

单词 那伙
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ESCAPE〕Mailer disappeared into a dark basement, hoping to shake off the gang. 梅勒躲进一个黑漆漆的地下室,希望能甩掉那伙人。朗文写作活用〔EVERYONE〕I hate the lot of them. 我讨厌他们那伙人。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Harry and Danny double-crossed the gang and escaped with all the money. 哈里和丹尼骗了那伙人,拿了所有的钱逃走了。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕After the robbery, the men escaped in a stolen car driven by an accomplice. 抢了东西之后,那伙人坐上一辆同谋开的赃车逃跑了。朗文写作活用〔actionable〕We've received actionable information that the men are hiding in these mountains.我们收到可靠情报,称那伙人就藏在这些大山里。韦氏高阶〔assault〕The gang assaulted him with iron bars.那伙人用铁棒袭击了他。外研社新世纪〔bother〕I don't know why you bother with that crowd(= why you spend time with them).我弄不懂你为什么和那伙人浪费时间。牛津高阶〔break in on〕The police broke in upon the robbers.警察突然袭击了那伙强盗。21世纪英汉〔buy sb off〕They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang was arrested.那伙人试图买通银行的保安,但保安报了警,于是他们都被抓了起来。剑桥高阶〔catch〕The gang was caught in the act of unloading the cigarettes.那伙人在卸香烟时被逮个正着。朗文当代〔do ... over〕The robbers did the old woman over before they robbed her.那伙强盗把老太婆狠揍了一顿,然后抢劫了她。21世纪英汉〔entrance〕The thieves gained entrance to/into our house by breaking a window.那伙小偷打碎玻璃,进了我们家。韦氏高阶〔erase〕The gang had to erase Jack before he informed on them.那伙歹徒不得不在杰克告发他们之前动手干掉了他。21世纪英汉〔face〕Harrison successfully faced down the mob of angry workers.哈里森把那伙愤怒的工人压了下去。朗文当代〔glance〕Her glance flickered briefly across to the group standing at the other side of the street.她迅速扫了一眼站在街对面的那伙人。牛津搭配〔lay〕The gang laid about him with sticks.那伙人用棍棒狠狠揍他。牛津高阶〔mob〕I wouldn't have anything to do with that mob if I were you.如果我是你,我不会和那伙人有什么瓜葛。麦克米伦高阶〔mob〕The usual mob was/were hanging out at the bar.酒吧里闲混的还是往常那伙人。剑桥高阶〔of〕I'd of chased them rascals myself.我本来会自己去追赶那伙流氓的。英汉大词典〔prey〕The gang has been preying on foreign tourists.那伙人一直欺负外国游客。麦克米伦高阶〔pull〕The gang that pulled the bank robbery were all arrested.抢劫银行的那伙歹徒都被逮捕了。剑桥高阶〔shoot〕The gang decided to shoot it out with the police.那伙匪徒决定开枪和警察死拚。牛津高阶〔spit〕The gang thought of hitting him too, but decided just to spit.那伙人也想过要揍他,但最后只是啐了他一口。柯林斯高阶〔torch〕The gang worked for up to ten hours with acetylene torches to open the vault.那伙匪徒为打开金库用氧乙炔炬干了长达10个小时。柯林斯高阶〔torch〕The gang worked for up to ten hours with acetylene torches to open the vault.那伙匪徒用乙炔炬切割了近10个小时才打开了金库。外研社新世纪〔warm〕The wine soon warmed the company.那伙人几杯酒下肚就活跃起来。英汉大词典〔work over〕The gang worked me over.那伙小流氓把我痛打了一顿。外研社新世纪The gang that pulled the bank robbery were all arrested.那伙抢劫银行的歹徒都被抓获了。剑桥国际The party got gloriously mellow. 那伙人喝得酩酊大醉。译典通The thugs hit him, knocked him down and proceeded to put the boot in till he was unconscious.那伙暴徒打他,将他打倒在地并继续残酷地踢打直到他失去知觉。剑桥国际They tried to buy the guard at the bank off but he told the police and the gang were arrested.那伙人想贿赂银行警卫,但他报告了警察,于是他们被逮捕了。剑桥国际




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