

单词 避难所
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENTER〕Britain has traditionally been a safe haven for political refugees. 英国一向是政治难民的安全避难所。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕During the war, she gave refuge and arms to local resistance groups. 战争期间,她向当地的抵抗组织提供武器和避难所。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The Allies are being asked to provide more refuges for those fleeing the fighting. 同盟国被要求为躲避战乱的难民提供更多的避难所。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The massacre took place in what was supposed to be a UN safe haven. 大屠杀就发生在一个所谓的联合国安全避难所里。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕Zurich's importance as a business centre grew, as did its reputation as a place of refuge. 苏黎世作为商业中心的地位日渐重要,它作为避难所的名声也渐增。朗文写作活用〔TEMPORARY〕Temporary shelters were hastily constructed as the refugees started to pour in. 难民开始蜂拥而至,临时避难所被匆匆搭建起来。朗文写作活用〔asylum〕A place offering protection and safety; a shelter.避难所:提供保护及安全的场所;庇护所美国传统〔asylum〕The men begged the priest to give them asylum.这些人乞求牧师为他们提供避难所。外研社新世纪〔asylum〕The travellers sought asylum from the storm.起了暴风雨,旅行的人寻找避难所。牛津同义词〔battered〕She set up a sanctuary for battered wives.她为遭受家庭暴力的妻子们创办了一个避难所。剑桥高阶〔bolt-hole〕The remote island became a safe bolt-hole for the refugees.那个遥远的岛成为那些难民的一个安全避难所。文馨英汉〔bolt-hole〕They considered the inn a bolt-hole in times of stress.压力大的时候他们就把这家小酒店当成避难所。韦氏高阶〔castle〕A place of privacy, security, or refuge.避难所:隐蔽、安全的地方或避难所美国传统〔collect〕I am collecting for the local women's shelter.我正为本地妇女避难所募捐。韦氏高阶〔gather〕She gathered her children and ran for shelter.她把孩子们拉到一块儿,向避难所跑去。麦克米伦高阶〔ground〕Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters.东贝鲁特的市民都藏进了地下室和避难所里。外研社新世纪〔harborage〕Shelter; refuge.藏身处;避难所美国传统〔harbor〕A place of shelter; a refuge.藏身处;避难所美国传统〔haven〕A place of refuge or rest; a sanctuary.避难所:避难或休息的地方;庇护所美国传统〔haven〕It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day.一天忙碌的工作之后, 这里真是个避难所。外研社新世纪〔haven〕The aim is to create a safe haven for the thousands of refugees.目的是为数千难民建立一处安全的避难所。牛津搭配〔haven〕The shelter offers/provides a haven from abusive spouses.这个临时场所为遭受家庭暴力的人提供了一个避难所。韦氏高阶〔hideaway〕A place of concealment; a hideout.避难所:躲藏的地方;隐匿处美国传统〔hide〕To seek refuge.寻找避难所美国传统〔home〕A valued place regarded as a refuge or place of origin.避难所,来源:被视为避难所或发祥地的有价值的地方美国传统〔nest〕A place affording snug refuge or lodging; a home.安乐窝:提供舒适的避难所或住所的地方;家美国传统〔nest〕To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge.找寻庇护所:建起或住进一个温暖而安全的避难所美国传统〔redoubt〕The refugees gathered in a hilly redoubt several miles outside the city.难民们集中在市区数英里外小山上的避难所。韦氏高阶〔refer to sb/sth〕He always refers to the house as his "refuge".他总是把这座房子称为他的“避难所”。剑桥高阶〔refuge〕He regarded the room as a refuge from the outside world.他把这个屋子当作是逃避外界的避难所。牛津高阶〔refuge〕His home life was a refuge from the pressures of his political life.他的家庭是他缓解政治生活压力的避难所。外研社新世纪〔refuge〕We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge.我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。柯林斯高阶〔ruin〕People had built shelters among the ruins of the city.人们在城市的废墟上盖起了避难所。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕The shelter is run entirely by volunteers.这个避难所完全是由志愿者来管理的。麦克米伦高阶〔safe haven〕As long as the UN soldiers were present, the city was regarded as a safe haven for the refugees.只要联合国士兵驻扎在此,这座城市就是难民们的避难所。剑桥高阶〔safe haven〕Some Democrats support granting the Haitians temporary safe haven in the US.一些民主党人支持为海地人在美国提供临时避难所。柯林斯高阶〔safe〕The shelter provides a safe haven for the homeless.这个避难所为无家可归者提供了一个安全的去处。韦氏高阶〔sanctuary〕A place of refuge or asylum.避难所或躲避处美国传统〔sanctuary〕A sacred place, such as a church, in which fugitives formerly were immune to arrest.避难所:以前逃亡者避难或被保护的场所,如教堂美国传统〔sanctuary〕Fleeing refugees found sanctuary in Geneva.出逃的难民在日内瓦找到了避难所。朗文当代〔sanctuary〕His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war.他的教堂成为成千上万逃离内战的人们的避难所。柯林斯高阶〔sanctuary〕Illegal immigrants found/sought/took sanctuary in a local church.非法移民把当地的一座教堂当作避难所。剑桥高阶〔sanctuary〕Immunity to arrest afforded by a sanctuary.庇护权:避难所提供的豁免不受逮捕的权利美国传统〔shelter〕A refuge; a haven.避难所;安全场所美国传统〔shelter〕Local people risked their own lives to shelter resistance fighters from the army.当地的人们冒着生命危险,为抵抗组织的战士提供避难所,使其免遭军队逮捕。剑桥高阶〔shelter〕The earthquake victims were forced to build temporary shelters.地震灾民被迫搭建临时避难所。牛津搭配〔shelter〕To take cover; find refuge.避难:隐匿;找到避难所美国传统〔shelter〕You'll be safer in the shelter.在避难所里会安全些。牛津搭配〔stress〕The beautiful gardens offer a refuge from the stresses of daily life.这些漂亮的公园提供了一个躲开日常生活压力的避难所。麦克米伦高阶Gold stocks are a haven for investors in difficult times.黄金股是投资者在艰难时期的避难所。牛津商务Local people risked their own lives to shelter resistance fighters from the army (= to give them secret hiding places so the army would not catch them).当地的人们冒着生命危险,为抵抗组织的战士提供避难所,使免遭军队俘获。剑桥国际Many investors see gold as a safe haven for their money.许多投资者认为黄金是资金的避难所。牛津商务The dollar rose strongly on the foreign exchange markets as nervous investors sought a safe haven for their cash.当胆小的投资者们想为他们的现金寻找一个安全的避难所时,美元在汇市上强劲上升。剑桥国际The illegal immigrants found/sought/took sanctuary in a local church.非法移民把当地一座教堂作为避难所。剑桥国际There will be no sanctuary for criminals this side of the border.边界的这一边不会有罪犯的避难所。剑桥国际




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