

单词 for the best
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕an award for the best up-and-coming comic actress 最佳新晋喜剧女演员奖朗文写作活用〔award〕to award a prize for the best essay给最佳论文授奖21世纪英汉〔bid for〕to bid for the best result争取得到最好结果21世纪英汉〔competition〕a competition for the best chef 最佳厨师比赛牛津搭配〔dicker〕dicker for the best political deal 为争取达成一桩最理想的政治交易而讨价还价英汉大词典〔dive for〕to dive for the best seats冲上去抢最好的座位21世纪英汉〔hope〕hope for the best but be prepared for the worst 往最好处着想但又要作好最坏打算英汉大词典〔nomination〕his nomination for the Best Actor award 他的最佳男演员奖提名牛津搭配〔novel〕a prize for the best first novel of the year 年度最佳小说处女作奖牛津搭配〔scramble〕scrambled for the best seats.争夺最好的座席美国传统〔stipulate〕stipulate for the best materials to be used 讲定使用最好的材料英汉大词典




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