

单词 零碎
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accumulation〕an accumulation of odds and ends.零碎物件的累积。牛津同义词〔broken〕broken money 零碎小钱,零钱文馨英汉〔broken〕broken time 零碎的(工作)时间英汉大词典〔finding〕findings Small tools and materials used by an artisan: findings 零碎的工具用品:由手艺人使用的小型工具或材料:美国传统〔flotsam〕bits of flotsam gathered from yard sales 从宅前旧物售卖中搜集来的零碎玩意儿韦氏高阶〔fragmentary〕fragmentary information/knowledge 零碎的信息/知识韦氏高阶〔fragmentary〕the fragmentary evidence for this history 有关此项历史的零碎证据文馨英汉〔jumble〕a jumble of odds and ends.混乱的一堆零碎东西。牛津同义词〔miscellaneous〕miscellaneous odds and ends.零碎杂物。牛津同义词〔moment〕study at odd moments 利用零碎时间学习英汉大词典〔nugget〕odd nuggets of information 零碎的有价值情报英汉大词典〔oddment〕searching street markets for interesting jewellery and oddments. 在街边小摊儿上搜寻有趣的首饰和零碎物件柯林斯高阶〔odds and ends〕a drawer full of odds and ends 装满零碎东西的抽屉麦克米伦高阶〔piecemeal〕to do something piecemeal.零零碎碎地做某件事。牛津同义词〔segmental〕segmental knowledge 零零碎碎的知识英汉大词典〔snippy〕a snippy account of the incident. 对事件的零碎描述美国传统〔sundry〕a watch, a diary and sundry other items 一块手表、一本日记和其他一些零碎的东西牛津高阶〔tag〕hear tags and snippets of what is being said 零零碎碎听到几句别人正在说的话英汉大词典




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