

单词 金和
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕It was a $350,000 contract, plus hefty bonuses and expenses. 那是一份35万美元的合同,另加巨额奖金和各种费用。朗文写作活用〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕Union negotiators criticized the employers for being too inflexible on the issues of pay and working conditions. 工会谈判人员指责资方在薪金和工作条件的问题上毫不让步。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Unemployed workers receive welfare payments and rent assistance equivalent to 50% of their usual income. 失业工人可享有救济金和住房补贴,这两项加起来相当于其平常工资的50%。朗文写作活用〔EXCEPT〕Most couples who break up seem to find it hard to remain friends. Kim and Gerry are exceptions to that rule. 大多数夫妻分手之后好像都很难继续做朋友,但是金和格里却是其中的例外。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The government is considering linking the old-age pension to earnings. 政府在考虑把养老金和收入挂钩。朗文写作活用〔Talmi gold〕A composite metal made of gold and brass, used in making jewelry.镀金黄铜:一种由黄金和黄铜制成的合金,用来制造珠宝美国传统〔VALUE〕Gold and silver have gone down in value. 黄金和白银贬值了。朗文写作活用〔add〕For tax purposes, your pension and earnings are added together.计算税款时,养老金和收入加在一起。朗文当代〔advance〕The furnishing of funds or goods on credit.预付,贷款:以赊帐形式提供资金和货物美国传统〔alloy〕Gold and iron alloy with ease.金和铁易于合铸。21世纪英汉〔benefit〕In addition to my salary, I get a pension and medical benefits.除工资以外,我还有退休金和医疗保险。剑桥高阶〔benefit〕Management is trying to cut employee pay and benefits.管理层正试图消减员工薪金和补助。剑桥高阶〔big science〕Scientific research involving large amounts of money and often large teams of researchers.大型科学研究:需要投入大笔资金和大批研究人员的科学研究美国传统〔bimetallism〕The use of a monetary standard consisting of two metals, especially gold and silver, in a fixed ratio of value.复本位制:由两种金属,尤指金和银以固定的价值比组成的货币标准的使用美国传统〔bond〕A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date.债券:由政府或公司发行的,保证到一将来明确的日期归还本金和利息的债务凭证美国传统〔bonus〕Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.大公司的员工有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。柯林斯高阶〔bonus〕Workers receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of bonuses and overtime.工作人员有相当一部分薪酬来自奖金和加班费。外研社新世纪〔capital account〕An account stating the amount of funds and assets invested in a business by the owners or stockholders, including retained earnings.资本帐户,股本帐户:记录企业所有者或股东投资于这个企业的资金和资产数量的帐户,包括净利润的记录美国传统〔card〕This permitted Western manufacturers to play their strong cards: capital and technology.这让西方制造商得以亮出他们的王牌:资金和技术。柯林斯高阶〔carrot〕They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them.他们将被规定目标, 如果他们完成, 会得到额外的现金和报酬好处。外研社新世纪〔carrot〕They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them.会给他们设定目标,如果能达到,就能得到额外的现金和报酬。柯林斯高阶〔chamberlain〕An official who receives the rents and fees of a municipality; a treasurer.财务管理人:收取市政租金和费用的官员;司库美国传统〔chryselephantine〕Made of gold and ivory, as certain pieces of sculpture or artwork in ancient Greece.由黄金和象牙制成的:由黄金和象牙制成的,如古希腊某些雕刻或工艺品美国传统〔collectively〕Trusts and foundations are collectively worth over £20 billion.各大信托基金和基金会共值200亿英镑。外研社新世纪〔commingle〕The company faces charges that it commingled its own funds with customer funds.该公司面临起诉,被控把自己的资金和客户的资金混同使用。朗文当代〔compensation〕The Court ordered Dr Williams to pay £300 compensation and £100 costs after admitting assault.在承认侵犯他人身体罪后,法庭判令威廉斯医生支付300英镑的赔偿金和100英镑的诉讼费。柯林斯高阶〔compound〕To compute (interest) on the principal and accrued interest.以复利计算利息:以本金和不断累积的利息为基数计算利息美国传统〔conscript〕They proposed to conscript both capital and labour.他们打算把资金和劳力一起征用。21世纪英汉〔deposit〕You have to pay a deposit of $1 200 as well as two months' rent.你得交 1,200 美元的押金和两个月的租金。牛津搭配〔diagnosis〕A financial and strategic diagnosis will be completed within three months.资金和战略分析将在3个月内完成。外研社新世纪〔driving〕She was given a large fine and a two-year driving ban.她被处以高额罚金和禁止驾车两年。牛津搭配〔enormous〕The rent and cost of maintenance of such a building are enormous.这样一幢房子的租金和维修费用是极大的。英汉大词典〔equivalent〕The company has $43.8 million in cash and cash equivalents.该公司拥有 4,380 万美元的现金和现金等价物。牛津搭配〔for〕What matters for most scientists is money and facilities.对多数科学家来说,资金和设备是至关重要的。柯林斯高阶〔impetus〕The main impetus behind the move west was to find gold and other minerals.西进运动的主要推动力是寻找黄金和其他矿物。牛津搭配〔imprint〕Both King and Gandhi were tremendously brave men whose unique form of courage left a lasting imprint on their nations' histories.金和甘地都是勇敢无畏的人,他们独一无二的勇气在他们各自国家的历史上留下了深远影响。柯林斯高阶〔index〕Minimum pensions and wages are to be indexed to inflation.最低养老金和工资将与通货膨胀指数挂钩。外研社新世纪〔index〕Minimum pensions and wages are to be indexed to inflation.最低养老金和最低工资要与通货膨胀挂钩。柯林斯高阶〔inlay〕The gold and ivory inlay depicted a setter on point.黄金和象牙的镶嵌图案上是一只追踪猎物的赛特犬。外研社新世纪〔jewel〕Thieves stole gold and jewels worth millions of pounds.窃贼偷走了价值几百万英镑的黄金和珠宝首饰。麦克米伦高阶〔large〕The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.该团伙最后携大量现金和珠宝逃之夭夭。柯林斯高阶〔large〕The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.这个团伙最后带着大量的现金和珠宝逃走了。外研社新世纪〔less〕The firm has less money and fewer staff than last year.公司的资金和人员都比去年少了。英汉大词典〔loot〕Burglars looted cash and mobiles from a shop in Tagore Town.盗贼从泰戈尔镇上的一家商店里偷走了现金和手机。剑桥高阶〔metal〕Silver, gold, and platinum are precious metals.银、金和铂都是贵重金属。剑桥高阶〔metal〕They traded in gold and other precious metals (=valuable metals used especially for making jewellery) .他们做黄金和其他贵金属的交易。朗文当代〔off〕It's all off (= the relationship is over) between Kim and Mike.金和迈克吹了。剑桥高阶〔pari-mutuel〕A machine that records such bets and computes the payoffs.同注分彩计算器:一种记录这种赌金和计算结果的机器美国传统〔parlay〕A bet comprising the sum of a prior wager plus its winnings or a series of bets made in such a manner.连续赌:一种把原先的赌金和赢利加在一起的赌博形式或以此形式进行的一系列的赌博美国传统〔parlay〕Games To bet (an original wager and its winnings) on a subsequent event.【游戏】 再押:在下一局赌博中押上(原先的赌金和赢得的赌注)美国传统〔paymaster〕A person in charge of paying wages and salaries.出纳员:负责支付薪金和工资的人美国传统〔pension〕She lives on her pension and her savings.她靠养老金和积蓄生活。牛津搭配〔precious metal〕Any of several metals, including gold and platinum, that have high economic value.贵重金属:多种具有高经济价值的金属,包括黄金和白金美国传统〔probation〕He was fined and given two years' probation.他被处以罚金和两年缓刑。剑桥高阶〔put down〕Put no money down and pay no interest on the car until next year.这辆车要到明年才需要支付订金和利息。韦氏高阶〔raider〕The raiders escaped with cash and jewellery.劫匪携现金和珠宝逃跑了。柯林斯高阶〔raider〕The raiders escaped with cash and jewellery.抢劫者带着现金和珠宝逃走了。外研社新世纪〔range〕Our comprehensive range of benefits includes pension and health insurance.我们的全套福利涵盖养老金和健康保险。牛津搭配〔ratio〕The relative value of silver and gold in a currency system that is bimetallic.金银比价:金银复币位体制中金和银的相对比例美国传统〔relation〕The fee they are offering bears no relation to the amount of work involved.他们支付的酬金和所需的工作量无关。牛津高阶〔rental〕The phone bill gives a breakdown of the cost of the line rental and of calls.电话账单列出了线路租金和通话费用的明细。牛津搭配〔rent〕The movement advocated the non-payment of rent and taxes.这一运动主张不缴纳租金和税款。牛津搭配〔rob〕He robbed a bank, stealing cash and valuables worth $500,000.他抢劫了一家银行,偷了价值 50 万美元的现金和贵重物品。朗文当代〔runner〕At this point, the accountant did a runner — with all my bank statements, expenses and receipts.这个时候,会计溜了——带走了我所有的银行结算单、资金和收据。柯林斯高阶〔separateness〕The pans were held in both hands and swirled around to separate gold particles from the dirt.双手握住淘选盘不停旋动将沙金和尘土分开。柯林斯高阶〔shape〕The government provides money in the shape of(= consisting of)grants and student loans.政府以助学金和学生贷款的形式提供资助。牛津高阶〔stoppage〕Stoppages include things like pension contributions and national insurance.扣除款包括税款、养老公积金和国民保险之类的款项。剑桥高阶〔take on〕They will need lots of money and resources to take on the tobacco companies.他们需要大量的资金和资源来对付烟草公司。韦氏高阶〔temerity〕He has even had the temerity to invoke the names of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X in defence of his actions.他竟然敢搬出马丁·路德·金和马尔科姆·艾克斯的名字来为自己的行为辩解。柯林斯高阶〔temperament〕Tolkien was, by temperament, a very different man from Lewis.从性情来说,托尔金和刘易斯是完全不同的人。朗文当代〔tie〕About 80 percent of school budgets are tied to salaries and benefits.学校预算中的约80%必须用于支付薪金和福利。英汉大词典〔transfer〕The Philippines needs capital and technology transfer.菲律宾人需要资金和技术转让。外研社新世纪〔unaccounted for〕An audit of the police department found that $100,000 in cash and one handgun were unaccounted for.对警察局进行的审计发现有10万美元现金和一支手枪去向不明。剑桥高阶〔wherewithal〕Some of the companies illegally sent the wherewithal for making chemical weapons.有些公司非法为制造化学武器提供所需的资金和设备等。柯林斯高阶〔wherewithal〕Some of the companies illegally sent the wherewithal for making chemical weapons.有些公司非法为制造化学武器者提供所需的资金和设备。外研社新世纪〔white gold〕An alloy of gold and nickel, sometimes also containing palladium or zinc, having a pale platinumlike color.人造白金:一种金和镍的合金,有时也含有钯或锌,带有浅白似铝的色彩美国传统〔widowed〕Imogen stayed with her widowed sister.伊莫金和她守寡的姐姐住在一起。柯林斯高阶An assessment of the Welfare System would involve careful study of its inputs and outputs.对于福利制度的评估将涉及对其投入资金和支出费用的仔细研究。剑桥国际At the end of the quarter, the group had cash and marketable securities of $776 m.在季度末,这个集团已持有 7.76 亿元的现金和有价证券。牛津商务Investors are putting their money into physical assets such as gold and property.投资者正将资金投入黄金和房地产等实物资产。牛津商务Our reserves consist of cash in hand and deposits at the bank.我们的储备包括现金和银行存款。牛津商务Russia has a wealth of coal, timber, diamonds, gold and other minerals.俄国拥有大量的煤炭、木材、钻石、黄金和其它矿产。剑桥国际Russia's gold and foreign currency reserves were $84.6 billion.俄罗斯的黄金和外汇储备为 846 亿美元。牛津商务She inherited £20 000 in gold and gems.她继承了值20000英镑的黄金和宝石。剑桥国际Silver, gold and platinum are precious metals.银、金和铂是贵重金属。剑桥国际Some of the famous Faberg’jeweled eggs, fashioned from gold and precious stones, are currently on exhibition in Paris.著名的法贝热的一些用黄金和宝石制成的蛋形首饰正在巴黎展出。剑桥国际Stoppages include things like tax, pension contributions and national insurance.扣除款中包括像税款、养老公积金和国民保险之类的款项。剑桥国际The company has $2.8 billion in cash and other liquid assets.公司拥有 28 亿元的现金和其他流动资产。牛津商务The company offered a $12 billion mix of cash and shares.这家公司提供了 120 亿元的现金和股票。牛津商务The factory can plead that, given problems of finance and technology, it is doing the best it can to reduce the noise.工厂可以辩解说,考虑到资金和技术问题,他们正在尽最大努力减少噪音。剑桥国际The job includes pension and health benefits.这职位包括养老金和健康福利。牛津商务The perks (= extra benefits of a job) include a yearly bonus and company car.公司给予的额外待遇包括年度奖金和公司用车。牛津商务The workers will receive unemployment compensation and extra unemployment benefits.工人将得到失业补偿金和额外的失业救济金。牛津商务They hope to find gold and other treasure aboard the shipwreck, buried 50 metres deep in mud on the sea floor.他们希望在一条陷在50米海底处淤泥中的沉船上找到黄金和其他的宝藏。剑桥国际Wage drift consists of such things as overtime, bonuses and performance-related pay.工资浮动包括加班费、奖金和业绩工资等。牛津商务Your pay package will consist of cash and performance bonuses.你的工资待遇包括现金和业绩奖金。牛津商务




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