivision of an act in a dramatic presentation in which the setting is fixed and the time continuous.(戏剧中的)一场:在场景固定及时间连续的戏剧表演中一幕的分段美国传统〔section〕A subdivision of a written work.(文章)段落:一篇论文的段落美国传统〔segment〕Biology A clearly differentiated subdivision of an organism or part, such as a metamere.【生物学】 体节:某一器官或部位再分的有明显区别的部分,如分裂片美国传统〔stage〕Geology A subdivision in the classification of stratified rocks, ranking just below a series and representing rock formed during a chronological age.【地质学】 期:分层岩石的阶层,低于一连串层并且代表了古代时期形成的岩石美国传统〔subbranch〕A subdivision that has common differentiating characteristics within a larger branch.小分支:较大分支机构中具共同差异性的小分支美国传统〔subcategory〕A subdivision that has common differentiating characteristics within a larger category.亚类,子种类,子范畴:一个更大的种类或范畴中之具有相同特征的分类或子范畴美国传统〔subclass〕A subdivision of a set or class.基类,小类美国传统〔subdirectory〕A subdivision of a computer directory.子目录:计算机目录的分支美国传统〔subdivide〕To form into subdivisions.再分,细分:被再分,被剖分美国传统〔subdivision〕Each category has several subdivisions.每一个种类又有几个分支。剑桥高阶〔subdivision〕Each department will be split into four subdivisions.每个部门将细分为4个分部。麦克米伦高阶〔subdivision〕Months are a conventional subdivision of the year.通常可将一年再按月细分。柯林斯高阶〔subdivision〕Rammick lives high on a ridge in a 400-home subdivision.拉米克住在高耸的山脊上一片有 400 户人家的地方。柯林斯高阶〔subdivision〕They agreed that subdivision of the house into apartments would be a good idea.他们都认为将整幢房子分成几个房间是个好主意。剑桥高阶〔subfield〕A subdivision of a field of study; a subdiscipline.学科的分支;分科美国传统〔subgroup〕A distinct group within a group; a subdivision of a group.子群:小组,小集团,小团体美国传统〔subhead〕The heading or title of a subdivision of a printed subject.副标题,小标题美国传统〔submarket〕A geographic, economic, or specialized subdivision of a market.分市场:一市场在地域上、经济上或专门供应某产品的分市场美国传统〔suborder〕A subdivision of a category termed an order.类型中的第二级别,次等级美国传统〔subplot〕A subdivision of a plot of land, especially a plot used for experimental purposes.小块试验田:一块地中分出之一小块地,尤指用来进行试验者美国传统〔subregion〕A subdivision of a region, especially an ecological region.亚区:分区,尤指动植物分节的亚区美国传统〔subspecies〕A subdivision of a taxonomic species, usually based on geographic distribution.亚种:通常以地理分节为根据之生物学分类级别美国传统〔subtribe〕A subdivision of a tribe.分部落:部落再划分的一个部分美国传统〔subunit〕A subdivision of a larger unit.亚单位,第二或次一级单位:一个较大的单位中的一个分立单位美国传统〔superfamily〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below an order or its subdivisions and above a family.总科:一种生物分类的类别,包括目或其分支以下和科以上的相关物质有机体美国传统〔synonymy〕Biology A chronological list or record of the scientific names that have been applied to a species and its subdivisions.【生物学】 同物异名表:曾应用于某一物种及其亚门的科学名称的编年表或记录美国传统〔territory〕A subdivision of the United States that is not a state and is administered by an appointed or elected governor and elected legislature.准州:美国尚未成为州的地区,但由一名指定或选举产生的行政长官和选举产生的立法机关管理美国传统〔territory〕A political subdivision of a country.行政区域:一国的行政区划美国传统〔territory〕A similarly organized political subdivision of Canada or Australia.(加拿大或澳大利亚的) 类似准州的地方:加拿大或澳大利亚的一种相类似准州的地方行政区美国传统〔tetrarch〕The commander of a subdivision of a phalanx in ancient Greece.方阵分队长:古希腊(军队)分阵分支的指挥美国传统〔township〕A subdivision of a county in most northeast and Midwest U.S. states, having the status of a unit of local government with varying governmental powers; a town.区:在大多数美国东北部和中西部的州中的一个县的再分区域,有相当于地方政府的地位,但有不同的政府权力;镇压美国传统〔variety〕An organism, especially a plant, belonging to such a subdivision.亚种:属于这样细小分支的一种有机物,尤其是植物美国传统〔verse〕One of the numbered subdivisions of a chapter in the Bible.圣经中的节:圣经章节中多个小节之一美国传统〔wapentake〕A historical subdivision of some northern counties in England, corresponding roughly to the hundred in other shires.小邑:旧时英格兰北部一些国家的小行政区,大致与其他郡的分区相对应美国传统Each category has several subdivisions.每一范畴都被再分为几部分。剑桥国际They agreed that subdivision of the house into apartments would be a good idea.他们都认为将房子分成几套公寓是个好主意。剑桥国际You are to take over one of the subdivisions. 你将接管其中一个分部。译典通




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