

单词 销售商品
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIST〕You will find information about all the sale items in our catalog. 目录里有我们所有销售商品的信息。朗文写作活用〔drum ... up〕We are offering reductions on merchandise in an effort to drum up trade.我们正在削价销售商品以招徕生意。21世纪英汉〔dumping〕There is nothing we can do about dumping—selling goods at below production cost.对于以低于制造成本的价格销售商品的倾销问题, 我们束手无策。外研社新世纪〔e-tailer〕One that sells goods or commodities to consumers electronically, as over the Internet.电子媒介追随者:以电子媒介销售商品或是日常用品的人,例如藉由因特网等媒介美国传统〔franchise〕Authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a certain area.特许经营权:特许给个人在特定的领土内销售商品或提供服务的权利美国传统〔sex〕Women are viewed as sex objects and exploited to sell products.女性被当成性吸引工具利用以达到销售商品的目的。牛津搭配〔traveling salesman〕A man who travels throughout a given territory to solicit business orders or sell merchandise.旅行推销员:一个在指定地区旅行、招揽订单或销售商品的人美国传统Sale by sample allows stores to sell large quantities of goods without the need to store them.按样本出售使商店能够大量销售商品而无需先行贮存货物。牛津商务The big chain stores can afford to sell goods for less than smaller mom-and-pop stores.大型连锁店能够以比小商店更便宜的价格销售商品。牛津商务




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