

单词 青蛙
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕In fairy tales when the princess kisses a frog, it turns into a handsome prince. 童话故事里,公主吻了青蛙后,青蛙就变成了英俊的王子。朗文写作活用〔COLOUR〕Frogs are green, toads are brown. That's how you tell the difference. 青蛙是绿色的,蟾蜍是棕色的。你可以借此来区分。朗文写作活用〔DISTURB〕Loud frogs are disturbing the sleep of local home owners. 高声鸣叫的青蛙妨碍了当地居民的睡眠。朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕For 27 years in the jungles of Guam, Yokoi survived on a diet of shrimp, coconuts, snails, frogs and rats. 在关岛的27年丛林生活中,横井靠吃虾、椰子、蜗牛、青蛙和老鼠为生。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The poison produced by the frog's skin is so lethal that it can paralyze a bird or a monkey immediately. 青蛙皮肤上产生的毒素非常致命,能立即使一只鸟或猴子瘫痪。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The frog reached the stream and jumped in with a plop. 那只青蛙跳到小溪边,扑通一声跃入水中。朗文写作活用〔able〕This frog is able to jump three metres.这只青蛙能跳三米远。外研社新世纪〔absorb〕Frogs absorb water through their skins.青蛙通过皮肤吸收水分。外研社新世纪〔alive with sth〕The pond was alive with frogs.池塘里到处都是青蛙。剑桥高阶〔amphibious〕Frogs are amphibious.青蛙是水陆两栖的。英汉大词典〔amplexus〕The copulatory embrace of frogs and toads, during which the male fertilizes the eggs that are released by the female.抱合,拥抱:青蛙、蟾蜍交配时的拥抱,与此同时雄性使雌性排出的卵受精美国传统〔batrachian〕Of or relating to vertebrate amphibians without tails, such as frogs and toads.无尾两栖脊椎动物:无尾的脊椎两栖类的,如青蛙和蟾蜍美国传统〔became〕The tadpole has become a frog.这个蝌蚪已长成青蛙。21世纪英汉〔become〕The tadpole becomes a frog.蝌蚪长成青蛙。英汉大词典〔breed〕Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond.青蛙通常会在任何条件适宜的池塘里繁殖。外研社新世纪〔breed〕Frogs will usually breed in any convenient pond.通常青蛙会在任何条件适宜的池塘中繁殖。柯林斯高阶〔burrow〕The frogs burrow under the mud.青蛙在烂泥中掘洞藏身。韦氏高阶〔carry〕Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.青蛙吃破坏庄稼、传播疾病的害虫。柯林斯高阶〔carry〕Frogs eat pests which destroy crops and carry diseases.青蛙捕食破坏庄稼传播疾病的害虫。外研社新世纪〔change〕The witch changed him into a frog.女巫把他变成了青蛙。外研社新世纪〔change〕With a wave of her magic wand, she changed the frog into a handsome prince.她魔杖一挥,把青蛙变成了英俊的王子。牛津高阶〔croak〕Frogs began to croak with the rainfall.一下雨青蛙就开始呱呱地叫起来。21世纪英汉〔croak〕Thousands of frogs croaked in the reeds by the riverbank.成千上万只青蛙在河岸边的芦苇荡里呱呱地叫。外研社新世纪〔croak〕We could hear the frogs croaking by the pond.我们可以听见青蛙在池塘边呱呱叫。韦氏高阶〔dart〕The frog darted its tongue at a fly.青蛙突然把舌头快速伸向苍蝇。韦氏高阶〔dart〕The frog darted out its tongue to catch a mosquito.这只青蛙突然伸出舌头捕捉蚊子。21世纪英汉〔disgust〕The thought of dissecting a frog disgusts me.一想起解剖青蛙就让我感到恶心。朗文当代〔dissection〕We dissected a frog in biology class.我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙。柯林斯高阶〔dissect〕We dissected a frog in biology class.我们在生物课上解剖了一只青蛙。外研社新世纪〔dissect〕We dissected a frog in science class.我们在自然科学课上解剖了一只青蛙。韦氏高阶〔fat body〕A mass of fatty tissue located near the genital glands in some amphibians, including the frogs and toads.脂肪体:一团脂肪组织,位于某些两栖动物(包括青蛙和蟾蜍)的生殖腺附近美国传统〔feed〕Frogs generally feed at night.青蛙一般在夜间进食。朗文当代〔flatteringly〕He had been described elsewhere, less flatteringly, as 'The Young Frog'.他在别处被称作“小青蛙”, 这一说法可不太好听。外研社新世纪〔frog〕Frogs make a low noise called a croak.青蛙会发出“呱呱”的低沉叫声。剑桥高阶〔frog〕The frog jumped into the pond.青蛙跳进了池塘。牛津搭配〔gig〕To catch a fish or frog with a gig.用鱼叉抓鱼或青蛙美国传统〔goggle〕A frog has goggle eyes.青蛙有突出的暴眼。英汉大词典〔goggle〕The frog's eyes seemed to be goggling out of its head.青蛙的眼睛仿佛突出于头部似的。英汉大词典〔hop〕A frog was hopping along the edge of the pond.一只青蛙沿池塘边跳着。韦氏高阶〔indigenous〕Are there any species of frog indigenous to the area? 这一地区是否有本地品种的青蛙?剑桥高阶〔into〕Tadpoles grow into frogs.蝌蚪会长成青蛙。文馨英汉〔invisible〕The spotted skin of the frog renders it almost invisible to its enemies.青蛙的斑纹表皮能使它的敌人几乎看不见它。麦克米伦高阶〔jape〕They put a frog in her boots for a jape.他们搞了个恶作剧,将一只青蛙放在了她的长筒靴里。剑桥高阶〔jelly〕Frogs' eggs are covered in a sort of transparent jelly.青蛙卵上覆盖着一种透明的胶状物。剑桥高阶〔life cycle〕They studied the life cycle of the frog.他们研究青蛙的生命周期。剑桥高阶〔magic〕The prince was changed into a frog by magic.那名王子被用魔法变成一只青蛙。文馨英汉〔magic〕The prince was turned by magic into a frog.王子被魔法变成了一只青蛙。英汉大词典〔magic〕The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog.女巫施魔咒将王子变成了青蛙。剑桥高阶〔metamorphose〕A tadpole metamorphoses into a frog.蝌蚪会变成青蛙。21世纪英汉〔metamorphose〕The tadpole has metamorphosed into a frog.蝌蚪已变成青蛙。英汉大词典〔native〕The larger frogs are a native species.这些较大的青蛙是原产物种。麦克米伦高阶〔newt〕This wet area also attracts frogs, toads and newts.这片潮湿地区也吸引了青蛙、蟾蜍和蝾螈一类的生物。柯林斯高阶〔newt〕This wet area attracts frogs, toads, and newts.这片湿地吸引了青蛙、蟾蜍和蝾螈。外研社新世纪〔new〕I showed her a new technique for catching the frogs.我向她展示了捕捉青蛙的一种新方法。麦克米伦高阶〔outside〕The snake got outside of a frog.蛇吞吃了只青蛙。英汉大词典〔out〕He opened the box and out jumped a frog.他打开盒子,从里面跳出一只青蛙来。牛津高阶〔peeper〕A creature that makes short, high-pitched sounds, especially a frog.雨蛙:尤指青蛙等发出短促而高尖声音的动物美国传统〔pipe〕Nearby the frogs began to pipe.附近青蛙呱呱叫了起来。外研社新世纪〔plop〕The frog plopped back into the pond.青蛙扑通一声跳回了池塘。朗文当代〔plunk〕The frogs plunked in the hollow.青蛙在洼地里砰砰跳着。21世纪英汉〔practical〕We had to dissect a worm and a frog in our biology practical today.今天的生物实验课上,我们得解剖一条蚯蚓和一只青蛙。剑桥高阶〔puff〕The frog puffed itself up.青蛙的身子鼓了起来。韦氏高阶〔puff〕The frog puffed itself up.这只青蛙胀得鼓鼓的。牛津高阶〔reach for〕The frog jumped as she reached for it.她伸手去抓青蛙时,青蛙跳走了。韦氏高阶〔rhyme〕The kids made up a rhyme about a frog.孩子们编了一首有关青蛙的押韵诗。牛津搭配〔scaredy-cat〕Don't be a scaredy-cat. The frog won't hurt you.别害怕,青蛙不会伤害你的。韦氏高阶〔shoot〕The frog shot out its tongue at a fly.青蛙突然伸出舌头去捕苍蝇。韦氏高阶〔slime〕Frogs produce slime to keep their skin moist.青蛙分泌黏液使皮肤保持湿润。牛津搭配〔spell〕The witch cast/put a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.女巫对王子施了魔法,把他变成了青蛙。剑桥高阶〔splash〕Tiny frogs hopped away at my approach, splashing into mossy pools.我一靠近, 小青蛙们就跳进了长满苔藓的池塘里, 溅起水花。外研社新世纪〔squirm〕The frog squirmed out of his hands.青蛙扭动着从他手里逃走了。韦氏高阶〔start〕If you want to learn about frogs, this book is an excellent place to start.你如果想了解青蛙,最好先读读这本书。牛津搭配〔substance〕Some frogs produce toxic substances in their skin.有些青蛙的皮肤能够分泌剧毒物质。牛津搭配〔torpid〕In winter, the frogs go into a torpid state. = The frogs become torpid.青蛙在冬季进入休眠状态。韦氏高阶〔transform〕A tadpole transforms into a frog.蝌蚪变成青蛙。英汉大词典〔turn into〕A prince turns into a frog in this cartoon fairytale.在这部卡通童话故事里, 王子变成了青蛙。外研社新世纪〔turn〕In a flash, the prince turned into a frog.转眼之间,王子变成了青蛙。朗文当代〔turn〕Tadpoles turn into frogs.蝌蚪变成青蛙。牛津同义词〔turn〕The prince was turned into a frog by the witch.王子被女巫变成了一只青蛙。牛津高阶〔whole〕The frog swallowed the fly whole.青蛙把苍蝇整只吞了。韦氏高阶A tadpole is transformed into a frog. 蝌蚪变成青蛙。译典通A tadpole transforms into a frog. 蝌蚪变成青蛙。译典通Camouflaged by its green skin, the frog rested safely in the undergrowth by the water.靠着绿色皮肤的掩护,青蛙在水边矮树丛里安全地休息。剑桥国际I could hear frogs croaking by the lake.我能听到湖边的青蛙呱呱鸣叫。剑桥国际In the transformation of a tadpole into a frog, metamorphosis happens gradually.在蝌蚪变成青蛙的过程中,形变渐渐发生。剑桥国际In “Macbeth”, the witches' spell includes the words “Eye of newt, and toe of frog, wool of bat, and tongue of dog.” 在 《麦克白》中,巫师的咒语包括“水螈之眼,青蛙之趾,蝙蝠之毛,狗之舌。”剑桥国际It is a patch of wasteland that is home to all sorts of wildlife, including wild grasses, butterflies, frogs and even a fox.这是一片成为各种野生生物之家的荒地,其中有野草,蝴蝶,青蛙,甚至一只狐狸。剑桥国际The child was amused by the goggle-eyed frogs. 这孩子觉得凸眼的青蛙很有趣。译典通The frog hopped along the shore of the pond. 那只青蛙沿著池塘边跳跃。译典通The frog is so big that it has been described as a freak of nature. 这只青蛙太大,被形容为畸形动物。译典通The frog made a huge plump and landed in the middle of the pond. 青蛙猛地一跳,扑通一声落在池塘中央。译典通The frogs haven't spawned (= produced eggs) yet.青蛙还未产卵。剑桥国际The pond was alive with frogs.池塘中有许多青蛙。剑桥国际The tadpole is the larva of the frog. 蝌蚪是青蛙的幼体。译典通The witch cast a spell on the prince and turned him into a frog/and he turned into a frog.巫婆以符咒镇住了王子, 把他变成了一只青蛙/他变成了一只青蛙。剑桥国际The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog.女巫施魔咒把王子变成了青蛙。剑桥国际Toads have dryer, lumpier skins than frogs and spend less time in the water.蟾蜍的皮肤比青蛙干燥,多瘤,它比青蛙呆在水中的时间少。剑桥国际We heard the plump of the frogs as we approached the pond. 当我们走近池塘时,我们听到青蛙落水的扑通声。译典通We observed the circulation of blood in frogs. 我们观察了青蛙的血液循环。译典通When the beautiful girl kissed the ugly frog, the spell (= the condition of being controlled by magic words) was broken, and he turned into a handsome prince.当美丽的女孩亲吻了丑陋的青蛙之后,符咒被解除了,青蛙变成了一位英俊的王子。剑桥国际




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