

单词 醒过来
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔CONSCIOUS〕to become conscious again after being unconscious 失去知觉后又清醒过来朗文写作活用〔CONSCIOUS〕to make someone conscious again 使某人清醒过来朗文写作活用〔again〕come to life again 苏醒过来文馨英汉〔anachronistic〕awaken from one's anachronistic daydream 从不合时代的空想中觉醒过来英汉大词典〔around〕bring her around 使她苏醒过来文馨英汉〔awake〕awake sb. from ignorance and sloth 使某人从愚昧和懒散中觉醒过来英汉大词典〔awake〕to awake him from his revery使他从沉思中觉醒过来21世纪英汉〔blink〕to blink one's eyes in an effort to make up眨眨眼睛力图使自己清醒过来21世纪英汉〔from〕awake from a dream 从梦中醒过来文馨英汉〔musing〕come out of one's musing 从沉思中惊醒过来英汉大词典〔out of〕came out of her trance. 从恍惚状态中清醒过来美国传统〔reverie〕come out of one's reverie with a start 从出神遐思中惊醒过来 英汉大词典〔revival〕on one's revival from the swoon 在昏厥后苏醒过来之时英汉大词典〔revive〕revive from a swoon 从昏厥中苏醒过来 英汉大词典〔t.o〕after he came to在他苏醒过来以后21世纪英汉〔to〕bring sb. to 使某人苏醒过来英汉大词典




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