

单词 领导地位
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOVERNMENT〕He will challenge Sinclair for the leadership of the Liberal Party. 他将挑战辛克莱在自由党中的领导地位。朗文写作活用〔all eyes are on sb/sth〕All eyes are on the president to see how he will respond to the challenge to his leadership.所有人都拭目以待,想知道总统如何应付对他领导地位的挑战。剑桥高阶〔beat〕She beat off a challenge to her leadership.她战胜了对她的领导地位的挑战。牛津高阶〔be〕He is known as a leading novelist.他以一流[居于领导地位、首要]的小说家为人所知。文馨英汉〔blow open〕Today he became the second candidate to declare himself——thus blowing the leadership race wide open.今天他成了第二个自己宣布竞选的候选人,这样就使领导地位的竞争结果完全不能肯定了。21世纪英汉〔carry〕He had to carry a large majority of his colleagues to get the leadership.要获得领导地位,他必须得到大部分同事的支持。朗文当代〔challenge〕She was poised to challenge for the party leadership.她已准备好竞争党内领导地位。牛津搭配〔challenge〕The Prime Minister narrowly avoided a leadership challenge last year.去年首相侥幸避过了一次对其领导地位的挑战。朗文当代〔confident〕I'm very confident in our ability to maintain leadership.我对我们保持领导地位的能力很有信心。牛津搭配〔establish〕We have now clearly established ourselves as the leader in the market.我们现已明显确立了自己在市场中的领导地位。牛津搭配〔exercise〕Leadership does not rest on the exercise of force alone.领导地位并不仅仅依赖于权力的行使。外研社新世纪〔haute couture〕The leading establishments or designers for the creation of exclusive fashions for women.高级女子时装业:为女性制造高级时装的居领导地位的商业机构或设计师美国传统〔head〕He headed off efforts to replace him as leader.他挫败了要取代他的领导地位的企图。牛津高阶〔in the wilderness〕He has managed to bring his party back to leadership of Congress after years in the wilderness.他成功使自己所属的政党在野数年之后重新夺回国会的领导地位。剑桥高阶〔leadership〕Leadership in science is moving east.科学界的领导地位正在东移。牛津搭配〔leadership〕She withstood several challenges to her leadership.她顶住了对她领导地位的数次挑战。牛津搭配〔pose〕The events pose a challenge to the church's leadership.这些事件对教会的领导地位构成了威胁。朗文当代〔reassert〕He tried to reassert his authority/leadership/power/control.他试图重新建立自己的权威/领导地位/权力/控制权。韦氏高阶〔strengthen〕The development of new electronic products has strengthened the company's position as the leader in digital technology.新型电子产品的开发巩固了这家公司在数码技术领域的领导地位。韦氏高阶〔strength〕America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it.美国重视其经济领导地位以及随之产生的政治和军事实力。柯林斯高阶〔strength〕America values its economic leadership, and the political and military strength that goes with it.美国重视其经济领导地位以及随之而来的政治和军事实力。外研社新世纪〔supplant〕Barker was soon supplanted as party leader.巴克在党内的领导地位很快就被人取代了。朗文当代〔tip〕Three factors helped to tip the balance in favour of the Labour leadership.有三个因素促使天平向工党的领导地位倾斜。朗文当代America's lead in international affairs at the time included the setting-up of the United Nations, NATO, the Bretton Woods monetary system and a network of alliances across the globe.当时美国在国际事务中的领导地位包括成立联合国、北大西洋公约组织、布雷敦森林货币体制及全球范围的联盟网络。剑桥国际He couldn't believe a direct challenge to his leadership was coming from within his own party.他无法相信对他领导地位的直接挑战正来自他自己的党派内。剑桥国际Our new product is a leader in its field.我们的新产品在其领域内处于领导地位。牛津商务Potential rivals were so cowed by her popularity that no-one dared challenge her for the leadership.由于她深得人心,那些潜在的竞争者都被镇住,无人敢向她挑战领导地位。剑桥国际Since the fall of the government, the two opposition parties have been jostling for position.自政府倒台以来,两个反对党一直在争夺领导地位。剑桥国际The battle for party leadership grew more intense when a fourth contender was proposed.第四位竞争者被提名后,争夺党内领导地位的较量变得更为激烈。剑桥国际The group is trying to challenge Korea Telecom for market leadership.集团正试图挑战韩国电信公司的市场领导地位。牛津商务The prime minister succeeded in surviving the challenge to his leadership/authority.首相的领导地位虽然受到挑战,但他还是挺了过来。剑桥国际They claim world leadership in the chip-making sector.他们声称在芯片制造部门处于世界领导地位。牛津商务




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