

单词 配合
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕There has been a constant expansion of the city boundaries to keep pace with a growing population. 城市的边缘在不断外扩,以配合人口增长的需要。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The Prime Minister works closely with a team of unelected advisers. 首相和一个非选举产生的顾问小组密切配合。朗文写作活用〔May wine〕A punch of champagne, claret, and Moselle or Rhine wine, flavored with woodruff.五味酒:一种由香槟酒、红葡萄酒、摩泽尔葡萄酒或莱茵葡萄酒加香车叶草配合而成的五味酒美国传统〔OPPOSITE〕Although the sweet and sour flavours are opposites, they combine very well in this oriental dish. 尽管甜和酸是两种截然不同的味道,但在这种东方菜肴里两种味道配合得非常好。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The events have been arranged to match TV schedules. 赛事的安排与电视时间表相配合。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Learners will benefit from using the book in conjunction with the video. 这本书配合录像一起使用,学习者会有所得益。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕Traditionally management has called upon workers to cooperate in increasing productivity. 管理层历来要求工人配合,提高产量。朗文写作活用〔abet〕The singer was ably abetted by her skilful accompanist.歌唱家由那位技巧娴熟的伴奏者巧妙地配合。英汉大词典〔accompany〕The booklet was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne.这本小册子是为配合一个在科隆举行的展览而策划的。外研社新世纪〔accompany〕This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne.这本文集是为配合在科隆举办的一场展览而出的。柯林斯高阶〔add-in〕Something designed or intended for use in conjunction with another.附件:设计或计划用来与它事物配合使用的一事物美国传统〔ball〕The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball.该协会威胁说如果银行和建屋互助会不配合的话,它将不再提供支持。柯林斯高阶〔callose〕A complex branched carbohydrate commonly associated with sieve areas of sieve elements.胼胝质:一种枝条繁杂的碳水化合物,与筛网元素的筛网区域相配合美国传统〔chew〕John couldn't get the guy to cooperate and so I had to call and chew him out.约翰无法让那个家伙配合,因此我只得打电话去训斥了他一顿。朗文当代〔chorus〕A body of vocalists and dancers who support the soloists and leading performers in operas, musical comedies, and revues.领唱:在戏剧、音乐喜剧、时事讽刺剧中配合独唱、主角的歌唱家和舞蹈演员的团体美国传统〔click〕The team don't seem to have clicked yet.这支队伍好像还没有配合默契。牛津高阶〔co-operate〕He agreed to co-operate with the police investigation.他同意配合警方的调查。外研社新世纪〔co-operate〕He agreed to co-operate with the police investigation.他同意配合警方的调查。柯林斯高阶〔co-operation〕The police underlined the importance of the public's co-operation in the hunt for the bombers.警方强调了公众配合搜捕炸弹投掷者的重要性。外研社新世纪〔co-operative〕I made every effort to be co-operative.我尽了一切努力进行配合。外研社新世纪〔co-operative〕The Swiss authorities had been very co-operative.瑞士官方一直都很配合。外研社新世纪〔combination〕The football players showed good combination.这些足球运动员配合默契。英汉大词典〔compliance〕Patients should have a history of good compliance with treatment.病人必须有积极配合治疗的记录。朗文当代〔conjunction〕The medicine is typically used in conjunction with other treatments.这种药通常与其他疗法配合使用。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕He has said he will cooperate fully with the police enquiries.他说他对警方的调查将全力配合。牛津搭配〔cooperate〕If you refuse to co-operate , I'll kill you.如果你不肯配合的话,我就把你杀了。朗文当代〔cooperate〕Lions cooperate with each other when hunting game.狮子在捕猎时相互配合。朗文当代〔cooperate〕The Spanish authorities cooperated with the British police in finding the terrorists.西班牙当局与英国警方相互配合搜捕恐怖分子。剑桥高阶〔cooperate〕The company has agreed to cooperate with the employment survey.这家公司已同意配合进行就业调查。牛津搭配〔cooperate〕They threatened to harm him if he didn't cooperate.他们威胁说,如果他不配合,他们就会伤害他。麦克米伦高阶〔cooperate〕Witnesses were willing/unwilling to cooperate.目击者愿意/不愿意配合调查。韦氏高阶〔cooperation〕With the cooperation of the public, the police may be able to catch this man.在公众的配合之下,警方有可能抓到这个人。牛津搭配〔cooperation〕Your full cooperation is requested.需要你们的全力配合。朗文当代〔cooperative〕Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously.如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。牛津高阶〔coordination〕There needs to be greater coordination between federal, state, and local governments.在联邦、州和地方政府之间需要有更好的配合。英汉大词典〔counterpoint〕Melodic material that is added above or below an existing melody.配合旋律:在已有的旋律上或下加上的有旋律的东西美国传统〔enforce〕You can't enforce cooperation between the players.队员间的配合并非强迫命令而成。牛津高阶〔essential〕The essential point of relay racing is that it is a team effort.接力赛跑的基本要点是讲究配合。朗文当代〔eurythmy〕A system of rhythmical body movements performed to a recitation of verse or prose.和谐的配合或动作:有节奏地身体运动以配合诗或散文的叙说美国传统〔fashion〕We need to tackle this problem in a coordinated fashion.我们需要相互配合协调解决这一问题。牛津搭配〔gain〕To join by or fit into a gain.在腰槽内连接或配合美国传统〔gel〕The team really gelled during the first few games of the season.在这个赛季头几场比赛中,球队表现得很有凝聚力,配合十分默契。剑桥高阶〔give-and-go〕He played a perfect give-and-go with Alcacer before shooting from the edge of the box.他和阿尔卡撒做了一个传切配合然后在禁区角处射门。剑桥高阶〔grand opera〕A serious or melodramatic drama having the entire text set to music.大歌剧:一种严肃的或通俗的戏剧,有配合音乐的整段歌词美国传统〔halftone〕A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.中间色,半调色:在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合美国传统〔hatha yoga〕A form of yogic exercise that emphasizes specific postures in combination with controlled breathing. It is widely practiced in the West.哈萨瑜珈:某种形式的瑜珈运动,重视与控制呼吸相互配合的特定姿势,在西方广为被练习的一种瑜珈美国传统〔head shop〕A specialty shop that sells paraphernalia for use with illegal drugs.幻觉用品商店:专门出售同非法药品配合使用的器具的店铺美国传统〔heterogamy〕The state or condition in which conjugating gametes are dissimilar in structure and size as well as in function.配子异型:配合配子在结构与大小及功能上不同的状态或情况美国传统〔hinder〕The witness refused to cooperate, hindering the investigation.目击者拒绝配合,妨碍了调查。韦氏高阶〔homothallic〕Having male and female reproductive structures on the same thallus, as in some fungi and algae.同宗配合的:在同一菌体上有雌雄两种生殖结构的,如某些真菌和藻类美国传统〔hypodermic syringe〕A piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections.皮下注射管:一支活塞管,和一根皮下注射针配合用来注射美国传统〔in sync〕The quarterback was in sync with his receivers.四分卫与接球手配合默契。韦氏高阶〔incommensurate〕His thinking is incommensurate to the changed condition.他的思想配合不上变局。文馨英汉〔keep〕The eight men kept together throughout the race as though they were one.在整个跑步比赛中8个人配合协调如同一人。 英汉大词典〔marry〕The two parts of the project are not well married up.工程的两个部分配合得不好。英汉大词典〔match〕The jacket and tie are a good match.那短上衣和领带非常配合。牛津同义词〔match〕The music perfectly matches the tone of the movie.音乐与影片的基调配合得天衣无缝。牛津搭配〔match〕You should match the applicants with appropriate vacancies.你应该使求职者与适当的的空缺配合。文馨英汉〔mesh〕John himself feels that he meshes well with the other two men.约翰自认为和其他两人配合得很好。英汉大词典〔mesh〕The members of the team just didn't mesh.团队成员间根本没有互相配合。剑桥高阶〔mesh〕Their senses of humor meshed perfectly.他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。柯林斯高阶〔mesh〕To cause to work closely together; coordinate.使紧密配合;使相互协调美国传统〔mesh〕To fit together effectively; be coordinated.有效配合;相互协调美国传统〔mime〕The waiters mime to records playing on the jukebox.侍者们配合自动唱机里播放的唱片对口型假唱。柯林斯高阶〔paper〕It is a good team on paper, but its members play poorly together.在理论上它是一支不错的队,可是队员们配合不好美国传统〔pavane〕A piece of music for this dance.帕凡舞曲:配合这种舞蹈的舞曲美国传统〔pitch〕To join forces with others; help or cooperate.协力,做贡献:配合他人;帮助或合作美国传统〔plasmogamy〕Fusion of two or more cells or protoplasts without fusion of the nuclei, as occurs in higher terrestrial fungi.胞质配合:发生在较高级的陆生真菌中的两个或多个细胞或原生质体的融合,而细胞核不融合美国传统〔play off〕In this scene, the two actors play off each other extremely well.这场戏中,两位演员的对手戏配合得非常好。韦氏高阶〔play up to〕He seems to want two men to play up to him.看来他需要二个人来配合他。21世纪英汉〔polygyny〕Zoology A mating pattern in which a male mates with more than one female in a single breeding season.【动物学】 一雄多雌(配合):在一个交配季节里,一个雄性个体与一个以上的雌性个体进行交配的一种交配方式美国传统〔pursuance〕He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder.为配合调查一宗谋杀案,他下令向伦敦警察厅披露一份医疗报告。柯林斯高阶〔registration〕The technique of selecting and adjusting organ stops.音栓配合术:选择和调整管风琴音栓的技术美国传统〔safeguard against sth〕A good diet will safeguard against disease.搭配合理的饮食可以预防疾病。剑桥高阶〔signing〕Later ,there will be a poetry reading and book signing for his new volume of poems.之后将会为配合新诗集出版而举行诗歌朗诵和签名售书活动。剑桥高阶〔slick〕The crowd enjoyed the team's slick passing.观众欣赏了这支球队娴熟的传接配合。牛津高阶〔suit〕That colour suits you.那个颜色跟你很配合。牛津同义词〔symphony〕An instrumental passage in a vocal or choral composition.交响曲:与歌唱或合唱相配合的一段乐器演奏的音乐美国传统〔tandem〕He is working in tandem with police.他正配合警方工作。外研社新世纪〔team play〕Collective play participated in by team members.全队配合:由全队成员参加的集体性的游戏美国传统〔team up〕Several organizations have teamed up with one another in the relief effort.在救援工作中几个机构彼此配合。韦氏高阶〔teamwork〕Great teamwork and old fashioned grit got the team a last minute point.凭借着密切的配合和英勇顽强的斗志,该队在最后一刻得了一分。剑桥高阶〔team〕We're learning to work together as a team.我们正在学着相互配合,协同工作。牛津搭配〔tension〕Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing.调节网球拍的网张力,以配合你的打法。牛津高阶〔tie〕The illustrations were cleverly tied in with the text.插图与文本配合得十分巧妙。 英汉大词典〔time〕Keep time with the music.配合音乐节拍。牛津同义词〔whole rest〕A rest having the value of four beats in common time.全休止(符):配合拍子,做四拍长度休止美国传统〔work in with〕The new member works in very well with the existing team.新队员和现在这个队配合很好。21世纪英汉For best results use Kissy Blonde shampoo in conjunction with Kissy Blonde conditioner.姬丝·布兰德香波配合使用姬丝·布兰德护发剂效果最佳。剑桥国际He said that he had cooperated (fully/closely) with the government in its investigation.他声称和政府在调查中进行了密切配合。剑桥国际He's got to improve his game--he's out of sync with (= he does not play well with) the rest of the players.他必须提高技艺----他不能与其他选手默契配合。剑桥国际If we sample the snare-drum sound from this Bowie track, I think it would go nicely with the melody we've already got.如果我们从这条布依声道上抽录下肠线小鼓声,我看它能与我们已有的旋律配合和谐。剑桥国际Most of the bands that appear on the show just mime to a recording of their songs (= pretend to sing/play their music).大多数乐队在演出时只是配合他们已经录好的歌曲作模拟动作。剑桥国际She was wearing a coordinating jacket and skirt.她穿的上衣和裙子配合得当。剑桥国际Singers on television often mime to pre-recorded backing tracks.歌手在电视中常配合以前录制好的音乐做模拟动作。剑桥国际The Spanish authorities cooperated with the British police in finding the terrorists.西班牙当局和英国警方进行配合搜捕恐怖分子。剑桥国际The invasion on land was supported by bombers in the air.陆地攻击得到空中轰炸机的配合。剑桥国际The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective. 那首歌里词与曲配合合谐,产生了非同凡响的效果。译典通There hasn't been enough cooperation between the different teams -- present company excepted, of course.各队之间配合不够----在座者当然除外。剑桥国际We believe losses will decrease as we realign our business to the lower demand.我们相信随着调整业务以配合减少了的需求,亏损将会减少。牛津商务




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