

单词 间隔
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔REGULAR/REGULARLY〕with equal spaces in between 平均间隔的朗文写作活用〔apart〕four incidents a good many years apart 彼此间隔多年的四个事件英汉大词典〔between〕a house and stables with a yard in between 中间隔着院子的房子和马朗文当代〔chasm〕an attempt to bridge the chasm between the two cultures 弥合两种文化之间隔阂的尝试牛津搭配〔distance〕the distance in time between ancient Rome and modern New York 古罗马和现代纽约之间的时间间隔英汉大词典〔divider〕a room divider 房间隔板朗文当代〔divider〕a room divider 房间隔板麦克米伦高阶〔divider〕room dividers. 房间隔板柯林斯高阶〔divider〕room dividers房间隔板外研社新世纪〔division〕a box with divisions for various tools.有多个间隔的工具箱。牛津同义词〔evenly〕evenly spaced at four cm apart 以四厘米的间隔均匀分布牛津高阶〔every〕b) used to say how much distance there is between the things in a line 每隔〔用于表示间隔距离〕:朗文当代〔gap〕a gap between events.两件事的间隔。牛津同义词〔gap〕a gap of four years 4年的间隔英汉大词典〔gap〕the gap between the two rows of seats 两排座位之间的间隔;朗文当代〔interval〕a three-month interval between jobs 两份工作之间的三个月间隔韦氏高阶〔interval〕an interval between events, places, etc.两件事、两地等之间的间隔。牛津同义词〔interval〕an interval of 20 years 20年的间隔英汉大词典〔interval〕the amount of oxygen used by the muscles during a specified interval 规定间隔时间内肌肉的耗氧量牛津搭配〔irregular〕irregular intervals.无规律的间隔。牛津同义词〔lapse〕a lapse in the conversation. 谈话中的间隔美国传统〔lapse〕a lapse of about ten seconds 约十秒钟的间隔朗文当代〔lapse〕a lapse of several years between the two revolutions. 两次革命间几年时间的间隔美国传统〔lapse〕a time lapse of three months 3 个月的时间间隔牛津搭配〔lapse〕a time lapse/a lapse of time 时间间隔剑桥高阶〔lapse〕the time lapse between the crimes两次犯罪活动的间隔时间外研社新世纪〔partition〕a hall subdivided by movable partitions 用活动隔板间隔的大厅英汉大词典〔regular〕regular intervals.规定的间隔。牛津同义词〔regular〕trees planted at regular intervals 一棵棵按规定间隔栽种的树英汉大词典〔separation〕separations of ½ inch between the lines on the paper 纸上线条间半英寸的间隔英汉大词典〔space out〕to space outthe payments间隔开还款日期21世纪英汉〔space〕evenly spaced plants 间隔均匀的秧苗牛津高阶〔space〕space out the visits 把访问时间隔开英汉大词典〔space〕to space things out.把东西间隔开。牛津同义词〔space〕widely/closely spaced posts 间隔很宽/很窄的柱子韦氏高阶〔spatial〕spatial dividers空间隔断外研社新世纪〔ventricular〕ventricular septal defect 心室间隔缺损剑桥高阶a time lapse of 30 minutes 30 分钟的间隔时间牛津商务




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