

单词 阳光下
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abask〕lie abask in Mediterranean noonday 暖洋洋地躺在地中海正午的阳光下英汉大词典〔blissful〕blissful sunny days 阳光下无忧无虑的日子朗文当代〔damaging〕skin exposed to the damaging effects of the sun暴露于灼伤性阳光下的皮肤外研社新世纪〔dazzle〕gems dazzling in the sunlight 在阳光下闪耀的宝石英汉大词典〔dazzle〕the gem ruby dazzling in the sunlight在阳光下闪耀的红宝石21世纪英汉〔drench with〕trees drenched with sunlight沐浴在阳光下的树木21世纪英汉〔drowse〕a village drowsing in the sun 沉睡在阳光下的村庄英汉大词典〔excited〕the excited chatter of children playing in the sunshine在阳光下玩耍的孩子们兴奋的嘁嘁喳喳声外研社新世纪〔furnace〕the furnace of the sun; an attic room that is a furnace in the summer. 阳光下的闷热地带;在夏天象火炉一样的阁楼美国传统〔grill〕to lie grilling in the sunshine躺在阳光下炙晒21世纪英汉〔languid〕a languid afternoon in the sun 阳光下一个懒洋洋的下午牛津高阶〔luminously〕colors gleaming luminously in the sunlight 阳光下闪闪发光的各种颜色韦氏高阶〔prolonged〕prolonged exposure to the sun 长时间暴露在阳光下朗文当代〔ray〕a stream sparkling in the rays of the June sun 在 6 月的阳光下闪闪发光的小溪牛津搭配〔serene〕a lake, still and serene in the sunlight 阳光下宁静安谧的湖水牛津高阶〔sparkle〕the blue sparkle of the pool in the sunlight 阳光下池塘里闪烁着的蓝光麦克米伦高阶〔sunlight〕waves sparkling in the sunlight 在阳光下闪闪发光的波浪牛津搭配〔sunlight〕waves sparkling in the sunlight阳光下的粼粼波光外研社新世纪〔sun〕an afternoon of lazing under the warm sun 温暖阳光下慵懒的一个下午牛津搭配〔toast〕sit toasting in the sun 坐在阳光下取暖英汉大词典




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