

单词 非常大
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-aided〕The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature.这本书对于教授文学的老师来说帮助非常大。柯林斯高阶〔BABY〕It is normal for newborns to have very large heads. 新生儿的头非常大,这是正常现象。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕Her house is massive. 她的房子非常大。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The bell is massive, weighing over forty tons. 这口钟非常大,重量超过40吨。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The difference between living in the country and living in the city is immense. 农村生活与城市生活之间的差别非常大。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕They've built a great big shopping mall in the centre of town. 他们在市中心建造了一个规模非常大的购物中心。朗文写作活用〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕It is a particularly daring stunt, involving being tied up and suspended in mid-air. 这是个非常大胆的特技动作,包括被捆绑后悬在半空之中。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕Not many women went to university in those days, but Dorothy was a very determined woman. 那时候很少有女性上大学,但是多萝西却是个决心非常大的女性。朗文写作活用〔EXPENSIVE〕Buying all those computers was a costly mistake. 购进那些电脑是个代价非常大的错误。朗文写作活用〔FALL〕We can't go out now -- the rain's really coming down. 我们现在出不去了—雨下得非常大。朗文写作活用〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕My sister's really generous. She's always buying things for her friends. 我姐姐非常大方,她总是给朋友买东西。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕It is always devastating when this illness strikes. 这种疾病爆发时,破坏力总是非常大。朗文写作活用〔Herculean〕Often herculean Of unusual size, power, or difficulty. 常作 herculean 庞大的,巨大的:非常大的,力大无比的,艰巨的美国传统〔OWE〕The company was now so large it could increase its borrowings to almost any figure it chose. 这家公司现在的规模已非常大,借款几乎要多少就可以有多少。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The American states vary enormously in size, from very large to very small. 美国各州面积相差很大,有的非常大,有的非常小。朗文写作活用〔SIZE〕The extent of the Red Creek ranch is enormous. 雷德克里克牧场的面积非常大。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕The outgoings on a house this size are very high. 这样大的房子,开销非常大。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The V8 is a very powerful engine, but it really eats up gas. V8型发动机功率非常大,可实在太耗汽油了。朗文写作活用〔academia〕She found the business world very different from academia.她发现商界和学术界差异非常大。韦氏高阶〔amount〕We've got any amount of space to store things in.我们有非常大的储物空间。外研社新世纪〔barely〕She was very old and barely able to walk.她年纪非常大,只能勉强走几步路。朗文当代〔big〕At the end of the lane was a great big house.非常大的麦克米伦高阶〔blunder〕I made a terrible blunder.我犯了非常大的错。牛津同义词〔boldly〕Don't forget the boldness of his economic programme.不要忘记他的经济方案非常大胆。柯林斯高阶〔chance〕Now adays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival.如今早产儿存活的希望非常大。牛津高阶〔chance〕Their chances of winning are very good.他们获胜的可能性非常大。外研社新世纪〔chauvinistic〕My ex-boyfriend Anthony was very chauvinistic.我的前男友安东尼非常大男子主义。外研社新世纪〔clout〕The two firms wield enormous clout in financial markets.两家公司在金融市场有非常大的影响力。柯林斯高阶〔colossally〕He had a colossally big house.他有一栋非常大的房子。文馨英汉〔competition〕We are in competition with some very large companies.我们在与一些非常大的公司竞争。牛津搭配〔compile〕There have been enormous advances in the compilation of data on suspected terrorists.恐怖嫌疑犯的资料收集工作已经取得了非常大的进展。柯林斯高阶〔complexion〕These are radical changes which will alter the complexion of the British contemporary dance scene.这些变化非常大,将会彻底改变英国当代舞蹈界的格局。剑桥高阶〔contrary〕The lecture was not boring. Quite the contrary, it was very informative and interesting.这个讲座并不枯燥,恰恰相反,它的信息量非常大,而且很有趣。韦氏高阶〔daringly〕He realized this to be a very daring thing to ask.他意识到这是一个非常大胆的问题。柯林斯高阶〔daring〕Her actions was considered very daring at the time.她的行为在当时被认为是非常大胆的。牛津搭配〔daring〕She was wearing a fairly daring (= short) skirt that barely covered her bottom.她的穿着非常大胆,短短的裙子刚刚能够遮住臀部。剑桥高阶〔dirty〕She lives in that dirty great big building over there.她住在那边的那栋非常大的大楼里。麦克米伦高阶〔doozy〕They say the snowstorm tonight is going to be a doozy.他们说今晚的暴风雪会非常大。韦氏高阶〔downright〕It's very difficult, if not downright impossible.就算不是完全不可能,困难也非常大。韦氏高阶〔enclosure〕This enclosure was so vast that the outermost wall could hardly be seen.这片围场非常大, 几乎看不到最外面的围墙。外研社新世纪〔end〕Her English has improved no end.她的英语已经有了非常大的提高。麦克米伦高阶〔enormously〕The main bedroom is enormous.主卧室非常大。柯林斯高阶〔enormous〕The main bedroom is enormous.主卧室非常大。外研社新世纪〔exceedingly〕With these small birds, surgery is exceedingly difficult.给这些小鸟做手术难度非常大。外研社新世纪〔expensive〕Some of these legal cases are enormously expensive.这些司法案件中有些花费是非常大的。牛津搭配〔explosively〕The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.她自己嚼咽食物的声音非常大。外研社新世纪〔explosively〕The sound of her own chewing and swallowing were explosively loud.她自己嚼咽食物的声音非常大。柯林斯高阶〔fierce〕It was snowing something fierce.雪下得非常大。朗文当代〔great〕There's a great big hole in this sleeve.这只袖子上有个非常大的洞。牛津搭配〔handsomely〕The drawing-room is handsomely proportioned.客厅的格局非常大气。外研社新世纪〔high-level〕The health effects of high-level radiation are extreme.强辐射对健康的影响非常大。麦克米伦高阶〔huge〕There's a potentially huge demand for this product.对这一产品的潜在需求非常大。牛津搭配〔immense〕The job ahead is immense and will take time.后面的工作量非常大, 需要时间。外研社新世纪〔immense〕The pressure on students during exam time can be immense.学生在考试期间的压力可能会非常大。麦克米伦高阶〔inaccurate〕All the maps we had were wildly inaccurate.我们所有的地图误差都非常大。牛津高阶〔influence〕His first music teacher was a major influence in his life.他的第一位音乐老师是他一生中对他影响非常大的人。牛津高阶〔influential〕This was a highly influential work.这一作品影响非常大。牛津搭配〔large〕The figures involved are truly very large.涉及的数字确实非常大。外研社新世纪〔large〕The house had an exceptionally large garden.这幢房子有一个非常大的花园。麦克米伦高阶〔likelihood〕There is a strong likelihood that he will be reelected.他再次当选的可能性非常大。韦氏高阶〔loud〕He spoke loud enough for most of the audience to hear him.他讲话非常大声, 大多数观众都能听得清。外研社新世纪〔loud〕He turned the television up very loud.他把电视音量调得非常大。外研社新世纪〔market〕If you're in the market for a new radio, you'll see that the latest models are very different.如果你打算买一台新收音机,你会发现最新型号的收音机变化非常大。柯林斯高阶〔market〕If you're in the market for a new radio, you'll see the new models are very different.如果你想买一台新收音机, 你会发现新型号的变化非常大。外研社新世纪〔mark〕Our cost estimate was way off the mark .我们的成本估算偏差非常大。朗文当代〔massive〕The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.那口钟非常大,有 40 多吨重。朗文当代〔massive〕They have a massive great house.他们有一座非常大的房子。牛津高阶〔munificent〕Very liberal in giving; generous.慷慨的:在付出时非常大方的;慷慨的美国传统〔mural〕A very large image, such as a painting or an enlarged photograph, applied directly to a wall or ceiling.壁画:非常大的画像,如直接挂在墙上或者天花板上的油画或者放大的照片美国传统〔noisy〕The en gine is very noisy at high speed.这个发动机转速高时噪音非常大。牛津高阶〔obligation〕Emma felt a tremendous sense of obligation towards her sister.埃玛觉得欠了她姐姐非常大的人情。麦克米伦高阶〔overhead〕Their offices are in London so the overheads are very high.他们的办事处在伦敦,所以经常性开支非常大。朗文当代〔pack a punch〕These cocktails taste quite innocent, but they really pack a punch! 这些鸡尾酒喝起来觉得没什么,可实际上后劲非常大!剑桥高阶〔particular〕I noticed his eyes in particular, because they were very large.我特别注意到他那双眼睛,因为它们非常大。英汉大词典〔portobello〕A mature, very large cremini mushroom.波多白洛大蘑菇:成熟的,非常大的双孢子蘑菇美国传统〔pressure cooker〕The hospital staff have been working in a pressure cooker since the outbreak of the epidemic.自从疫情发生以来,医院员工的工作压力非常大。剑桥高阶〔pressurized〕I feel very pressurized at the moment.我这阵子感觉压力非常大。朗文当代〔pretty〕The house has four bedrooms, so it's pretty big.这座房子有4个卧室,因此非常大。剑桥高阶〔profound〕The shock to the community has been profound.该社区受到的震动非常大。外研社新世纪〔proportion〕The tree can grow to massive proportions.这种树能够长得非常大。麦克米伦高阶〔right〕He had put himself in the right by his generous apology.他非常大度地道了歉,从而反倒得了理。英汉大词典〔saving〕The potential savings are enormous.潜在的节约量非常大。牛津搭配〔socking〕He had a socking great scar down his face.他脸上有一块非常大的伤疤。麦克米伦高阶〔sponge〕Sponges can grow up to a very considerable size.海绵能长得非常大。英汉大词典〔stressy〕I've had a very stressy week.有一周对我来说压力非常大。剑桥高阶〔strong〕Teenage idols have a strong influence on our children.青少年偶像对孩子们的影响非常大。外研社新世纪〔super〕They were super helpful when I was having problems.当我遇到问题时,他们对我的帮助非常大。剑桥高阶〔trade〕The volume of stocks traded today was very high.今天证券交易所股票成交量非常大。剑桥高阶〔under〕I've been under a lot of stress at work lately.最近我的工作压力非常大。麦克米伦高阶〔vernacular〕The Spanish I learned at school is very different from the local vernacular of this Mexican village.我在学校里学的西班牙语与我现在住的这个墨西哥村子里所说的本地方言差别非常大。剑桥高阶During his lifetime this man's stature as an art critic and social theorist was tremendous.此人生前作为艺术评论家和社会理论家的名声非常大。剑桥国际It was very foggy but the sound of the bell led the boat to safety.虽然雾非常大,但钟声将船引到安全的地方。剑桥国际The house has four bedrooms so it's pretty big.这所房子有四间卧室,因此非常大。剑桥国际The report said the banks had too much power over small businesses.报告称银行对小企业的影响力非常大。牛津商务We had an enormous roast for Sunday lunch.周日的午餐我们吃了一块非常大的烤肉。剑桥国际




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