

单词 零星
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔assemblage〕an assemblage of fragmented bits of information 一批汇集在一起的零星资料英汉大词典〔cloudy〕a cloudy night with some light rain 夜晚多云,有零星小雨朗文当代〔cushion〕a pile of scatter cushions(= small cushions, often in bright colours, that you put on chairs, etc.) 一堆零星散布的靠垫牛津高阶〔drib(b)let〕pay one's debts in (或 by) drib(b)lets (或drib(b)let by drib(b)let) 零零星星地还债英汉大词典〔eke〕eke out scanty recollections with a lively fancy 用生动的想像力来补足零星的回忆英汉大词典〔et cetera〕etceteras Additional odds and ends; extras. etceteras 附加项目;零星杂物美国传统〔fragmentary〕a fragmentary account of the incident 对这一事件零星的叙述朗文当代〔fragment〕overheard fragments of their conversation; extant fragments of an old manuscript. 零星地听到了他们的谈话;古老的原稿的现存部分美国传统〔fragment〕telling a story in fragments about his experiences in Vietnam零零星星地讲述他在越南的经历外研社新世纪〔hill〕the houses which dotted the hill 零星散布在山上的房子牛津搭配〔interspersed〕bursts of gunfire, interspersed with single shots. 炮声阵阵,夹杂着零星的枪响柯林斯高阶〔interspersed〕forests interspersed with meadows and lakes 点缀着零星草地和湖泊的森林剑桥高阶〔oddment〕oddments Odds and ends. oddments 残剩或零星的东西美国传统〔odd〕odd numbers of a magazine 杂志的零星几期英汉大词典〔patchy〕a patchy beard/lawn 零星的胡须/草地麦克米伦高阶〔periodic〕a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids. 遭受零星轰炸的城市。美国传统〔piecemeal〕piecemeal changes 零星的变化牛津高阶〔piecemeal〕piecemeal changes to the constitution. 对宪法零星的修订柯林斯高阶〔pocket〕pocket expenses 零星开支英汉大词典〔retribalize〕a sprinkling of retribalized black statelets 零零星星的一些重新部落化的黑人小邦国英汉大词典〔scatteration〕a scatteration of islands 零星岛屿英汉大词典〔scattered〕sunshine with scattered showers 晴,间有零星阵雨牛津高阶〔scattering〕a scattering of applause. 零星的鼓掌声美国传统〔segmental〕segmental data 片断的零星数据英汉大词典〔selvage〕use the selvages and scraps of one's time 利用自己的零星空余时间英汉大词典〔separate〕small farms that were separated one from another by miles of open land. 小农场零星地分散在开阔的土地上美国传统〔shard〕gather a few shards of information 收集几则零星消息英汉大词典〔shower〕a week of scattered showers一周的零星阵雨外研社新世纪〔shower〕scattered showers 零星小雨牛津高阶〔small〕keep a good stock of smalls 备有不少零星物品英汉大词典〔smattering〕a smattering of applause 零星的掌声朗文当代〔snip〕snips of information about the upcoming merger. 有关即将合并的零星消息美国传统〔sparse〕the sparse population of the islands 那些岛上零星的人口牛津高阶〔sporadically〕a year of sporadic fighting over northern France. 法国北部发生零星战斗的一年柯林斯高阶〔sporadic〕sound of sporadic gunfire 零星的枪炮声英汉大词典〔sporadic〕sporadic gunfire 零星的炮火剑桥高阶〔sporadic〕sporadic gunfire 零星的砲火[枪击]文馨英汉〔sporadic〕sporadic showers 零星的阵雨麦克米伦高阶〔spotty〕spotty data 零星的数据英汉大词典〔sprinkle〕candles sprinkled in the hall大厅中零星分布的蜡烛21世纪英汉




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