

单词 采取
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔REVENGE〕action that is taken in order to punish someone who has harmed or offended you 对伤害或冒犯你的人采取的报复行动朗文写作活用〔arrhythmia〕the management of heart arrhythmia 针对心率不齐采取的措施剑桥高阶〔belligerency〕desist from belligerency toward neighbours 停止对邻国采取敌对态度英汉大词典〔bluster〕to bluster so much but do nothing尽说大话却没采取任何行动21世纪英汉〔course〕take one's own course 采取自己的方针;做自己喜欢做的事文馨英汉〔defend〕preserve is to take measures to maintain something in safety: Preserve 指采取措施维护…的安全: 美国传统〔diddle〕if Congress were to just diddle around and not take any action at all. 如果国会只是想要闲混而不采取任何行动柯林斯高阶〔diddle〕if Congress were to just diddle around and not take any action at all如果国会只是磨洋工而不采取任何行动外研社新世纪〔different〕took different approaches to the problem. 解决问题采取不同的方法美国传统〔disenchanted〕a government failure to act would see disenchanted voters drift to far-right parties一个没有采取行动的政府会看到不再抱有幻想的投票者转而支持极右党派外研社新世纪〔fault〕fault the government for failing to take a strong stand 批评政府未采取强硬立场英汉大词典〔freeze〕adopt a wage freeze 采取工资冻结英汉大词典〔further〕take further action 采取进一步的行动英汉大词典〔game〕play a waiting game 待机下手;采取拖延政策文馨英汉〔immediate〕to take immediate action 立刻采取行动牛津高阶〔invasion〕take extraordinary steps to handle this summer's invasions of tourists 采取非常措施应付今夏纷至沓来的旅游者英汉大词典〔lash〕words that lashed them into action. 驱使他们采取行动的言辞美国传统〔line〕different lines of thought; took a hard line on defense. 不同的思考方法;采取强硬的抵抗方式美国传统〔mean〕a means toward achieving social equality. 为实现社会均等而采取的手段 美国传统〔menacing〕take a menacing attitude 采取威胁的态度英汉大词典〔middle ground〕a party that occupies the middle ground of politics 政治上采取中间立场的政党麦克米伦高阶〔offensive〕assume (或 take) the offensive 采取攻势英汉大词典〔order〕take order to do sth. 采取适当手段做某事英汉大词典〔perform〕perform is to carry out an action, an undertaking, or a procedure;the word often connotes observance of due form or the exercise of skill or care: Perform 是采取某行动、任务或步骤;此词通常暗含对适当形式的遵守或技艺或小心的执行: 美国传统〔plague〕adopt a “plague on both your houses” attitude 采取一种“双方都该死”的态度(即对争持不下的双方都表示不满) 英汉大词典〔prick〕to prick someone into action.驱使某人采取行动。牛津同义词〔reason〕a good reason to act soon 立即采取行动的正当理由英汉大词典〔reciprocal〕a reciprocal end to the sanctions 相互停止采取制裁行动英汉大词典〔regardless〕take action to improve the lot of South Africans regardless of colour or race 采取行动改善南非人的命运而不分肤色或种族英汉大词典〔remedial〕to take urgent/immediate remedial action 采取紧急措施/立即采取行动进行补救剑桥高阶〔remedy〕take one's legal remedy 采取法律补救办法英汉大词典〔repair〕repair the strain that has developed between the two parties 采取补救办法消除两党间的紧张关系 英汉大词典〔retaliatory〕take retaliatory action against sb. 对某人采取报复行动 英汉大词典〔rose-colored〕take a rose-colored view 采取乐观的看法文馨英汉〔sail〕sail in and settle the dispute at once 采取有力行动立即解决争端英汉大词典〔secessionist〕a military campaign against the secessionists 对分离主义者采取的军事行动牛津高阶〔soft-pedal〕to soft-pedal on something在某事物上采取低调处理21世纪英汉〔stern〕take stern measures 采取严格措施英汉大词典〔supine〕a supine legislature that is afraid to take action 害怕采取行动的软弱的立法机构韦氏高阶〔wildcat〕a wildcat operation by one of the chieftains 由首领之一擅自采取的行动英汉大词典




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